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My Golden Retriever Puppy


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Start a thread. I'll sign that mother ****er before you can even get it posted. :cheers:

*edit* If you notice, I've been putting "OLS" in some of my posts. It stands for "Old Laugh Smiley."

OLS = genius, that is officall replacing lol for me :cheers:

Good dog, but I saw in a couple of pics that she was on the furniture. If you don't want that in the futrue I would nip it in the bud right now. My ex-wife allowed my dog (Black Lab) to do that and by the time I tried to break him of it it was to late. He won't do it when I'm in the house, but if I leave the house and come back in quitely I catch the basterd all sprawled out on my leather sofa sleeping, OLS (Thanks H_H)

We talked about that when we first brought her home and decided that we'd let her sit on the couch even when she's full-grown.

The golden I had when I was a kid used to get on the couch when we were gone because she knew we didn't allow it. Pretty much everytime you came home you could look into the back window and see her sleeping on the couch, as soon as you put a key in the door she'd wake up and hop right down OLS.

Enjoy the dog, 99. I had to put my Golden Retriever of 15+ years down just the other day.


Definitely man, I wouldn't have another kind of dog. 15+ years is a great life span for a golden. Mine from childhood made it to 13....perfect dogs for sure.

That's a good lookin dog -- sure can't tell she's spoiled.....not at all :D. I can't say anything though -- I might be the worst of all when it comes to that!

Enjoy your time with the new member of the fam!


Thanks man, she's absolutely spoiled to death. :cheers:

I also forgot to say that your sig = awesome

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very cute puppy. Hope you have years of enjoyment. My mother has a female golden who is 10 months old and nearly a hundred pounds. She's both a joy and a terror. But she's very smart and absolutely loves the water.

If your a dog lover, I suggest picking up "Marley and Me" by John Grogan. It's a fantastic read and will have you both laughing and crying. So many parts of the book remind me of my puppies. ( I have a black lab/shepard mix and a Golden retriever/Gordon Setter mix)

Oh and they are coming out with the movie this December starring Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston. (sic)

Your dog looks like it's gonna be a good size. Hope you got space to get exercise for the pup.


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very cute puppy. Hope you have years of enjoyment. My mother has a female golden who is 10 months old and nearly a hundred pounds. She's both a joy and a terror. But she's very smart and absolutely loves the water.

If your a dog lover, I suggest picking up "Marley and Me" by John Grogan. It's a fantastic read and will have you both laughing and crying. So many parts of the book remind me of my puppies. ( I have a black lab/shepard mix and a Golden retriever/Gordon Setter mix)

Oh and they are coming out with the movie this December starring Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston. (sic)

Your dog looks like it's gonna be a good size. Hope you got space to get exercise for the pup.


I've been meaning to pick up that book because I've heard nothing but good things about it.

Yep, she's probably going to be big...she's grown like crazy since we brought her home. She's got a good-sized yard to run in plus the city dog park and lots of regular parks.

When she gets bigger we're going to introduce her to swimming at the beach. She's been to the beach a couple times now and loves splashing in the surf and digging in the sand but we haven't taken her out into the water really, but I'm sure she'll be swimming after her tennis balls in no time.

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Anyone find it funny that cjdaman was the one to comment on the shirtless pic? :rotflmao:

LOL(<-------I'm back to using this.) It also is the only beach pic.

Man, I will never live that down. I guess I really am the shirtless wonder. LOL

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very cute puppy. Hope you have years of enjoyment. My mother has a female golden who is 10 months old and nearly a hundred pounds. She's both a joy and a terror. But she's very smart and absolutely loves the water.

If your a dog lover, I suggest picking up "Marley and Me" by John Grogan. It's a fantastic read and will have you both laughing and crying. So many parts of the book remind me of my puppies. ( I have a black lab/shepard mix and a Golden retriever/Gordon Setter mix)

Oh and they are coming out with the movie this December starring Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston. (sic)

Your dog looks like it's gonna be a good size. Hope you got space to get exercise for the pup.


I just finished reading this book. Well, I didn't quite finish it. I couldn't continue reading when the dog is aged at the end. But the book is fantastic. I couldn't put it down. It's being made into a movie with Jennifer Aniston that will be out around Christmas.

Congrats on your new puppy. She is adorable. :applause:

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Awesome dog, QBK, looks like a riot with that cat. If I was your girlfriend, :flowers: I'd extend my "job searching" just a little longer than you'd like.

Lol, it's already gone that way but whatever, she quit her job in DC and we both moved back here together because I took a job here, so I'll be patient. It's nice here but I sure do miss DC though.

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I have always wanted a golden retriever, awesome looking dog man!

I have a couple chihuahua's at home. The brown one is Belle (no "a") and the black one is Mocha. I don't have puppy pics of Mocha on this computer but I thought I'd share a few of Belle's. Belle will be 2 in November and Mocha turned 1 back in May. It's funny because Belle is the oldest and is 5 lbs while Mocha is a chunk and 9 lbs, OLS!!

I used to be anti-small dog's until the gf and I compromised. I wanted a big dog with short hair and she wanted a small dog like a yorkie...we compromised with a small short hair dog. They are really awesome and are not mean and yappy. They will lick anybody and everybody to death.






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Thanks for posting these pics....cute puppy. These are the best dogs one can own. This will be all the ammo I need to convince my wife we need a Golden Retriever and not a small yapping dog. I think I'll win this one. :cheers:

Glad I could help man :cheers:

And those are some cute Chihuahuas CBass

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