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NFL.com: Merriman Forgoes Surgery


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Merriman opts against knee surgery, will suit up for Chargers

Associated Press

SAN DIEGO -- The surgeon's knife can wait. Shawne Merriman is going to play football, two torn knee ligaments and all.

A day after visiting a fourth doctor, the San Diego Chargers' star outside linebacker decided Wednesday to play this season rather than have surgery on his damaged left knee.

"To be as simple as possible, I just want to play football," Merriman said. "That's what it comes down to. I know what's on the table, I know what's on the line. I put a lot of work in this and I want to play."

According to NFL Network's Adam Schefter, Merriman's contract has a maximum escalator of $4.4 million in 2009 -- the final season of his original five-year deal. He has earned $2.85 million so far, and this year he could earn the remaining $1.55 million if he makes the Pro Bowl again.

Merriman, 24, said late last week that he has tears in both the posterior cruciate and lateral collateral ligaments in his left knee, which he hurt in a game at Tennessee in December. He spent several days seeking outside opinions, including renowned orthopedic surgeon James Andrews in Birmingham, Ala. He returned Tuesday after seeing a doctor in Miami.

Merriman said all four doctors he saw said he needed surgery, but there "just wasn't a time frame on that. My knee still looks pretty good. The decision was left up to me to play. If you give a football player a decision to play, you know, I'm going to play."

When he does have surgery, he'll be looking at a rehab of six to seven months.

"I'll have the surgery at any point," he said. "Nobody knows. I kind of left it on the table when to have it. Not even doctors can tell me that."

While denying reports the situation could be career-threatening, he pledged to be "the same old Shawne Merriman. That's what I'm hoping."

With his nonstop energy and spasmodic sack dance, the player known as "Lights Out" has been the face of the Chargers' defense the past three seasons. He has 39½ sacks in that span, more than any other NFL player, and has played in three consecutive Pro Bowls.

Star running back LaDainian Tomlinson, knocked out of last season's AFC championship game after aggravating a knee injury, was happy to hear of Merriman's decision.

"How do you tell a warrior to sit down? That's what he is, a warrior. he's trained for this. It's hard to tell a guy to sit down," Tomlinson said.

"Obviously it was a big relief for a lot of us. We all know what Shawne brings to this team, especially the defense," the running back added. "He's an impact player, a difference-maker. You just kept your fingers crossed that he was going to be able to play. But I think in the back of all our minds, knowing Shawne, we know what was in his heart and that he really wanted to play, and that any cost possible he was going to find a way to get out there on that field."

As he was seeking medical advice, Merriman said he was also talking with teammates, family members and friends, as well as coaches with the Chargers and from high school and college.

"But they all know me," he said. "It's not a decision of anything else but me wanting to play football, and whether that's a good decision or not, I'm going to go out and try first to see what I want to do."

Coach Norv Turner expects Merriman to play in the opener against Carolina at home on Sept. 7.

"It is something he has put an awful lot of time into and we are going to manage it and hope he can manage it and be ready to play," Turner said. "We are not going to put him on the field if he's not able to go out and perform and he is not going to want to be out there if he doesn't feel like he can perform."

Merriman said he will continue to wear a brace on the knee, as he did last season after hurting it. He worked out on a side field on Wednesday while his teammates went through a regular practice.

Merriman had offseason arthroscopic surgery to repair torn cartilage in the knee. He said it didn't become a problem until he started doing more and more work during training camp.

"The days he practiced out here, was going 100 percent, he looked like Shawne Merriman to me," Turner said. "It is going to be something he has to manage. I see him going out and playing. Playing on first and second downs and playing on third downs and rushing the passer. If managing it means reducing his snaps at different times or picking specific situations where he doesn't need to be on the field, that is what we will do."

Copyright 2008 by The Associated Press.


Doubt he lasts half the season honestly. Hurt knee = average linebacker at best I bet.

Can't help but think he and the chargers are making a horrible decision and it's going to cost them both big time.

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Especially with only 2 years left in your contract. You get messed up this year and they'll likely cut you because you'll be out for this and next season at least. And beyond that there's a very small chance he could come back from such a knee injury should it get furtherly damaged this year.

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I admire Shawne Merriman alot and there are not that many non-Redskins player that I think that much of. While I can understand as much as one who does not play the game.The warrior mentality.Why risk such a promising career? Think of not only your carrer now,but also of your future and quality of life after football. I hope he reconsiders,if not good luck this year.

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The Chargers are a big ego-centric team. They are a team of playmakers and high profile athletes. It's not unusual in this situation for Merriman to play instead of going for surgery to end his season. It's his locker-room cred that's on the line here and he's not giving that up for anything.

It he decides to play and hurts himself, possibly ending his career, then it's on his shoulders. I don't understand why anyone here would have a vested interest in what this guy chooses to do. He's a great athlete, but he's succumbing to the pressures of his peers in that locker room; whether or not anyone is saying anything out-loud. It's like that unspoken virtue there.

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I can't believe he is going to really play. Dude is going to lose a lot of money when it's time for a new contract in '09. At least it is not as dumb as LaVar coming back to play for the Skins when we were eliminated from the playoffs and had nothing to play for...actually, maybe it is.

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wow. stupid doesn't even describe this decision. 4 doctors telling him the exact same thing! why get all those medical opinions if you are going to ignore them anyway? This is a huge, HUGE risk. If I was a chargers fan, I would hold my breath every time he makes a hit. Also, did he just find this out? Reports say he hurt the knee last season...why did it take so long for him to get medical attention?

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I was listening to fox sports this morning and JW was talking about how the PCL was not necessary for football, how a lot of people in the NFL are playing right now without one, and how he tore his his senior year at UCLA and decided to forego the surgery. He instead rested and played the last 3 games of the season, and then went on to play for 8 years at a high level. The issue I see with this is that Merriman has reportedly torn his PCL and his LCL, so he will only be playing with 2 of the 4 ligaments that stabilize the knee functioning. Even if he manages to avoid tearing one of his remaining two, the stress and strain will these two ligaments will be huge. This is a huge mistake and the coaches and management in SD need to save this guy from himself.

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wow. stupid doesn't even describe this decision. 4 doctors telling him the exact same thing! why get all those medical opinions if you are going to ignore them anyway? This is a huge, HUGE risk. If I was a chargers fan, I would hold my breath every time he makes a hit. Also, did he just find this out? Reports say he hurt the knee last season...why did it take so long for him to get medical attention?

He had offseason surgery....

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Just wondering but how much further damage can he do? He's got two torn ligaments and is facing reconstructive surgery anyway. I'm not a doctor and I'm not trying to defend his decision but if he can handle the pain and still be effective what is his risk? He can have the surgery now and miss this entire season or play through it and have the surgery after the season and miss half of next year. Anybody know what he is at risk for by playing?

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