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Anyone concerned about Jansen's play?


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He got beat for another sack on Saturday night. I'm concerned as he seems to have lost a step. Anyone share the same thoughts?

Anything else other than that? What else have you seen that concerns you about Jon's play?

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He got beat for another sack on Saturday night. I'm concerned as he seems to have lost a step. Anyone share the same thoughts?

I'm very concerned. Jansen is getting blown up when it comes to run blocking and he's getting blown by in pass protection.

To be honest, Jansen has struggled in pass protection to some extent for the last few years.

I think the injuries and age have just taken there toll.

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I am concerned with anyone that suffers major leg/foot injuries in 2 out of 4 seasons. Just the psychological effect of those types of injuries can be devastating, let alone the physical damage. But Jon has bounced back before. I think he'll do it again.

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That sack was just something waiting to happen. JC had all the time in the world to get the ball out. I can understand that there was no one open to throw to but he stayed in the pocket just a little too long. Jansen will be fine. I would still rely on him if I was Buges

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To me Jon seems to struggle against the Bull Rush. My only reasoning behind that is he may not have the 100% leg strength he needs in order to do a solid job against it. Remember, in the past 5 years Jansen has had very bad leg injuries. He blew out his achilles in Coach Gibbs first year, and dislocated his ankle last season. I think it's going to take another month or so for Jon to really trust those legs, and to get the strength back he needs to defend the bull rush.

I personally will give him more time because we all know we he can do when 100% healthy. I'm just not convinced his legs are there yet

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I'm glad this thread was started because I am concerned. He is a huge liability at this point financialy and performance wise. He really needs to step up.

Financially? His salary keeps his team under the cap. I don't see where how this is a problem to anyone not paying his paycheck.

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I think he'll come around over time.

After a knee injury like that, he probably lost quite a bit of muscle mass in his lower legs.. especially the injured one. He probably can't squat half what he previously could right now. Which is a big loss of power for an OL. As he builds that strength back up, he'll improve.

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Do we need these same threds every week ?

We don't have anyone better right now ... he is going to get beat... there is not a OL in the league who doesn't . He may need time to get the confidence in his legs, we need to get a replacement for him soon (2009/10) but he is still above average .

I would be more concerned about Randy Thomas ...

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