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ES Coverage: 2008 Training Camp - Day 4 (Final)


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ES Coverage: 2008 Training Camp - Day 4




Hello everybody and welcome to Day 4 of the 2008 Washington Redskins Training Camp. My name is JimmiJo and soon I will be joined by the legend himself, Themurf. I can't tell you how happy I am Murf decided to get off his rump and be productive. Now you get the best pictures possible and I get to do less work.

It is cloudy here and raining lightly with mild temps. Coming in I saw the faithful lined up and streaming in. Everyone is excited to watch practice. After two practices in pads yesterday the question is will they have another this morning. With a special teams only practice later today I would think so.

Stand by for news and updates and feel free to ask anything you want to know...


Back up from the fields. Got a buttload of audio and some photos to upload. So grab a drink, sit back in your favorite chair, and stand by. We got the good stuff comin' at ya!


Ok folks, with audio and photos posted I am off to grab a bite. I will then work on a write up. Today's second practice is teams only, and I am going to use the opportunity get an early day, so no more photos or audio unless something changes.



To listen to comments by H.B. Blades click HERE

To listen to comments by Andre Carter click HERE

To listen to comments by Andrew Crummey click HERE

To listen to comments by Devin Thomas click HERE

To listen to comments by London Fletcher click HERE

To listen to comments by Derrick Frost click HERE

To listen to comments by Rob Jackson click HERE

To listen to comments by LaRon Landry click HERE

To listen to comments by Anthony Mix click HERE

To listen to comments by Santana Moss click HERE

To listen to more comments by Santana Moss click HERE

To listen to comments by Clinton Portis click HERE

To listen to comments by Matt Sinclair click HERE

To listen to comments by James Thrash click HERE



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Photos 2


Photos 3



JimmiJo's Corner

First of all, congratulations go out to London Fletcher, whose son; Cortland Steele Fletcher was born early Tuesday morning. The man’s wife has a child Tuesday and is back to work Wednesday; that’s called getting it done. I tell my wife I long for the days when you drop the wife off at the ER and head down to the bar to hang out with the fellas. Now they got you taking classes, helping to breath (WTF is that?!), and cutting cords.

I say gimme a Schlitz and send in the mid-wife.

So let’s talk some football. I am pleased to report that the offense rebounded quite nicely today with a very up-tempo session. The offensive line played well; very physical and effective. The quarterbacks and Jason Campbell in particular had a very nice practice, making some nice throws. Campbell is still holding the ball too long at times but had a better day.

I’m sure you are all wondering about Jason Taylor. He got in for the 11-on-11s today. They tried multiple formations with him. His first series was exclusively at right end with Andre Carter at left. Later in the practice he switched to left end. He looked good; very, very quick around the edge. Murf was raving about one play in particular where he got around the edge. Unfortunately Murf didn’t realize that it was a draw designed to go inside the tackle and the tackle from where I was standing did the job.

But in fairness to Murf and his ramblings, 55 was getting in the backfield and looked real good for the first day back in practice in about seven months.

Chad Rinehart played tackle a bit today and was matched up against Taylor much of the practice. I thought he did a good job. Yesterday Coach Bugel spoke very highly of Rinehart. So today I wanted to watch him. He looked solid from where I stood. Going up against a guy like Jason Taylor your fourth day in training camp is quite a task and all things considered he did ok.

Another lineman that has really impressed me is Stephon Heyer. The guy is looking and playing more confident now. He did a very good job during 11-on-11s. At this point he looks like the heir apparent to Chris Samuels.

A lot of you have asked about Crummey and Brown. Let me say this about that: I saw Crummey get in today and I thought he did ok. In speaking to him after practice and learning that he had the broken ankle and is just now getting into playing shape I am intrigued to see how he develops. Brown on the other hand I couldn’t pick out of a lineup while wearing his uniform. I just have not seen him do anything of note this camp.

I know you folks are tired of hearing me rave about Malcolm Kelly, but I now believe he is the best of this year’s receiving class (so far). Of course, this is just camp and the games are where it matters so we will all see. I’ve gotten questions folks about Devin Thomas and like I replied in the thread, I’ll let you know when he does something that makes me take notice. Right now Kelly is the guy doing that.

Now’s let’s talk a little defense shall we?

London Fletcher should be licensed in 50 states. He should be forced to carry a sign saying that if you try to get past him with a ball he will smack the dog-poop out of you. The guy is always around the ball and he can bring the pain when he needs to. Today he forced a fumble by smashing Todd Yoder. Yoder is a big guy but London hits hard. It appears he is rubbing off on H.B. Blades as well who is growing up as a linebacker in the NFL.

Justin Tryon continues to impress and I think Byron Westbrook should be worried. Springs looks great so far as does Smoot, and Leigh Torrence is having himself a good camp to date.

Here are my notes from today’s practice:

• Play of the day was Jason Campbell throwning to Antwaan Randle El, who made a toe-dragging touchdown in the corner of the end zone. All Justing Tryon could do was watch.

• Jon Jansen put the mack on Lorenzo Alexander, crushing him on a block.

• Todd Collins hit Malcolm Kelly full stride on a very nice crossing pattern.

• Fred Davis heard the footsteps of London Fletcher and LaRon Landry and dropped one he should have had.

• Poor Colt Brennan threw a perfect pass, to cornerback Matteral Richardson

• Jason Taylor with a very nice inside move on Jansen

• Lorenzo Alexander continued the trend lately of d-linemen knocking down o-lineman when he put Randy Thomas on his rump.

• Colt Brennan redeemed his interception with a beautiful completion to Anthony Mix on a deep crossing pattern.

• Chris Horton got a few deflects of Jason Campbell passes

• At the end of practice the team sent offensive lineman Justin Geisinger to receive a punt. He caught it.

• The defense then sent Ryan Boschetti to take a try. He not only caught it, but punted it back.


“Perfect technique, every time!” Coach Danny Smith to the special teams unit

“On the ball let’s go!” Coach Zorn to the offense

“Let’s go guy with the yellow shirt” – Young fan to one of the quarterbacks

“What the hell was that?!” Coach Bugel to Kerry Borwn

“During a game he ain’t got more than two seconds.” – Fred Smoot on how much time the quarterback has to throw the ball


Murf's Take

Hey guys, sorry it took a little longer than expected to get my recap up. Turns out that place of employment of mine likes me to put in some face time every now and again. Without further adieu, here’s what I saw from today’s practice.

I guess I should start with the new guy. You guys may not know this, but #55 is not Dallas Sartz. It’s actually a defensive lineman named Jason Taylor, who men know from his distinguished football career and women drool over because he tap danced his way into their collective hearts on a reality TV show. Seriously, ask any woman nearby what she thinks of Jason Taylor and watch her melt in front of you. It’s absurd.

A group of fans were calling Taylor “J.T.” this morning. That, my friends, is a no go at this station. Those initials -- much like L.T. is Lawrence Taylor and LDT is LaDainian Tomlinson -- are taken. As everyone knows, J.T. is Justin Timberlake. And it’s okay to admit you know it, fellas. He was awesome in Black Snake Moan and even this past week at the ESPY awards. The guy is bringing sexy back, so at least give him the respect and don’t name new guy after him.

Instead, from this point on, I’ll be referring to Jason Taylor as “McDreamy.” Girls gets that retarded look in their eye when you mention his name, just like when they’re talking about Grey’s Anatomy, so it’s fitting. Plus, that means we can call Jason Fabini “McMuffin” and Chris Cooley “McLovin.” Seriously, it’s a win-win.

Now, where were we?

The last time I was out here, I went ahead and identified the three guys who stood out the most throughout the day. People seemed to like that, so here’s my top three for today:

1. Stephon Heyer

2. Malcolm Kelly

3. London Fletcher

(Honorable Mention: Chad Rinehart)

First of all, Heyer was a beast all day. It really didn’t matter who lined up on him, he got the job done. Maybe once did I see a defensive lineman get the better of him, but the quarterback had already gotten rid of the ball, so it didn’t matter. He honestly looks like a different player this year. And apparently Joe Bugel has been raving about the transformation the kid is making. If he continues to progress like this, then folks can rest assured that we’ve got some depth on the offensive line.

And while we’re talking about Maryland linemen, I’m going to address this once and be done with it – Andrew Crummey barely gets on the field more than I do. I hear everyone asking about how he looks out there, but honestly, there’s nothing to report. He’s not even really getting third-string snaps. He just comes in when third stringers need a water break. Let’s go ahead and agree not to bring him up again until he does something. Okay?

I’ve signed paperwork promises to let JimmiJo gush over Malcolm Kelly, so I won’t go into much detail here. Instead I will tell you that he continues to look like the most likely candidate to be the top contributor out of the three second rounders. Oh, which reminds me. if you’re one of the dopes who is standing up saying that the Redskins gave up to much for “McDreamy” Taylor, then I’m calling you out. The team gave up a second rounder (and a sixth rounder the following year, but those don’t matter) for the services of the most dominant pass-rushing lineman out there. If you think a second rounder is too much, then how about this – if any of the Redskins three second rounders from this year’s draft out-produces “McDreamy,” then I’ll buy you lunch. If he out-performs all three of them, then you have to kill yourself. If you’re in, post a comment to this thread. Thanks.

Back to the stand-outs. Fletcher, as usual, was everywhere. The Redskins top 10 defense from a year ago could return if Taylor and Carter are able to pressure QBs, and Fletcher continues to make plays everywhere from sideline to sideline. The winners in all of this are the defensive backs like LaRon Landry who just get to hit people and prevent the big plays. Best play of the day was Fletcher closing in on Fred “Sleepy” Davis, who heard the footsteps and decided it would be better to drop the ball and not take the punishing blow from Fletcher. Of course, London hit him anyways, so the lesson, as always – just catch the ball.

The final topic of discussion for today is Devin Thomas. I wanted everyone to know that, on behalf of Redskins Nation, I pulled the rookie aside today and slapped his hand for winning the rookie Madden tournament with the Dallas Cowboys. Go listen to the audio and hear me let him know that stuff doesn’t fly around these parts. I’m here for you guys. Seacrest out.


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I must say ... you crack me up Jimmijo.

Q - do you think Zorn gets on campbell - alot. I'm not asking if it is warrented or not, i'm just curious if he is always on his arse. JC's comments the other day about "not worrying about other people, pressing too much, etc." are still kind of resonating with me....

waddya think?

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I'm curious about Crummey and Brown and how well Campbell looks running the offense, and if the WRs are still waiting on the ball.

Given young depth on the O'Line is one of our areas of concern I'm interested as well in knowing how Crummey and Brown are showing so far - I'm asuming both will get long looks in the HOF Game.

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What is the story with Rocky McIntosh? Is he participating in any drills or at least running/working out with trainers? It seems that all the other news has been distracted by JT coming in.


As per the reports I have seen Rocky is in pads and is taking full part in all drills.

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I also am eager to hear reports about Carlos. How is he moving?

He is running but I have not seen him in plays

I must say ... you crack me up Jimmijo.

Q - do you think Zorn gets on campbell - alot. I'm not asking if it is warrented or not, i'm just curious if he is always on his arse. JC's comments the other day about "not worrying about other people, pressing too much, etc." are still kind of resonating with me....

waddya think?

He is living in Campbell's head.

The "Murf" actually showed up?

Just barely.

JimmiJo and or Murf,

I am interested in how Kerry Brown and Andrew Crummey are coming along.

Have seen almost nothing from Brown. Crummey got in today and did ok. Listen to the audio I got with him (up shortly).

I'm curious about Crummey and Brown and how well Campbell looks running the offense, and if the WRs are still waiting on the ball.

Why yes, they are still waiting on the ball, but Campbell hit some guys in stride today. They also had a lot of called hitches and comebacks today.

What is the story with Rocky McIntosh? Is he participating in any drills or at least running/working out with trainers? It seems that all the other news has been distracted by JT coming in.


Rocky is doing warmups but not drilling. He is also not talking, not even when I turn off the tape recorder.

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