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Favre to Redskins Rumors Ring Hollow


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You are making our case for us...Yes for years we have been into the whole "lets win it now philosophy", well guess what, we all have seen in front of our own eyes that you cant build a team like this...

So for once we are trying to build a team, not buy a team and you think that getting Favre is the best way to do so...

Dont you think getting Favre is reverting back to old Snyder and consitute "buying" a team??

And whats not promising about JC?? What was promising about any 1st/2nd year QB? There is a learning curve for playing in the NFL, mainly for QB's...

So what is your 5 year plan...get Favre for 2 years...he retires...JC leaves via free agency...then what??

What are you talking about? I could care less if they get Favre or not. This whole argument started because you guys got your panties in a bunch when I said that I thought Favre is an upgrade over Campbell right now.

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What are you talking about? I could care less if they get Favre or not. This whole argument started because you guys got your panties in a bunch when I said that I thought Favre is an upgrade over Campbell right now.

some of us care about more than just right now... its not all about right now!!

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Yeah, all of those signings worked out about as well as this one would. :doh:

All you "Let's get Favre" people are borderline insane . . . for some reason you love seeing the team follow the same trends and end up in the same place. The formula since Snyder has been here has been to sign a bunch of big name guys past their prime, underachieve for a few seasons until they leave or retire, hire new coach, repeat process from beginning.

Bringing in Favre would set the franchise back several more years - just what everyone wants.

:doh: :doh: :doh:

AHAHAHAHAH. It is soooo funny to see JMUskinsDUKES leading the charge on how Favre would set the Redskins back.

The argument is you can't buy a team. How ironic is that your signature is the Boston Celtics! Because honestly, I cannot think of a better example of "buying a championship."

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AHAHAHAHAH. It is soooo funny to see JMUskinsDUKES leading the charge on how Favre would set the Redskins back.

The argument is you can't buy a team. How ironic is that your signature is the Boston Celtics! Because honestly, I cannot think of a better example of "buying a championship."

Please give me the other side of the argument??

How would signing Favre not set us back several years...

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AHAHAHAHAH. It is soooo funny to see JMUskinsDUKES leading the charge on how Favre would set the Redskins back.

The argument is you can't buy a team. How ironic is that your signature is the Boston Celtics! Because honestly, I cannot think of a better example of "buying a championship."

AHAHAHAHA. I can't believe you just compared basketball to football.

I can't stand Redskins fans.

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Please give me the other side of the argument??

How would signing Favre not set us back several years...

not here to argue. Honestly, there is no point since Favre won't ever be a Redskin. AND I also understand that basketball is different from football.

I was just saying it was a little ironic and thus funny...I apologize for attempting to keep good humor during this EXTREMELY necessary discussion.

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the fact that some of you guys don't think Favre is an upgrade over Campbell is laughable.

Do you think the Packers think Rogers is an upgrade over Farve? Probably not, but in the interest of the team they feel it's the better way to go.

And that's with the minimized risk of Brett already knowing the system, already having chemistry with the players, already having vast experience playing his own division.

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Count me as one fan hoping that jersey is purple.

Not me. If that team were the Vikings, I think they'd instantly become one of the top3 teams in the NFC (Tarvaris Jackson is THAT bad).

And if it were the Ravens, I'd have to deal with seeing Favre's ugly mug all over the Washington Post, stealing real estate from (what should be) articles about the Redskins. Not to mention the media circus that would ensue on Comcast.

Here's hoping he stays on his couch, or goes somewhere out west - preferrably to the AFC.

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AHAHAHAHAH. It is soooo funny to see JMUskinsDUKES leading the charge on how Favre would set the Redskins back.

The argument is you can't buy a team. How ironic is that your signature is the Boston Celtics! Because honestly, I cannot think of a better example of "buying a championship."

LMAO . . . what a moronic post.

Comparing basketball to football is something only an idiot would do (considering your talking about a 5 on 5 game compared against an 11 on 11 game with two different units for each team).

However, I'll be an idiot.

First: Celtics didn't "buy" a championship, they traded assets that were useful to other franchises while making their franchise better.

Second: They traded for two superstars who each have several years left . . . and that includes part of the time left in their prime.

Compared to Favre who is one player on the downswing of his career, will retire after a season (while crying), then tell the Skins he wants to be traded BACK to the Packers so he can finish his career there once he realizes things in DC won't work out.

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Not me. If that team were the Vikings, I think they'd instantly become one of the top3 teams in the NFC (Tarvaris Jackson is THAT bad).

Favre is a horrible indoor quaterback. He will crash & burn with the vikings.

I don't know why this is never mentioned.....

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Sign Favre. Trade Campbell for a draft pick or two (you'd know he'd want out)

Groom Colt Brennan to take over for Brett.

That was easy......

Brennan is a 6th round talent...

nevermind...you sucked all the energy out of me...

you win...lets get Favre :doh:

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Brennan is a 6th round talent...

nevermind...you sucked all the energy out of me...

you win...lets get Favre :doh:

No, he was selected in the 6th round but his talent is between the 1st and the 2nd round. I am not going to provide you with useless data on this - try Google instead.

And you think Colt will not learn a damn thing from Brett. :doh:

Brett can even teach Zorn a thing or two about WCO. :silly:

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Common sense yes. Business sense no. If Snyder wants to make an extra buck in a very tight economy right now he will do what he thinks will sell (cha-ching redskins store.com).

I have said it before and I will say it again. JC is not a sure bet either. But with the camp starting in a few days, getting Brett (which they can't anyways right now) is a little bit too late.

Dan Snyder was never willing to deny the team wins to put butts in seats. He brought in veterans who he thought WOULD win... on paper they should have.

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No, he was selected in the 6th round but his talent is between the 1st and the 2nd round. I am not going to provide you with useless data on this - try Google instead.

And you think Colt will not learn a damn thing from Brett.

Brett can even teach Zorn a thing or two about WCO. :silly:

Brett didn't want to mentor Rodgers. Why would he teach anything to Colt?

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Brennan is a 6th round talent...

nevermind...you sucked all the energy out of me...

you win...lets get Favre :doh:

I'm not even advocating getting Favre.

You wanted an example of how this doesn't set the team back, I gave you one.

There are plenty of people around here who think Brennan is the future....

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The 'Skins don't know what they have in Campbell? It's been 4 years and 20+ starts later.

Peyton Manning threw 36 TDs and 35 INTs in his first 20 starts. Man, the Colts should have jettisoned his worthless ass. :doh:

And this will be Campbell's 4th season - its hard to argue with someone who doesn't even follow the team that closely.

Believe it or not being a true fan does not mean blindly supporting your team, but demanding the best. Everyone who gets upset when people criticize the Redskins are ridiculous. Look at the New York Yankees. They have tons of championships and you know why? Because even when they have the ****ing league MVP (A-ROD), the fans boo him because he doesn't deliver in the championships.

I am not being ignorant. Just being a diehard fan who is concerned with the way things are looking AKA having an opinion.

Its not blindly supporting your team to suggest that the QB who has had a whopping 20 starts but has shown flashes of brilliance will get better, its called being optimistic. I mean, is it that much of a stretch to think that he won't succeed in the offense that he led Auburn to a 13-0 season with?

hey buddy... you do realize the Farve today is not the same as he was in 1997 right?

And seriously, not really that concerned about JC not having an SB win either. The SB doesn't rest soley on the QBs shoulders. He needs someone to throw to.

Why can't we once and for all build a team rather than buy a team. The buying old guys hasn't worked for us. I vote lets stick with our young QBs and grow from there...

Paige just owned this entire thread. :1stplace:

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No, he was selected in the 6th round but his talent is between the 1st and the 2nd round. I am not going to provide you with useless data on this - try Google instead.

That is a ridiculously subjective statement - there were many opinions on Colt, varying from 1st round talent to shouldn't be drafted. We can just as easily say he had UDFA talent and we reached on him, and will be able to support it with someone's analysis. :doh:

And you think Colt will not learn a damn thing from Brett. :doh:

What will he learn from Brett that he can't learn from Zorn?

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