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Favre to Redskins Rumors Ring Hollow


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Thank you Mods for NOT merging this thread as of yet. It was great to not have to read through 25 posts of why Farve is coming and 100 well argued posts, and a 1000 posts saying stop the Farve threads, merge, and all those really annoying posts to read one great post.

Appreciate it.

I would much rather see a limit on the Merge this, useless posts per thread then the censorship of ideas and thoughts. JMHO

Those are much much more annoying then a repeat thread.

That's not censorship buddy

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How does that article not help his point? It's showing, even though I think we're a bit better than what this article says, that Favre wouldn't come in and lead us to a SB victory. So why bring him in, with only a year or two, with his salary, when we can look to the future and build a team around JC that can possibly win in a year or two?

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the fact that some of you guys don't think Favre is an upgrade over Campbell is laughable.

Most people aren't arguing that Favre isn't an upgrade, we're arguing that it will not only stunt JC's growth, but will injure his confidence. It makes much more sense to see what we have in Campbell than to make him sit one more year (minimum) on the bench. Why gamble everything on the potential for one superbowl, when we could be sitting on a multi-superbowl winning QB? Not saying Campbell will do that, but that's the point - we DON'T know if he will do that or not. He was a winner at Auburn, things like that just don't fade away.

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the fact that some of you guys don't think Favre is an upgrade over Campbell is laughable.

The fact that you want Favre, who will only play for a season or so and will further hamper Campbell's development, is 10x as laughable.

Brett Favre is a better QB than Jason Campbell is, but he is not a good choice for us.

Read the thread, use your brain...Favre is too old, why do you want him?

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the fact that some of you guys don't think Favre is an upgrade over Campbell is laughable.

Agreed. Even with 19 days till the first preseason game, we do play 5 preseason games this year, after all.

Suppose Campbell gets hurt in the preseason, I wonder how many on here would be wishing we had Favre. Collins would fail big time as the 16 game starter. Personally, I never liked the re-signing of Collins - he should have followed Al Saunders to the rams as a backup there.

While I can see Campbell starting for the Skins this year and am somewhat optimistic as any fan this time of year, for some reason I am sort of wanting us to take the bait and grab Favre if we can. I just have this feeling that Campbell is not going to turn into a franchise QB of the future.

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Common sense yes. Business sense no. If Snyder wants to make an extra buck in a very tight economy right now he will do what he thinks will sell (cha-ching redskins store.com).

I have said it before and I will say it again. JC is not a sure bet either. But with the camp starting in a few days, getting Brett (which they can't anyways right now) is a little bit too late.

Ahh, the "IF" word has been thrown around in regards to this thread on Brett Farve.

IF Farve was a free agent back when Joe Gibbs selected Mark Brunell to be our knight in shinny armor, I would have been on board in bringing Farve here. But the offensive schemes were not complimentary to Farve's work experience. Brett has been and still is a WCO QB who would have been so-so with a few more wins than Mark or Patrick Ramsey.

But, here in the now and present, Brett is still a good leader and QB who is in the twilight of his impressive career. He is at most a two year QB that will make a team a little better. But you still need a supporting staff (players) around you to bring some minimal success.

As it has been pointed out by myself and other posters, this story is strickly a sports media sideshow that's waiting for the opening of training camps. The sports media still has the power to orchestrate the stories they deem important to arouse the fan base to a near pitch of excitement and discord.

Bringing Farve here would be a ridiculous move by our FO. Campbell would become the backup, Collins would be the third stringer and Colt would be desiginated to the practice squad.

Some of you think this would be the right direction to go. However, I would take our present QBs as they are and be content that we are going in the right direction. No one is giving us a chance to be better than last place in our divison. Who cares what they think? We finally have a team that is mostly "home grown" and I am excited by that. If Jason is not what we perceive him to be, then move on to the next tier slotted player.

Bringing Farve here would do nothing for us but alieninate players.

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The fact that you want Favre, who will only play for a season or so and will further hamper Campbell's development, is 10x as laughable.

Brett Favre is a better QB than Jason Campbell is, but he is not a good choice for us.

Read the thread, use your brain...Favre is too old, why do you want him?

You honestly don't think Favre could play 2-3 more years?

I'm sorry, refresh my memory how many games has he missed in his career?

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While I can see Campbell starting for the Skins this year and am somewhat optimistic as any fan this time of year, for some reason I am sort of wanting us to take the bait and grab Favre if we can. I just have this feeling that Campbell is not going to turn into a franchise QB of the future.

I have an even stronger feeling that Favre is not the future of our, or anyone else's franchise.

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Its ignorance like this that just blows my mind. :doh:

Believe it or not being a true fan does not mean blindly supporting your team, but demanding the best. Everyone who gets upset when people criticize the Redskins are ridiculous. Look at the New York Yankees. They have tons of championships and you know why? Because even when they have the ****ing league MVP (A-ROD), the fans boo him because he doesn't deliver in the championships.

I am not being ignorant. Just being a diehard fan who is concerned with the way things are looking AKA having an opinion.

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You honestly don't think Favre could play 2-3 more years?

I'm sorry, refresh my memory how many games has he missed in his career?

To what end?

What will that get us?

Some playoff appearances? Maybe a Super Bowl appearance? Brett is not a good post-season QB, never has been.

He's 38, even the great Brett Favre can only play so long, and he'll cost a ton. Jason Campbell, whether he ends up being a franchise QB or not, is our future right now--he needs a chance to have some consistency on offense without a dumbass 700 page play-book, some legitimate targets and a healthy O-line. When that happens, if he were to fail then, we need someone else...but not a 38 year old QB that has had one good year in the past 3-4 years.

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To what end?

What will that get us?

Some playoff appearances? Maybe a Super Bowl appearance? Brett is not a good post-season QB, never has been.

He's 38, even the great Brett Favre can only play so long, and he'll cost a ton. Jason Campbell, whether he ends up being a franchise QB or not, is our future right now--he needs a chance to have some consistency on offense without a dumbass 700 page play-book, some legitimate targets and a healthy O-line. When that happens, if he were to fail then, we need someone else...but not a 38 year old QB that has had one good year in the past 3-4 years.

You are saying all this as if you don't have a crazy win-now owner. He's old and costs too much? So was Jeff George, Bruce Smith, Deion Sanders, and countless others.

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First off, let's clarify that most of these "rumors" being thrown around about where Brett Favre will eventually land are hardly rumors at all. They are mostly pure speculation: fans and writers scouring NFL rosters, projecting where he may be a good fit. To date, there appears to be no hard evidence linking Favre to anything but his living room couch in Mississippi.

But it's mid-July, and that means there really isn't much to talk about in sports these days. So, we might as well squeeze every last ounce out of the Favre speculation as we can.

One interesting note in all of this madness is the media's relationship with Favre. Normally, the media is accused of dissecting and tearing down people in the limelight, especially in sports. But in Favre's case, I think we're seeing the opposite application. The media seems to be hearkening back to the 1950's when they coddled and protected star athletes and entertainers. Favre has always been romanticized-- and in many cases, rightfully so. He certainly has the overall statistical chops, and he has clearly endeared himself to throngs of NFL with his boyish approach to the game and wild enthusiasm and toughness.

However, a few things get overlooked amidst all the romance.

Since Favre last led the Packers to the Super Bowl in 1997, Green Bay has played in 9 playoff games.

His record in those games is 3-6. He has thrown 14 touchdowns passes against 18 interceptions. That record also includes the only three playoff losses in the history of Lambeau Field. And two of those interceptions have been of the back-breaking variety. In 2004, the Packers had the Eagles on the ropes, but Favre uncorked an inexplicably bad pass that was hauled in by Eagles safety Brian Dawkins. Philly stole the momentum and the win. Then, of course, we have Favre's overtime interception against the Giants in the NFC Championship Game last January. These are plays that are supposed to be made by young QB's learning the ropes, not chiseled veterans approaching the sunset of their careers.

Even if you are like me, and find Favre to be overrated historically in the pantheon of NFL QB's, no one can deny his overall contribution to the game and his rightful place in Canton. And his status as the most beloved Packer of all-time is well deserved.

But NFL teams should not be blinded by his legacy. They should instead focus on the reality.

As a Redskins fan, I for one, am fundamentally opposed to Brett Favre joining my team. There is no doubt that Favre would generate some excitement, and of course, I'd be intruiged to see him in the burgundy and gold. But at this point in his career, he is simply not worth the investment. Teams like the Redskins, who have a young QB (Jason Campbell) waiting to blossom would be better served to see what they have on their hands, rather than rolling the dice with Favre in his last hurrah. Yes, it's possible that Favre could lead a team like Washington to an extra victory or two that Campbell would not, but there is no evidence (based on the above statistics) to show that Favre is likely to lead a team through the playoffs and onto the Super Bowl.

A team like Minnesota makes some sense. They have a solid roster, but an absolute void at QB. There would be little risk in acquiring Favre-- he could only make them better and they would not be risking damaging a young prospects career. But Favre joining an NFC North team seems ridiculously unlikely, and there are few other teams that meet the general criteria for a good fit.

That leaves the Packers in a real tight spot. They have geared their entire off-season towards preparing Aaron Rodgers to take over the team. If Favre returns, they will risk alienating Rodgers to the point of no return and/or putting so much pressure on him that they could crush his chances of success.

Here's the bottom line: If Brett Favre really wants to play football in 2008, he will be on a roster somewhere. It appears the bridges leading back to Green Bay have burned, which can only result in Favre wearing a different jersey next season. Count me as one fan hoping that jersey is purple.

You must have had your wheaties this morning. Good commentary!

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You are saying all this as if you don't have a crazy win-now owner. He's old and costs too much? So was Jeff George, Bruce Smith, Deion Sanders, and countless others.

Yea. And look where that got us. Seriously, sit down and think before you post.

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You are saying all this as if you don't have a crazy win-now owner. He's old and costs too much? So was Jeff George, Bruce Smith, Deion Sanders, and countless others.

Yeah, all of those signings worked out about as well as this one would. :doh:

All you "Let's get Favre" people are borderline insane . . . for some reason you love seeing the team follow the same trends and end up in the same place. The formula since Snyder has been here has been to sign a bunch of big name guys past their prime, underachieve for a few seasons until they leave or retire, hire new coach, repeat process from beginning.

Bringing in Favre would set the franchise back several more years - just what everyone wants.

:doh: :doh: :doh:

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Yeah, all of those signings worked out about as well as this one would. :doh:

All you "Let's get Favre" people are borderline insane . . . for some reason you love seeing the team follow the same trends and end up in the same place. The formula since Snyder has been here has been to sign a bunch of big name guys past their prime, underachieve for a few seasons until they leave or retire, hire new coach, repeat process from beginning.

Bringing in Favre would set the franchise back several more years - just what everyone wants.

:doh: :doh: :doh:

Where did I say that those signings worked out? I am stating them as a reason for why the franchise would bring in Favre.

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