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Peyton Manning threw 36 TDs and 35 INTs in his first 20 starts. Man, the Colts should have jettisoned his worthless ass. :doh:

Manning had a bad rookie year with 28 INTs, next season he only had 15 and had a QB rating over 90.

Why are you mentioning Campbell and Manning in the same breath? Get real.

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Isnt Colt Brennan also the one who threw more TD's in his career then any other college QB?

Sixth round due to injurys? But he has talent

Yeah and didn't another QB at Hawaii break NCAA records for passing, Timmy Chiang. What NFL team does he play for? :doh:

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I keep reading about how Jason Campbell went 13-0 in this type of offense. Has anybody considered the talent he had a round him that year? Im not trying to say he doesn't have any talent but Im not quiet sure he is the franchise QB everybody thinks he will be. Im all for brining in Farve and going with Breenan after two years. Just my 2 cents.

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Manning had a bad rookie year with 28 INTs, next season he only had 15 and had a QB rating over 90.

Why are you mentioning Campbell and Manning in the same breath? Get real.

:doh: Wow. There really is no arguing with you if you can't pick up that simple concept. :laugh:

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I wouldnt compare campbell with manning lol, hes not on that level yet
So the argument for Campbell is "well Peyton Manning did it, why can't he?" :applause:

I'm comparing their FIRST 20 STARTS. And yes, that is the argument - if Manning "turned it around," Campbell can improve his numbers as well. Not saying Campbell is as good as Manning RIGHT NOW - if that's what you think I said, then you need to take some remedial English classes.

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I'm comparing their FIRST 20 STARTS. And yes, that is the argument - if Manning "turned it around," Campbell can improve his numbers as well. Not saying Campbell is as good as Manning RIGHT NOW - if that's what you think I said, then you need to take some remedial English classes.

What you are failing to note is that that was Manning's 1st and 2nd year in the league as opposed to Campbell's third year.

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With Farve the Future is now .... and With Farve there is no future

If Farve comes here, then the SB must be now; the flip side is if Farve comes here, then Campbell, Collins or anyone else will be gone when Farve "retires" next time so we will be back at starting over....

If you want one POTENTIAL great year followed by a 7 year drought, then "Farve Now"... other wise, if you want a strong franchise with a core that has playoff potential year after year for the next 7 years, the "FARVE Never"......!

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that was your argument?? WOW

So let me get this straight, you would rather have a declining Brett Favre for 1 too 2 years then a young promising QB?

It is very similair to the 49ers in the 90's...they could have kept Joe Montana (who lets say for argument sake was equal to Brett Favre) or they could have gone with a younger guy who was 100% unknown but had lots of promise (Steve Young).

Well they decided to go with the younger guy who had promise because it was better in the overall picture for their franchise...correct me if I am wrong, I think Steve Young went on to have a pretty good career, maybe won a few Superbowls too :whoknows:

(before I get killed on this board, I am not comparing Young to Campbell, I am comparing the decision to go with the younger unknown player as opposed to the older proven Vet)

Just to point out for the sake of the argument, Montana did lead the Chiefs to an AFC championship after he left the 49er's.

I think we have the talent to go deep in the playoffs this year, but it all depends on JC. I hope he can improve.

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This is a blog, who cares? I mean, he probably has as much credibility as JLa and all his "sources."


That might matter if I was quoting sources or reporting something as a news story. But it was purely opinion and stated as such. Not sure why or how you got anything else from it?

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