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Favre to Redskins Rumors Ring Hollow


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Where did I say that those signings worked out? I am stating them as a reason for why the franchise would bring in Favre.

No but you are saying you want to sign Favre and we are comparing the success of those signing to what the future would be like if we signed Favre...

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I didn't see an argument against Favre there.

Total Super Bowl Wins of Current Redskins QBs: 0

Total Playoff Wins of Current Redskins QBs: 0

Total Super Bowl Wins of Brett Favre: 1

GB Playoff Games Since 1997: 9

WAS Playoff Games Since 1997: 4

This is your argument against Favre? I don't get it.

hey buddy... you do realize the Farve today is not the same as he was in 1997 right?

And seriously, not really that concerned about JC not having an SB win either. The SB doesn't rest soley on the QBs shoulders. He needs someone to throw to.

Why can't we once and for all build a team rather than buy a team. The buying old guys hasn't worked for us. I vote lets stick with our young QBs and grow from there...

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hey buddy... you do realize the Farve today is not the same as he was in 1997 right?

And seriously, not really that concerned about JC not having an SB win either. The SB doesn't rest soley on the QBs shoulders. He needs someone to throw to.

Why can't we once and for all build a team rather than buy a team. The buying old guys hasn't worked for us. I vote lets stick with our young QBs and grow from there...

he is going to say that Favre had his best season as a pro last year....bet on it...

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hey buddy... you do realize the Farve today is not the same as he was in 1997 right?

And seriously, not really that concerned about JC not having an SB win either. The SB doesn't rest soley on the QBs shoulders. He needs someone to throw to.

Why can't we once and for all build a team rather than buy a team. The buying old guys hasn't worked for us. I vote lets stick with our young QBs and grow from there...


Is it really that hard to understand people!?!?!

Well said paige3girl. :)

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he is going to say that Favre had his best season as a pro last year....bet on it...

oh yeah because beating the Seahawks in Green Bay when it was 90 below and a freaking blizzard (weather only they can handle) then losing to the Giants is such a huge accomplishment...

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oh yeah because beating the Seahawks in Green Bay when it was 90 below and a freaking blizzard (weather only they can handle) then losing to the Giants is such a huge accomplishment...

I forgot they stopped giving trophies to the 2nd best team in the NFC :doh:

I would love to see Campbell make the playoffs while throwing that many INTs

What does that tell you genius...maybe he has a better supporting cast...what are you even arguing?

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but look at the competition.... are you kidding me!! There is no reason they shouldn't have won!

at home against the Giants...almost laughable...

I forgot, didnt we play the Ginats in week 15ish last season...Did we win...I think I am suffering from short-term memory loss due to overload of Brett Favre/Redskins talk...:D

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at home against the Giants...almost laughable...

Yes, you are correct. It is laughable that the Packers did not beat the Giants at home and you still think we should sign Favre and forget all about a quaterback whose potential we have not yet seen so that in two years we have nothing because JC gives us the finger. Good call there...

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That a declining Favre can do more damage in the NFC than Campbell

that was your argument?? WOW

So let me get this straight, you would rather have a declining Brett Favre for 1 too 2 years then a young promising QB?

It is very similair to the 49ers in the 90's...they could have kept Joe Montana (who lets say for argument sake was equal to Brett Favre) or they could have gone with a younger guy who was 100% unknown but had lots of promise (Steve Young).

Well they decided to go with the younger guy who had promise because it was better in the overall picture for their franchise...correct me if I am wrong, I think Steve Young went on to have a pretty good career, maybe won a few Superbowls too :whoknows:

(before I get killed on this board, I am not comparing Young to Campbell, I am comparing the decision to go with the younger unknown player as opposed to the older proven Vet)

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Yes, you are correct. It is laughable that the Packers did not beat the Giants at home and you still think we should sign Favre and forget all about a quaterback whose potential we have not yet seen so that in two years we have nothing because JC gives us the finger. Good call there...

Hey I am on the I dont want Favre side as well...

I think my sarcasim didnt come through on my other post....


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So let me get this straight, you would rather have a declining Brett Favre for 1 too 2 years then a young promising QB?

It is very similair to the 49ers in the 90's...they could have kept Joe Montana (who lets say for argument sake was equal to Brett Favre) or they could have gone with a younger guy who was 100% unknown but had lots of promise (Steve Young).

Well they decided to go with the younger guy who had promise because it was better in the overall picture for their franchise...correct me if I am wrong, I think Steve Young went on to have a pretty good career, maybe won a few Superbowls too :whoknows:

(before I get killed on this board, I am not comparing Young to Campbell, I am comparing the decision to go with the younger unknown player as opposed to the older proven Vet)

What's promising about Campbell? He was out played by a 36 year old who hadn't played an NFL game in years, proving that with a veteran QB at the helm the 'Skins are a dangerous team.

No your right the Redskins are committed to youth and development. That's why for years they trade away trade picks. Right?

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Hey I am on the I dont want Favre side as well...

I think my sarcasim didnt come through on my other post....


oh lol... that was the dumb blonde in me that misread read your comment ;)

I just can't get over the amount of people that wanted him here. I am absolutely shocked....

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What's promising about Campbell? He was out played by a 36 year old who hadn't played an NFL game in years, proving that with a veteran QB at the helm the 'Skins are a dangerous team.

No your right the Redskins are committed to youth and development. That's why for years they trade away trade picks. Right?

Do you want Brett Favre or not?

Dan Snyder's method of trading picks for vets has not worked, intelligent fans don't like when he does that, do you understand that?

We don't want Brett because we have a young QB that we're developing and Favre is old and expensive.

There really isn't any other way to put it.

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Do you want Brett Favre or not?

Dan Snyder's method of trading picks for vets has not worked, intelligent fans don't like when he does that, do you understand that?

We don't want Brett because we have a young QB that we're developing and Favre is old and expensive.

There really isn't any other way to put it.

Don't worry. I"m sure he'll continue to contradict himself as long as this thread is still open.

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What's promising about Campbell? He was out played by a 36 year old who hadn't played an NFL game in years, proving that with a veteran QB at the helm the 'Skins are a dangerous team.

No your right the Redskins are committed to youth and development. That's why for years they trade away trade picks. Right?

You are making our case for us...Yes for years we have been into the whole "lets win it now philosophy", well guess what, we all have seen in front of our own eyes that you cant build a team like this...

So for once we are trying to build a team, not buy a team and you think that getting Favre is the best way to do so...

Dont you think getting Favre is reverting back to old Snyder and consitute "buying" a team??

And whats not promising about JC?? What was promising about any 1st/2nd year QB? There is a learning curve for playing in the NFL, mainly for QB's...

So what is your 5 year plan...get Favre for 2 years...he retires...JC leaves via free agency...then what??

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oh lol... that was the dumb blonde in me that misread read your comment ;)

I just can't get over the amount of people that wanted him here. I am absolutely shocked....

I think all the idiots who want Favre should get thoer own signature...its hard to keep up with it...


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The Giants lost on the road once last year. ONCE. 11-1 in games outside of Giants Stadium.

They were possibly the best road team in the history of the NFL last season.

So it is not laughable that the Packers lost that game......

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What's promising about Campbell? He was out played by a 36 year old who hadn't played an NFL game in years, proving that with a veteran QB at the helm the 'Skins are a dangerous team.

No your right the Redskins are committed to youth and development. That's why for years they trade away trade picks. Right?

Jason Campbell has played for a different Coach every year in high school and in college and since coming to the NFL he has had three different Offensive Coordinators. (I am pretty sure I have those numbers right... but if not you get my point)

Tell me, how far along in your development would you be. A little consistancy goes a long way. I doubt even the great Favre would be able to handle that much change. Yet, despite it all JC has performed above average, I didn't say great, I said above average. More importantly he has improved each year and has become more comfortable in his own uniform.

Edit: I looked it up... JC has had 7 offensive coordinators in 8 years

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