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Say hello to Miss Universe 2008

Toe Jam

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My wife was telling me they shot this I think from Vietnam (or some Asian country) and NBC forced them to shoot live in American primetime, so they had to go on the air at 6 AM local...
How many people actually watch Miss Universe in the US??? I didn't even know the damn thing was on...
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What about her gun cleaning skills?

:yikes: No, No, No, No, No. Are you NUTS!!!! :slap:

Most firearms don't go through the dishwasher or washing machine very well; nail polish remover tends to destroy the finish on a "blued" gun, and I've never met a woman with the mechanic aptitude AND the hand strength to re-assemble a decent 1911 without help. :D

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:yikes: No, No, No, No, No. Are you NUTS!!!! :slap:

Most firearms don't go through the dishwasher or washing machine very well; nail polish remover tends to destroy the finish on a "blued" gun, and I've never met a woman with the mechanic aptitude AND the hand strength to re-assemble a decent 1911 without help. :D


Mass, is that really you?

Did you seriously just make a joke, and a funny one at that?


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Mass, is that really you?

Did you seriously just make a joke, and a funny one at that?


Seriously, I KNOW women who have done each and every one of those things to their or their husband/boyfriend's firearms. So while they're humorous to you and me, they've all really happened. Thus why I'd never let a woman clean one of my firearms. Dishes, clothes, windows, fine. Sweeping, vacuuming, dusting, fine. Cleaning a firearm... NEVER. :)

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Seriously, I KNOW women who have done each and every one of those things to their or their husband/boyfriend's firearms. So while they're humorous to you and me, they've all really happened. Thus why I'd never let a woman clean one of my firearms. Dishes, clothes, windows, fine. Sweeping, vacuuming, dusting, fine. Cleaning a firearm... NEVER. :)

A dishwasher?

Nailpolish remover?

You know some stupid women.

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A dishwasher? Nailpolish remover? You know some stupid women.

Moreover, I just have a VERY LARGE number of friends and acquaintances who are involved in the shooting sports. Note that with the exception of the nail polish remover, none of the women involved in these activities were shooters themselves. The nail polish remover was a VERY new shooter who had just purchased her first firearm.

Though I do have to admit that I know some very stupid women. Including the one I'm dating right now, so far as I can tell.

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Does Venezuela ever not win this damn thing. Seems like everyother year the Ms. Universe is from Venezuela. I think they have stables of beutiful women that they send out when they are ready.

In that case, I'm moving.

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In that case, I'm moving.

Chile, Argentina, Venezuela, Brazil, Uruguay.... so many places to find amazing women in south america. Sadly these aren't the types that the US sees via immigration. You have to go to the source!

speaking of which it's been a while since I visited the home land...

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