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So...who really knows what they're talking about?

Spaceman Spiff

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I just saw in the Obama Se Hablo Espanol thread where DarrellsMyHero28 said Sarge believes anything the right wing media tells him, which elicited a chortle. :)

Then it got me thinking, I've seen that slam on here numerous time from both sides in The Neverending ES Tailgate Political Debate.

"You just believe everything you get off Faux News!"

"Yeah? Well at least I'm not brainwashed by the Clinton News Network."

Are these slams based on sheer laziness? Do people not want to debate the actual point and rather find it easier to just discredit the source of their info? And when/how do you know that a media outlet on the right or left is lying? Who really knows what they're talking about?

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That means Cowboy fans are the wisest people alive.

Want to retract that statement?

Retraction isn't necessary. Cowboy fans don't know anything but they don't know they don't know anything. That just makes them plain stupid.

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I'll tell you who knows, the conspricay theorists, there wise beyond all of us. Infact they can piece together huge plots and terrible theories with no evidence what so ever. Did you know that with a potato, a bb gun and a stick of gum I can prove that the moon lannding was fake? Yeah that's right, there in the know, we're all just left in the dark.

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I am so full of **** in the tailgate its not even funny anymore :laugh:
It must be hard being a conservative these days. :silly:

I try to back up everything I say with a link, or at least I make sure I know that a link exists...

It doesn't matter what you know. All that matters is what you can prove. :2cents:

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I don't know what I'm talking about, but Scott Norvell might...



Norvell is London bureau chief for Fox News, and on May 20 he let the mask slip in, of all places, the Wall Street Journal. So far, the damage has been contained, because Norvell's comments—in an op-ed he wrote decrying left-wing bias at the BBC—appeared only in the Journal's European edition. But Chatterbox's agents are everywhere.

Here is what Norvell fessed up to in the May 20 Wall Street Journal Europe:

Even we at Fox News manage to get some lefties on the air occasionally, and often let them finish their sentences before we club them to death and feed the scraps to Karl Rove and Bill O'Reilly. And those who hate us can take solace in the fact that they aren't subsidizing Bill's bombast; we payers of the BBC license fee don't enjoy that peace of mind.

Fox News is, after all, a private channel and our presenters are quite open about where they stand on particular stories. That's our appeal. People watch us because they know what they are getting. The Beeb's institutionalized leftism would be easier to tolerate if the corporation was a little more honest about it.

Norvell never says the word "conservative" in describing "where [Fox's anchorpeople] stand on particular stories," or what Fox's viewers "know … they are getting." But in context, Norvell clearly is using the example of Fox News to argue that political bias is acceptable when it isn't subsidized by the public (as his op-ed's target, the leftish BBC, is), and when the bias is acknowledged. Norvell's little joke about clubbing lefties to death should satisfy even the most literal-minded that the bias Norvell describes is a conservative one. (Lord only knows where Norvell acquired the erroneous belief that Fox News is "honest" about its conservative slant; perhaps he's so used to Fox's protestations of objectivity being ignored that he literally forgot that they continue to be uttered.)


Obviously I didn't read the european wall street journal article, I didn't translate it, and I've never heard/visited www.slate.com before.

Hell I only looked Scott Norvell up long enough to see if he was actually employed at Fox (he is, or was) but I couldn't find much more than some blogs.

Now, is he a blogger, or really a bureau chief? Who knows, you really can't trust much of anything these days.

But I'll say this, at the risk of ticking off Midnight Judge something or other, IF Scott Norvell is who this article says he is, and IF Scott Norvell really said this, then I think it's safe to say that (you guessed it) Scott Norvell knows what he's talking about.

Anyways, I've taken to watching more of the major news networks lately and the righty sheep crying about the Clinton News Network need to keep up with the times...MSNBC has left CNN somewhere just left of center and is doing it's damned best to be Faux 2.

May the lefty sheep enjoice, for Keith Obermann is here to balance the scales of bullsh!t being passed for news!

Finally, I'll try to get this thread back on track by contacting Scott Norvell and asking him to post here :D

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I believe that every one of those news stations has a grain of truth to them. And I believe that all of them actually believe what they are reporting. I watch all of them too and take that whole big ball of crap and sort it all out for myself to what I believe to be the truth.

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