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Dune Remake 2010 Peter Berg


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i personally think dune is probably the best sci-fi/fantasy story written... that said, peter berg??? how about peter jackson. i want someone with an uncompromising visoin.

atleast, lynch had a few good movies and brought a vision to the film with his version. although, word is that he divorced himself from his movie at its release. and peter berg we've already seen is completely controlled by producers -- han****...


anyone read the new book in the series??

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I might get flamed on this but I thought the Sci-Fi Channel's version of Dune was far superior to David Lynch's film. The film. I think, is a steaming turd pile. Remaking either of them is a really stupid idea. Typical for Hollywood.

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^^followed the book more closely -- but definitely didbt have the crazy awesome set designs and costumes that lynch had in his movie. the sound guns were stupid though. the freeman are supposed to be battle hardened warriors that learn sick ninja skillz from paul's moms not magic voice gun operators

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theres like more than ten books in the series with a new one that just came out. ya think they could use some different material.

that said, i'm sure peter jackson could make a really awesome version of dune (he seems to be good with the epics) because quite frankly i think its the best piece of sci-fi literature written.

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No one will like any Dune film. They didn't like it then...they won't like it now.

Save your money investors. It's a cult film which will be compared to the original, so therefore the cult followers will indeed bash it as well.

Ask yourself...Should they remake The Blob, King Kong...oh wait...****.

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thats a little harsh... besides they are remaking star trek right now and everyone seems to think tats going to be great.

Yea, but Star Trek was, at one point, mainstream.

What is there ? One good Star Trek movie ? Out of how many ?


Star Trek II, III, IV, VI, and VIII were all good movies.

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Dune sucked. Might as well remake Tron while we're at it.

TRON was actually ahead of it's time in 1982, but I could see Hollywood doing a remake of that. If it blew everyone away back then (except the critics), it could definitely work as a remake today if put in the right hands. Maybe I was a stupid 14 year old, but AI thought TRON was pretty good and cool.

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What some people are missing here is that Dune is the book. Other than the art direction, the film sucked beyond comprehension. Frank Herbert hated it. The sci-fi series was much better but still didn't do the books justice. I'm not sure any visual telling of the story can compare. It's the deep thought behind the story that makes the Dune books so good.

Frank Herbert was a genius and master wordsmith. The latest books by his son are only passible as a general back story but even then, he gets some of the history wrong and things don't always jive with Frank Herbert's telling of the story.

For the record. God Emperor was the best of the Dune books.

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i personally think dune is probably the best sci-fi/fantasy story written... that said, peter berg??? how about peter jackson. i want someone with an uncompromising visoin.

atleast, lynch had a few good movies and brought a vision to the film with his version. although, word is that he divorced himself from his movie at its release. and peter berg we've already seen is completely controlled by producers -- han****...


anyone read the new book in the series??

Don't know how Peter Berg will do, but a remake of this movie has been on my wish list for a long time. I agree with everyone who said the original was a steaming pile of dog crap that got almost everything 100% incorrect.

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I agree with CCS, Dune is an awesome series of books.

Problem with making it into a movie is it's SO deep that they can't ever get all the details in it that make the books so good.


Dune itself is my favorite book of all time. The 2nd one was okay, but then I thought they just never got close to the magic of the first book after that, so I stopped reading after about 5 of them. I haven't read the ones that Herbert's son wrote after he died, so I have no idea how good/bad they are.

EDIT: And you're right about the intricacies and plot twists - a movie may never capture everything. This is why Jackson would have been a better choice than Berg, he's already shown he can whittle down an epic and still have it be amazing.

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ugh.. :doh: This is like someone re-doing 2001 or The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai. You don't **** with the classics by redoing them.

Dune is a classic? Sorry, but the film is mostly a mess. As said above, other than the cool art direction, the plot was a mess. The film is worthy of a remake. (Unlike, say, The Day The Earth Stood Still.)

That being said, Dune is tough to do right in the format of a motion picture. While the miniseries was closer to the plot of the book, the acting left something to be desired. I'm not sure even a three hour film will do it justice. There are just too many internal dialogs that happen in the book.

Personally, I feel there are better properties out there that haven't been touched yet.


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I agree with the other posters that the supremity of the books far surpasses anything that could ever be brought to screen. Even "Rings" is mostly an objective narrative, but Dune unfolds so magnificently through a variety of characters' perspectives, which could never be duplicated in a cinematic medium.

And as far as I'm concerned, the Lynch film was ridiculous for his sheer effrontery at creating a gimmicky sonic weapon that never existed in the book whatsoever. And the best thing about the cheesy Sci-Fi mini-series was Barbara Kodetova's rack.

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Forgot I started a thread about this some time last year, and mentioned I'd like to see Dune remade. My wishes are coming true! :)


Okay, so name a movie you'd like to see re-made, and cast all the main characters and pick a director.

Personally, I'd like to see Dune remade, directed by Peter Jackson (talk about a movie that needs an epic director).

Paul Atreides - Leonardo DiCaprio

Leo Atreides - Sean Connery

Jessica Atreides - Famke Janssen

Thurfir Hawat - David Carradine

Duncan Idaho - Jason Statham

Gurney Halleck - Tom Sizemore

Baron Von Harkonnen - Jack Nicholson in a fat suit (he does sleazy/evil so well)

Feyd-Rautha - Ryan Phillipe

Dr. Wellington Yueh - Chow Yun-Fat

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This is why Jackson would have been a better choice than Berg, he's already shown he can whittle down an epic and still have it be amazing.

Totally agree. If anything, Jackson will make it a series of epics just to tell the first story.

And I can deal with that. With LOTR he earned my trust. I am SO glad that those movies are as good as they are.


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Totally agree. If anything, Jackson will make it a series of epics just to tell the first story.

And I can deal with that. With LOTR he earned my trust. I am SO glad that those movies are as good as they are.


Yeah - the natural split would seem to be the initial attack, Paul and Jessica to the desert, end it with the crash of the ornithopter. Part 2 could start with the Harkonnens back in control of the castle.

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