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Obama Got Discount on Home Loan

USS Redskins

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Apparently some people don't understand what the RED word means.

How do we define average ? In mathematics, an average, or central tendency of a data set refers to a measure of the "middle" or "expected" value of the data set.

So who are the ****s that got an even better deal than Obama ? :laugh:

Who are those people? I think some people don't understand what the "similar loans" part means

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I hear you and understand that. That post is in response to the "my boss has more money and gets better rates" and "once i crossed a level i got better rates" crowd. They are missing a fundamental tenet of what happened. His loan wasn't good relative to smaller loans..it was good relative to similar loans.

The rate is a function of credit worthiness, and other factors such as what other assets you have with the institution.

Unless there is evidence that the loan officer gave him a preferential rate solely because of his job as a politician (that they would not offer to others in the same career category) then there is no story.

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Unless there is evidence that the loan officer gave him a preferential rate solely because of his job as a politician (that they would not offer to others in the same career category) then there is no story.

Which is exactly what the remainder of my post that you didn't quote says

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Oh no! I had trusted him...he had my vote locked! I looked past the flag pin, past the pledge, past his socialist ideals, past his lack of specific plans, past his ties to left wing terrorists and vitriolic ministers, past his Mulsim agenda and his family ties to the Husseins, past his inexperience...but lower rates on a home loan? No, it must stop here. Thank you for revealing this disturbing information to me before it was too late!

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Who are those people? I think some people don't understand what the "similar loans" part means

Similar does not = Same.

Clearly, by some people pay more for their loans, and some people pay less, even on the same priced homes.


My brother and I look similar, we however are not the same.

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I would think that Obama's representation of change from old-style political machines would be evident in the fact that:

a) He's taking out a loan for his house,

B) We know exactly what his rates are, and

c) We know exactly how much his home costs.

Anyone have any idea if Huey Long ever disclosed his interest rates? lol

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I certainly don't have a problem with Obama being rich. I don't have a problem with Obama behaving in a manner consistent with being rich. I don't even have a problem with Obama accepting every gravy train advantage and never working a day in his life. The only issue I have is that a bunch of people have gotten the wrong idea that he is somehow different than everybody else in Washington.

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I certainly don't have a problem with Obama being rich. I don't have a problem with Obama behaving in a manner consistent with being rich. I don't even have a problem with Obama accepting every gravy train advantage and never working a day in his life. The only issue I have is that a bunch of people have gotten the wrong idea that he is somehow different than everybody else in Washington.

Gravy train advantage? Never working a day in his life? Are you kidding me?

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And unless you can provide evidence that is the case there is absolutely no story.

Below in bold is the part of the quote that you left out of your post. Correct me if I am wrong but in the first bolded sentence is says basically if there is no evidence then there is no problem

I hear you and understand that. That post is in response to the "my boss has more money and gets better rates" and "once i crossed a level i got better rates" crowd. They are missing a fundamental tenet of what happened. His loan wasn't good relative to smaller loans..it was good relative to similar loans. As long as he wasn't "bought" with that difference(and there is no evidence that he was) then there is no problem

Also from the article:

"The real question is: Were congressmen getting unique treatment that others weren't getting?" associate law professor Adam J. Levitin, a credit specialist at Georgetown University Law Center, said about the Countrywide loans. "Do they do business like that for people who are not congressmen? If they don't, that's a problem."

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Big whoop, Obama got a deal on his mortgage.

I'd be suspicious if he paid full price:laugh:.

did you really say big whoop? :laugh:

Obama supporters have stood by him when his racist spiritual advisors cursed white people down, so why would they care about this?

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Below in bold is the part of the quote that you left out of your post. Correct me if I am wrong but in the first bolded sentence is says basically if there is no evidence then there is no problem

Right. There is no evidence and so there is no problem. So why does this thread exist?

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I spent a large chunk of my career in the mortgage industry working for major banks like Countrywide. At that time this kind of loan was not all that unusual. A broker is going to treat any borrower with a $1mil+ loan as well as they possibly can.

BTW, McCain supporter and conservative libertarian here. Lets get away from all this crap and get down to the issues!

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change seems like the "magic" word to people who are so tired of Bush.

What is he changing though?

If you don't see him changing anything, then what is the problem with him?

We know McCain won't change anything.

BTW, when are they gonna have a debate? Is that info out yet?

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