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Vote for Mass_SkinsFan


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You have seen a recent rash of requests for support from a variety of candidates. Some of them promise sexual delights or beautiful women. Others promise you additional monies in your pockets. I offer you none of these things.

Instead I offer you an opportunity. The opportunity to help me take back America!!! To take it back for the red-blooded, conservative, MEN who founded this great nation. As I look at our beloved country I see our once powerful and domineering country being torn apart by liberal, european ideas and philosophies. No longer are we the country of John Wayne; we're becoming the country of Jean-Claude.

My brethren we need to stop this right here and now. We need to return this country to its proper roots, and if the rest of the world doesn't like it, that's too damn bad. They can go and play with themselves while America returns itself to a place of prominance in the world, even if it's by removing ourselves from the rest of the world entirely.

(Paid for by Fasco-Conservative-Mysogonistic Men for MSF)

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It is too common in today's political climate that so many will not vote for the candidate they want for President because they know there is no chance of victory for that candidate.

Instead they vote for someone more likely to represent the most important issues while still having a chance to win, the lesser of two evils.

MSF is one of those candidates I wish I could vote for but since he has very little chance of winning, I must throw my support in w/ h_h. Even if he is a little to the left on social issues, his fiscal policies are the reason that he gets my vote!

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:munchout: Please give details of what an MSF presidency would entail.

Some of the policies would include....

A re-writing of the US Constitution to clarrify and update the language.

Removal of United States military forces from ALL foreign countries.

Rescinding US involvement in multi-national organizations such as NATO and the United Nations

New alternative energy programs and increased drilling for oil on American soil.

Securing the United States northern and southern borders

Introduction of an optional three year government service program for all high school graduates. Those who choose to enter the program come out as Citizens. Thos who choose not to, do not get American citizenship.

Revisions to the US penal code and Justice system to ensure the proper Punishment of criminals, including increasing the number of death penalty crimes and making it easier to impose such penalties.

Removal of all non-essential (and unconstitutional) programs from the Federal Government's budget.

That would probably be the agenda for the first 100 days or so.

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Some of the policies would include....

A re-writing of the US Constitution to clarrify and update the language.

Removal of United States military forces from ALL foreign countries.

Rescinding US involvement in multi-national organizations such as NATO and the United Nations

New alternative energy programs and increased drilling for oil on American soil.

Securing the United States northern and southern borders

Introduction of an optional three year government service program for all high school graduates. Those who choose to enter the program come out as Citizens. Thos who choose not to, do not get American citizenship.

Revisions to the US penal code and Justice system to ensure the proper Punishment of criminals, including increasing the number of death penalty crimes and making it easier to impose such penalties.

Removal of all non-essential (and unconstitutional) programs from the Federal Government's budget.

That would probably be the agenda for the first 100 days or so.

See if this election were a serious event and not an attempt at levity, these are some issues I could support, even though a few would be difficult to implement.

The death penalty issue is a difficult one, too much litigation involved. But in order to see that someone is not killed by mistake it is almost necessary. MSF, I believe whole-heartedly that we should do away with a majority of these scumbags, but what about that one, who was mistakenly convcited. Collateral damage?

And our troops over seas? I am not even going to get into the Iraq debate with anyone, but what about forces in Germany, Japan, Korea, and other nations like these?

If we are going to re-write the Constitution, who is going to decide the proper language of the day? The Supreme Court couldn't even make the right decision on gun rights and the 2nd Ammendment. Don't get me wrong, they ultimately made the right decision, but with the language in that Ammendment it should have been a 9-0 decision in favor of the individual.

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Removal of United States military forces from ALL foreign countries.

You lost me here.

Maybe a reevaluation of size, scope, and location of forces. But removal, and therefore, self inflicted isolation, would not serve us well, at all. :2cents:

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Introduction of an optional three year government service program for all high school graduates. Those who choose to enter the program come out as Citizens. Thos who choose not to, do not get American citizenship.

This idea seems in stark contrast to your major platform. Limiting government control of our lives and returning the Constitution to its earliest form. It could be argued that forced volunteerism especially as a means to become citizens is not only against the spirit of the Constitution, but in contrary to the spirit of individual liberties envisioned by the founders.

Nontheless, I think it's a pretty good idea, although I wouldn't hinge one's citizenship on it.

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Introduction of an optional three year government service program for all high school graduates. Those who choose to enter the program come out as Citizens. Thos who choose not to, do not get American citizenship.

Revisions to the US penal code and Justice system to ensure the proper Punishment of criminals, including increasing the number of death penalty crimes and making it easier to impose such penalties.

Way to authoritarian for me.

Some of the policies would include....

A re-writing of the US Constitution to clarrify and update the language.

Removal of United States military forces from ALL foreign countries.

Rescinding US involvement in multi-national organizations such as NATO and the United Nations

New alternative energy programs and increased drilling for oil on American soil.

Securing the United States northern and southern borders

But the rest is right on track!

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On a Redskins message board, and I haven't seen one candidate promise to get the Redskins to the SuperBowl. You all suck.

Nevermind that it's a promise that you would have no power to deliver on, what politician doesn't make promises like that just to get votes?

You guys are slacking.

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Begging for votes? I'm disappointed in you.

Whatever happened to claiming the top position by divine right, or failing that, a bloody and treacherous military takeover?

No begging. Just offering people the opportunity to get onboard at the ground floor of the "revolution", Corcaigh.

Maybe a reevaluation of size, scope, and location of forces. But removal, and therefore, self inflicted isolation, would not serve us well, at all. :2cents:

We're going to need all those forces to secure our borders. Likewise we'll need all the embassy personnel and other government employees stationed outside the US for other roles here inside the US.

Are you going to have a female vice-president to balance your ticket??? :D

LOL. :laugh: I trust that you were kidding. No female VP. No female cabinet members. No female advisors. Call it the Testosterone Team.

You stole this straight out of Heinlein's Starship Troopers. :)

Actually Heinlein's work simply helped me coalesce the idea. Of course my idea varies in that I'm talking National Service, not just military service. It could be with the US Park's Dept., or the Forestry Service, or any number of other Federal groups.

This idea seems in stark contrast to your major platform. Limiting government control of our lives and returning the Constitution to its earliest form. It could be argued that forced volunteerism especially as a means to become citizens is not only against the spirit of the Constitution, but in contrary to the spirit of individual liberties envisioned by the founders.

Nontheless, I think it's a pretty good idea, although I wouldn't hinge one's citizenship on it.

Unfortunately I think it's absolutely necessary as a way to truly week out those people whose loyalty is not to this country. We need an America for AMERICANS.... that is people whose loyalty is to this country. Those people who are not for this country should not be reaping the benefits of this country. It's that plain and simple.

Way to authoritarian for me.

Sorry to hear that.

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On a Redskins message board, and I haven't seen one candidate promise to get the Redskins to the SuperBowl. You all suck.

China, you wouldn't like my idea on what to do with the NFL.... Basically give them 3 months to put in place a new operating system that is NOT based on Socialism, or the government would shut the entire league down... by force if necessary.

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China, you wouldn't like my idea on what to do with the NFL.... Basically give them 3 months to put in place a new operating system that is NOT based on Socialism, or the government would shut the entire league down... by force if necessary.

:laugh: A war against professional football? Good luck on that platform, Mass.

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:laugh: A war against professional football? Good luck on that platform, Mass.
Think about it this way, the 3 weeks passes and the NFL does nothing, all MSF has to do is order that the jets that do flyovers of the stadium ACTUALLY be armed with something.
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But seriously Mass, I know you've addressed this issue before, but don't you think running the country as a brutal dictator runs counter to the ideals of the Founding Fathers that you so revere? Where is the logic in that?

To a certain degree you're right. Unfortunately the majority of the American people have proven, since the last 1950's that they have no willingness or ability to enforce a proper society on their own. Therefore, at this point in time much more extreme measures are necessary to clear the filth out of the cesspool that this country has become. Since society itself has proven unwilling and unable to do so the only option left is the government. Prior to 1950 there were smaller issues, but they have blossomed and spread immensely in the last 50 years.

So far as I see it, the only way to get back to the proper way of doing things is to rigidly enforce those concepts... by force when necessary.

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