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There is ZERO chance Derrick Frost is our Punter this year...

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The guy was AWFUL in critical times last year... Shanks galore...

Danny Smith went out of his way to watch Durant Brooks and basically gave his left testi' to draft him in the 6th round... I don't care... You don't draft a guy who punts in the 6th round and then release him during camp... No way. The guy is AT LEAST good enough to kill Frost in any legit punting comp. Even if it's close do you think the Redskins would ever release Durant Brooks, the best college punter I've EVER seen, to keep Frost? I guess they have to do the comp. because the guy should have the chance to retain his job. Does anybody actually think he will though?

Durant Brooks should provide great swing in the field position battle this season and maybe can be a top 10 punter already... He's that good... Too bad the kicking game is so overlooked...

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I wouldn't say ZERO chance. BJ Sander was drafted in the third round of the 04 draft after winning the Ray Guy Award as well. He ended up punting for half a season before being cut. He hasn't played in a regular season game since.

Every punter/kicker that makes it into the NFL is talented and has a strong leg, it's more of a mental thing. Some guys have it and others don't, we'll soon see.

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I remember being really pissed when we drafted a punter. But Brooks definately has me excited. Even though he may not have punted great in pressure situations, I remember a lot of punts Frost sent out of bounds only 20 yards down the field. I would like to see what Brooks can do for us. Teams have trouble going a long way down the field on our defense. If we can put them back further down the field, the better.

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How many times did we see Frost field the ball on the 45-50 yardline only to punt it into the endzone? A high 30 yard punt would atleast get our guys down there to cover or even down it if it bounces our way... that guy UGH :doh: ... I have never seen him angle one out of bounds except for the SHANKS.... :doh: :doh: :doh:

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How many times did we see Frost field the ball on the 45-50 yardline only to punt it into the endzone? A high 30 yard punt would atleast get our guys down there to cover or even down it if it bounces our way... that guy UGH :doh: ... I have never seen him angle one out of bounds except for the SHANKS.... :doh: :doh: :doh:

Yeah, he stinks.......... Bad. RIP

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Every time we bring in competition for Frost, he suddenly remembers how to punt.

Brooks is better but we'll see...

I agree, but I think this is the first time the team has actually invested a draft pick in the position. I think they really are sending a message to Frost because they're tired of his inconsistency.

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Frost may not have the booming leg fans are clamoring for, but he's pretty damn good at pinning teams inside the 20. Brooks will have to prove that he's got the touch to go along with his huge leg.

He's a punter. He's supposed to pin punts inside the 20 from time to time :silly:

He shanks too many kicks and definitely can't boom kicks the way Brooks does...

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i like "the ice man" he was the only player to sign autographs after a game last year. signed my daughters moss jersey and a couple other young kids.......................with that being said it would suck to see him go because on that day he was my favorite player since all the others had to rush all quick to their SUVs

He's Derek Frost. No matter how many autographs he signes, etc. he still stinks.

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Brooks should beat out Frost, and so we should be improved at the punting game. That will help the field position battle.

But this is a little much..

the best college punter I've EVER seen

Brooks is a nice player, but he isn't that great.

FYI - Ray Guy was drafted in the first round, he was that good in college. I never saw him, but he must have been damn good to be a 1st round pick. I think there are like 3 other punters who have been drafted in the first round.

Last year there were a couple of stud punters drafted in the fourth round: Podlesh and Sepulveda. I saw both of them in college, and they were phenomenal. Sepulveda won the Ray Guy award twice and finished second a third time. That's dominant.

But the best college punter I have ever seen is currently punting for the Raiders, Shane Lechler. He holds every NCAA punting record, and he is first and second on many of the lists. It is unreal how big his numbers were in college.

I expect big things from Brooks, and I like that we got him. But he is a notch below guys like Sepulveda, Plackmeier, and Lechler. But that's ok. We didn't draft him too high, and he will improve our team and that's all we can ask out of the kid.

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Time will tell how good Durant Brooks is.

We do know that with Frost, the punting game was a concern. Some of his shanks were horrible. Real consistency issues.

Brooks had to punt a lot for Georgia Tech. When you start to look at the solid yardage he posted over a large number of kicks one can't help but consider it a good sign.

Morover when you look at his history, Brooks seems to have taken being a punter very seriously. Mentors, punting camps, etc. I think this guy has all the tools to be a professional punter. The Skins may have ound someone who might turn out to be very good for the team-- and at the price of a 6th round pick.

Brooks could be a game-changing punter. Or he could simply turn in a steady performance. That remains to be seen. Regardless, either scenario represents an improvement over Frost. Frost's biggest asset is his role in tackling on special teams. Frankly, it's nice, but the kicking is what we hire a punter for.

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