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AP: Cars Slow to Watch as Teens Beat Homeless Man to Death


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Cars Slow to Watch as Teens Beat Homeless Man to Death

Friday, June 27, 2008



CLEVELAND — A group of teenagers beat a homeless man to death as passers-by slowed to watch the attack, some of which was caught on videotape, police said.

Anthony Waters, 42, suffered a lacerated spleen and broken ribs during the attack Wednesday night and died at a hospital, police said.

"The pack mentality going on in the city of Cleveland must end," police Commander Calvin Williams said Thursday at a news conference where he urged the attackers to come forward.

Portions of the attack were caught on a surveillance camera outside a towing company on the city's east side. Police said the videotape shows passing cars slowing to watch three teens attack Waters until he staggered into the parking lot, where he was assisted by employees of the towing company.

Rest of article at link

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Is there no good news in the world? Ever?

This is sad and pathetic. But not unexpected.

Yes! But on this site, much like the rest of society, the stories that get the most attention are the negative ones.

This is a travesty.

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As one who works with the homeless this is very upsetting and sadly this is reality. So many people find the need to outcast and shun the homeless. Furthermore, people view the homeless as garbage- something less than human. To beat up somebody who has already hit rock bottom is beyond ignorant, disgusting, tasteless and can't be justified whatsoever. And the passersby watching it and not doing anything really breaks my heart.

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Guest sith lord
Cleveland Rocks...

Cleveland Rocks...

**** that city

Sadly, it's not just a Cleveland problem. Hell, just look at what a group of teens did to a guy a couple of years in Baltimore. Hell, I live in a small town and I can see some of these teens doing the samething if they thought they could get away with it.

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Sadly, it's not just a Cleveland problem. Hell, just look at what a group of teens did to a guy a couple of years in Baltimore. Hell, I live in a small town and I can see some of these teens doing the samething if they thought they could get away with it.

Oh I know, its not just CLE

But I still hate the city.

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What the hell did people think would happen? I still remember growing up and getting told by every person in authority at every step in my education "DO NOT GET INVOLVED, CALL THE AUTHORITIES" We are training people to be wusses and never risk their own skin for anyone else. We are telling them that instead of saving a life they should call the police, which will take at least 10 minutes to show up.

We can't have it both ways, either you teach people to get in there and fight for whats right or we enjoy a growing number of stories like this one. The myth that the police can save you needs to end. Cops show up after whatever is happening has happened most of the time - and I'm not blaming them, it's simple logistics. The time it takes for the info to arrive and a officer to drive over there is significant in life or death situations.

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Guest sith lord
What the hell did people think would happen? I still remember growing up and getting told by every person in authority at every step in my education "DO NOT GET INVOLVED, CALL THE AUTHORITIES" We are training people to be wusses and never risk their own skin for anyone else. We are telling them that instead of saving a life they should call the police, which will take at least 10 minutes to show up.

We can't have it both ways, either you teach people to get in there and fight for whats right or we enjoy a growing number of stories like this one. The myth that the police can save you needs to end. Cops show up after whatever is happening has happened most of the time - and I'm not blaming them, it's simple logistics. The time it takes for the info to arrive and a officer to drive over there is significant in life or death situations.

Yeah, but any person with a brain knows when to call the cops and to help save a man's life. You don't just stand there while a group of hoodlums kill a man.

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What the hell did people think would happen? I still remember growing up and getting told by every person in authority at every step in my education "DO NOT GET INVOLVED, CALL THE AUTHORITIES" We are training people to be wusses and never risk their own skin for anyone else. We are telling them that instead of saving a life they should call the police, which will take at least 10 minutes to show up.

We can't have it both ways, either you teach people to get in there and fight for whats right or we enjoy a growing number of stories like this one. The myth that the police can save you needs to end. Cops show up after whatever is happening has happened most of the time - and I'm not blaming them, it's simple logistics. The time it takes for the info to arrive and a officer to drive over there is significant in life or death situations.

Excellent point. However, I'd like to believe that for most people instincts would kick in regardless of what they were taught in school. I know how I would react if faced with certain situations, and it's probably not the way my 5th grade teacher would have me react.

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Unfortunately when you're driving by a scene like that you have like 6 seconds to make a decision, and it's an uninformed decision. No one should be beaten to death on the street, granted, but you don't know the situation from inside your car.

You don't know he's being robbed and beaten for no reason, maybe he just attacked their little sister or mother and they managed to catch him, you intervene and he gets away. It would be nice to know immediately what the situation is so that you can make your judgement call, but that's no always the case.

That's a tough call to make in the brief moment you have, while being totally unprepared as well.

Again, no one deserves to be beaten to death, but it's tough to do the right thing when you don't know what the right thing is.

Just playing devil's advocate here.

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Yeah, but any person with a brain knows when to call the cops and to help save a man's life. You don't just stand there while a group of hoodlums kill a man.

Yeah but that brain is full of other thoughts.

what if they kill me?

what if they have guns?

what about my family?

This is why it's easy to drive by and call the police. So when you tell people this is ok they feel guiltless taking this route.

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Guest sith lord
Yeah but that brain is full of other thoughts.

what if they kill me?

what if they have guns?

what about my family?

This is why it's easy to drive by and call the police. So when you tell people this is ok they feel guiltless taking this route.

Excellent points and I thought about it also. I would hope that I would have some backup.

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It depends on the situation for the passer-bys - If you are by yourself, fine... take a shot but likely you will only end up getting your ass kicked or killed. I

f you are with your family, wife, kids or girlfriend - is it worth risking their safety?

I hate to say it but for me, the answer is no.

If I was single, I would hope I would try to help in some way.

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As one who works with the homeless this is very upsetting and sadly this is reality. So many people find the need to outcast and shun the homeless. Furthermore, people view the homeless as garbage- something less than human. To beat up somebody who has already hit rock bottom is beyond ignorant, disgusting, tasteless and can't be justified whatsoever. And the passersby watching it and not doing anything really breaks my heart.

Geez you must work with friendly bums. The ones here talk trash yell at you get in your face throw garbage all over the parks. Kick and hit peoples pets. Defecate in alleys and parks. I understand some are mentally challenged and some are drug addicts. But, they are shunned in my city cuz they are dangerous.

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