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Supreme Court rejects death penalty for raping children


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Might as well have titled this thred "Death Penalty debate"
Hmm all four liberals shot it down. The same ones who believe that terorists should be read miranda rights by soldiers on the battle field.
Yet liberals like you always think that the people are too stupid to make proper decisions and judges should not stick to interpreting law but write it when the law doesn't fit your agenda.

Make that "Death Penalty, fictional Liberals, and more fictional Liberals debate".

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Why would you murder a child rapist? A child rapist in prison is living in pure hell.


The sad thing is aren't they nowadays keeping these sicko's away from the general population because of fear that they will be killed?

So they just put all of the pervs together.

This story by the way is horrible. What the hell is wrong with people

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Yet liberals like you always think that the people are too stupid to make proper decisions and judges should not stick to interpreting law but write it when the law doesn't fit your agenda.

I do think people are too stupid to make proper decisions, but it has nothing to do with my political persuasion.

Be honest, though, you are like millions of other Americans who only support the Judicial branch when it favors your agenda. Otherwise, it's full of activist judges.

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I disagree with this one.

  1. IMO, a punishment's either cruel and unusual, or it isn't. There's no "it's OK for this crime, but not this other one" clause in the Constitution.
  2. I support the death penalty in some cases, simply because I believe that there are, in this world, crimes for which death is Justice.
    And, IMO, some cases of child rape fit into that category.
  3. OTOH, it does sound like the court was somewhat constrained by precedent.
  4. And I could concede the theoretical possibility that, if this decision had gone the other way, where the punishment would "creep" into lesser and lesser crimes. The tendency among societies and prosecutors is to constantly push for more and more punishment.

    For example, I observe that the reason Capital Punishment was banned decades ago was because the court ruled that it was being applied too capriciously, with no clear demarcation between what was and wasn't bad enough to deserve death. (IIR, the specific item the court cited was that, in Virginia, juries were allowed to impose the death penalty for rape. But that in the history of Virginia, every single person sentenced to death for rape was a black man convicted of raping a white woman.)

    If you can't trust a jury to fairly apply the death penalty, and you have to come up with some hard, fast, line to delineate what is and isn't a capital case of child rape, then "did the child die?" is a pretty clear line.

  5. I'll also admit that the reasoning of "if raping a child will get you killed, then there's no reason for the rapist to leave the child alive" has some validity. OTOH, I don't think it's up to the Supreme Court to consider that issue. Legislatures should make that call.

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You should get the death penalty for molesting a kid if that kid is under a certain age. :2cents:

Messin with a kid early on will screw him up in ways you can't imagine that will affect the rest of their life.

Also, sexual deviant criminals are pretty much incurable.

Let 'em rot in jail for life. And what age? How do you decide?
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Why would you murder a child rapist?

Do you have an alternative solution that protects society without emburdening tax payers by asking them to support the child rapists life behind bars?

Also, as much as I love a good joke, please skip using "therapy" as a response...it wouldn't take very long to google up a horde of repeat child sex offenders that proved resistant to "therapy."

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Am I the only one that noticed that the guy at issue in this case might be innocent? Rape happens, kid says 2 guys did it, they throw dad in jail anyway, dad sits in jail for TWENTY MONTHS before kid says that dad did it, and DNA evidence taken at the time doesn't support the theory that he was the rapist.

Seems like the ideal set of circumstances to overturn the death penalty...

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Am I the only one that noticed that the guy at issue in this case might be innocent? Rape happens, kid says 2 guys did it, they throw dad in jail anyway, dad sits in jail for TWENTY MONTHS before kid says that dad did it, and DNA evidence taken at the time doesn't support the theory that he was the rapist.

Seems like the ideal set of circumstances to overturn the death penalty...

I did not look up the case details before I responded; I merely offered my opinion on what should be done to convicted child rapists.

That being said, I have now gone back to look it up, and I agree with you.

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Why would you murder a child rapist? A child rapist in prison is living in pure hell.

No they aren't....most of these animals are out of reach from the general population. I want either the death penalty for them or a chance that they will have a shank shoved in their ear. They aren't in a living hell mentally because the majority of the animals lack compassion and reasoning.

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Do you have an alternative solution that protects society without emburdening tax payers by asking them to support the child rapists life behind bars?

Also, as much as I love a good joke, please skip using "therapy" as a response...it wouldn't take very long to google up a horde of repeat child sex offenders that proved resistant to "therapy."

And yet you're (intentionally?) ignorant of the fact that executing people actually costs more money than life imprisonment.

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Am I the only one that noticed that the guy at issue in this case might be innocent? Rape happens, kid says 2 guys did it, they throw dad in jail anyway, dad sits in jail for TWENTY MONTHS before kid says that dad did it, and DNA evidence taken at the time doesn't support the theory that he was the rapist.

Seems like the ideal set of circumstances to overturn the death penalty...

Sounds like an excellent reason why Dad may not be guilty.

Not a reason why guilty rapists can't be executed.

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And yet you're (intentionally?) ignorant of the fact that executing people actually costs more money than life imprisonment.

I am aware of that, and while we are on the subject, I also support using a hangman's noose over more expensive methods of garbage removal. :D

<edit> I know there are other reasons for the high cost (beyond the method) but I think we can all agree that killing a man need not be expensive; whether it should be expensive, or whether we should be killing the man in question is a debate for a different thread imo.

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Sounds like an excellent reason why Dad may not be guilty.

Not a reason why guilty rapists can't be executed.

I was implying that this was a set of circumstances that would provide the Court with the necessary political ass-covering to make this sort of decision.

If they make this decision against a bona fide child rapist, PR nightmare, citizen outrage.

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Yet liberals like you always think that the people are too stupid to make proper decisions and judges should not stick to interpreting law but write it when the law doesn't fit your agenda.

Total posts by Navy Dave 32,242

Total posts by Navy Dave that blame liberals for something 32,178

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