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Al Gore's Energy Consumption

USS Redskins

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Gore's a moron and his movie was decalcified :).

But it would be a good idea if every house that got solar panels got 50% off in taxes on it and paid a portion for energy given to the grid.

I went to service magic to see how much it would cost to do... will update.

So far the price to install is Insanely expensive.

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Why is everyone, especially those on the right, hating on a man for having a big house and consuming electricity?

Al Gore's campaigning isn't about consumption, it's about global warming.

If the energy e uses comes from renewable sources, such as solar, windmills or hydro he is not impacting the environment with CO2.

You can attack his private jet usage for sure, but his home energy consumption is irrelevant to the argument.

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CCS, as usual, you fail to interperet correctly what was said.

I am alluding to the fact that if someone preaches about a certain issue then goes out and does the opposite he either

1) doesn't believe what he's saying or

2) is a huge hypocrite.

I chose option #2: He's a big, fat hypocrite.

Yes, you do have to take a private jet everywhere when you are the former vice president of the united states and you want to give lectures on global warming to the whole world.

As for calling Bush names... I guess you still are sticking to the idea that I've ever "called him names," without ever showing where. But, either way, yes its still different. A lot of people don't like Bush and call him names based on the things he's trying to promote. If you are against global warming fine. But, what you are saying now would be like if someone said Bush was promoting terrorists' rights by believing in the second amendment.

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So now it's okay to consume way more energy than the average American if an individual has "good intentions?"

Depends on the energy. If someone says they care about the environment and buys a hybrid SUV that gets 50 mpg. Then I'd say he is practicing what he preaches, even if he's driving an SUV that 'uses a lot of energy.'

If Gore 'uses a lot of energy' but it's energy from environmentally-friendly sources, then no, he's not a hypocrite. And until someone actually finds some evidence that he's using more environmentally unfriendly energy than the rest of us, the accusations of hypocrisy should probably be put on hold.

Also, Gore, form what I know, is arguing process as much as practice. If the only energy available is hurting the environment, he may have no choice but to use it. That doesn't mean it's wrong for him to try and promote 'greener' energy sources.

I wonder if we should have this same discussion about Thomas Jefferson, since we wrote on the evils of slavery while owning slaves himself. Was he wrong? And more importantly, should he not have said anything?

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Yes, you do have to take a private jet everywhere when you are the former vice president of the united states and you want to give lectures on global warming to the whole world.

He could fly first class on any other airline, he doesn't have to use his private jet. Afterall his life mission is to limit your "carbon foot print".

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I cant stand Al Gore, but why do they have to change the time-frame to make it look like its more?

"Energy Guzzled by Al Gore’s Home in Past Year Could Power 232 U.S. Homes for a Month "

Why not just keep it years to years, or months to months? :laugh:

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For someone who works in healthcare, that's an interesting choice of phrase.

Why is that "interesting?" I can't say "fat" b/c I'm in health care? I was not intending to say Gore was fat when I used that phrase. But now that you mentioned it, yes, he is obese. :)

Yes, you do have to take a private jet everywhere when you are the former vice president of the united states and you want to give lectures on global warming to the whole world.

As for calling Bush names... I guess you still are sticking to the idea that I've ever "called him names," without ever showing where. But, either way, yes its still different. A lot of people don't like Bush and call him names based on the things he's trying to promote. If you are against global warming fine. But, what you are saying now would be like if someone said Bush was promoting terrorists' rights by believing in the second amendment.


And no, he does not have to commission private jets to spread his message to the world. He can get a first class ticket like lots of other professionals and politicians do.

Furthermore, I never said I didn't believe in climatic change. However, I don't think humans are as big of cause as Gore et al are claiming.:2cents:

If Gore 'uses a lot of energy' but it's energy from environmentally-friendly sources, then no, he's not a hypocrite. And until someone actually finds some evidence that he's using more environmentally unfriendly energy than the rest of us, the accusations of hypocrisy should probably be put on hold.

Also, Gore, form what I know, is arguing process as much as practice. If the only energy available is hurting the environment, he may have no choice but to use it. That doesn't mean it's wrong for him to try and promote 'greener' energy sources.

I wonder if we should have this same discussion about Thomas Jefferson, since we wrote on the evils of slavery while owning slaves himself. Was he wrong? And more importantly, should he not have said anything?

I understand what you are saying. Is Gore flying hybrid private jets though?

My bottom line is this, if you are going to preach to others about anything, you better practice what you preach. If you don't, then your message (however well intentioned it may be) is going to get damaged in the scuffle.

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I understand what you are saying. Is Gore flying hybrid private jets though?

Don't know. I don't know anything about his private jet. I haven't seen anything posted about it either. All I've seen is an intellectually dishonest write-up about his house. If someone wants to post a link to his jet usage and how that effects the environment I'll take that into account.

My bottom line is this, if you are going to preach to others about anything, you better practice what you preach. If you don't, then your message (however well intentioned it may be) is going to get damaged in the scuffle.

And it's also probably a good idea to know what's being practiced and what's being preached.

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Don't know. I don't know anything about his private jet. I haven't seen anything posted about it either. All I've seen is an intellectually dishonest write-up about his house. If someone wants to post a link to his jet usage and how that effects the environment I'll take that into account.

Here's one article that mentions his private jet use. But fear not, he purchases "energy credits" to offset his private jet usage...:laugh: I'm sorry, I just find that it's hypocritcal for someone to run around expending a lot of energy, but it's made ok by his purchase of "credits."


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He could fly first class on any other airline, he doesn't have to use his private jet. Afterall his life mission is to limit your "carbon foot print".

I suspect he still uses a private jet for security reasons.

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Here's one article that mentions his private jet use. But fear not, he purchases "energy credits" to offset his private jet usage...:laugh: I'm sorry, I just find that it's hypocritcal for someone to run around expending a lot of energy, but it's made ok by his purchase of "credits."


Yea, you don't like anyone who is a democrat no matter what they do.

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Alright, you guys are making me look stuff up now. :)


KING: All right. We have an e-mail from Jerry in Houston, Texas. "Mr. Gore, how can you fly in your private jet, live in a massive mansion and set an example for others?"

GORE: Well, first of all, I fly commercial most of the time. There are a few occasions when that's not possible. I came here on a commercial airliner and we just finished putting 33 solar photovoltaic cells on the roof of our house. We're right now in the midst of installing a geothermal system for the heating and cooling and changing the remaining lights and windows and insulation that haven't already been done and we are walking the walk and we're going to have a green standard, the lead certification, for our house. Drive a hybrid and all the rest and look, I've never claimed to be perfect but I'm doing the best I can and one of the pledges at the Live Earth concerts, the second pledge is to reduce my own global warming pollution as much as I can and offset the rest in order to become carbon neutral.

Maybe he's lying?

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Yea, you don't like anyone who is a democrat no matter what they do.

Oh, do eleaborate TSF...

Actually, I think I'll take a page from your book: I guess you are still sticking to the idea that I've never liked a democrat without ever showing where...

Thank-you for providing the template for my response. :)

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Oh, do eleaborate TSF...

Actually, I think I'll take a page from your book: I guess you are still sticking to the idea that I've never liked a democrat without ever showing where...

Thank-you for providing the template for my response. :)


Tell me how I quote you supporting a democrat in any way, when I say you've never done so.

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Tell me how I quote you supporting a democrat in any way, when I say you've never done so.

Not the topic of the thread TSF. You want to :cry: about me not being a liberal, you can PM me.....NEXT!

And back to the topic at hand....

HENRY - Thanks for providing that transcript though, I do appreciate it. :)

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I suspect he still uses a private jet for security reasons.

Okay, i have an even better answer for him. Insteead of flying, maybe Mr. al Green should start taking advantage of technology (video conferencing systems). He could install a nice one at his house for under 20k and earn plenty of "energy credits".

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