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I am sick of Kimbo Slice


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Ok I have just started seeing Kimbo Slice's internet videos. I then watched a horrible display of reffing when for 1 minute Kimbo is getting beat to death in the 2nd round on Saturday's fight. And after only an hour or so I can say I am already sick of Kimbo Slice.

First of all he is in EliteXC and I like what Dana White said "Kimbo can fight in the UFC when he fights someone with credibilty"

Look Kimbo it is plain and simple - your nothing but a street fighter and have no buisness in the MMA game. Plain and simple. You can do whatever you want in EliteXC but plain and simple whatever you do there means nothing. It would be basically saying how amazing and wonderful and all these great things you did in the Minor Leagues or CFL or even Arena Football.

UFC IS the NFL of MMA. Plain and simple. Kimbo when you actually fight someone with credibility and have refs who KNOW THE RULES - when someone cannot INTELLIGENTLY defend himself the fight is over - you for 1 minute did NOTHING to stop the punches or get yourself out of there yet the fight continued but hey what do I expect when your in the minor leagues. You called out Chuck Liddell and all the other MMA fighters telling them that you'll shut their mouths. Ha! I'd love to see you go against Anderson "The Spider", or Chuck, or man the list goes on and on. Because the second you go to the ground you have nothing. Nothing. Once you get in an arm bar, a triangle, a knee bar, or anything of the sort you will show the world how sorry you are. I will give it to you - hey you can fight. Will in no way question you. Go to boxing or stay on the streets fighting and as you say it "this is how a ____ has to eat" do that. that's fine. I do not care. But do not try to step into the MMA world and think your doing something that impresses anyone. I am not impressed by you. You have nothing but your hands and sorry refs! Yeah you knocked out Tank Abbot - but hes washed up. I would LOVE Dana White to set you up on a card and have you fight someone from UFC. You will be like some senior QB in high school stepping onto the NFL field.

You will be exposed and hey EliteXC can just continue to build all this false hope in you and your "growing" fan base. See the people who are all behind you and people who have no understanding of TRUE MMA. They think that hey just because you can k.o. someone on some internet videos that your so great and amazing fighter. No your a great striker. Like I said Kimbo I in NO WAY am taking that away from you. But I will state it again - your ONLY a STRIKER you have no skills in any defense or any other styles than throw your hands and hope to land it.

Love to see "The Spider" put the plum on you and throw you around like a ragdoll and just make you eat some knees to that nappy facial hair of yours. Like I said I have only just started to see your internet fights and listen to some of your comments on youtube and man am I just disgusted at your lack of disrespect.

You know what - I would actually love to see Kimbo Slice vs. Randy "The Natural" Couture. He would just show how sorry you are in MMA.

Kimbo Slice your nothing in the world of MMA. I am on the same boat as Dana White - when you fight and beat someone with CREDIBILITY then maybe then I will give you a slight bit of respect - but until then - your just some Senior in some High School playing in some backwater town playing nothing but nobodies and where in the hallways your a walking Joe Montana until you finally get drafted right out of High School - and then WHOOOOOPS! wait a second this guy is barely near the level of BELOW AVERAGE. You will be exposed Kimbo - it is just a matter of WHEN elitexc actually puts you in a legit fight or if they will just be smart and have you just keep pummeling no-name fighters and as one MMA fighter put it "stiffs". Because everyone you have fought in your internet videos couldn't even last one fight much less a CAREER in the UFC.

Kimbo good luck with your badself. Continue to live the dream and just keep believing and looking in that mirror and telling yourself that you Kimbo Slice are the best of the best of the best. But keep in the back of your mind - your not fighting anyone Kimbo your not fighting Pros - your just fighting in the minor leagues:2cents:

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WoW...how do you really feel?

The guy is trying to make something of himself. He is a rookie fighter and it is evident. He is doing what he has to do to survive; which is admirable considering from whence he came.

EliteXC might be onto something. If CBS wants a watered down version of MMA that is somewhat watchable on network TV than they may have found it. If they did Saturday Night fights on CBS I would watch it.

Not everyone is a hardcore MMA fan, I like to watch people beat each other up and get a little bloody. If CBS can manage to keep bringing fights with EliteXC or whoever it is they may be onto something.

There is a market for this non hardcore version of UFC. I could careless about all that technical mumbo jumbo just fight!

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he was getting beat to death in the 2nd round???? were we watching the same fight....he was on the ground and his opponent didn't really get any high impact shots on him just several very minor blows that even a child could probably take.....so it was a good call by the ref not to call the fight when he had him on the ground for that time

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The problem I have with Kimbo is he really does think he is in that top quality tier of MMA. And he is far from it and it just sickens me to hear him speak like he is

this just isn't true. in almost every interview he mentions that he is just a "pup" in MMA and has a ton of work to do

i'm not a fan of Kimbo, but at this stage of his career, he shouldn't be fighting top tier guys. all fighters in MMA start out fighting guys on a similar talent level. Kimbo is going through the same level of progression as anyone else who just started MMA, he's just doing it on a larger stage as the face of EliteXC (which is wrong in my opinion)

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I'm not sick of Kimbo but I agree that he's not the greatest MMA fighter. I also agree that EliteXC sucks. I watch his fights because they are fun but I don't confuse what I'm seeing with top quality MMA.

Kimbo is highly overrate and it kind of mocks the sport. Kimbo hasn't put in the time and work to master hsi craft. All the other true MMA'rs such as GSP, Penn, Spider Silva, etc. all perfected their craft and deserve a lot more attention than Kimbo.

For the record, ELiteXC sucks asscheeks and Kimbo would get handled in UFC against medicore competition.

I would love for Kimbo to step in the ring with Brandon "the truth" Vera. Kimbo would getted KTFO in the 1st round.

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I do not mind someone trying to make something of himself. That is fine. Where you draw the line is when you CALL OUT Professionals and TRUE MMA fighters. but the second you start saying your going to go to Chuck's camp and throw down and knock him out its just a disgrace because your just some poor schmuck who is biting more than he can chew.

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WoW...how do you really feel?

The guy is trying to make something of himself. He is a rookie fighter and it is evident. He is doing what he has to do to survive; which is admirable considering from whence he came.

EliteXC might be onto something. If CBS wants a watered down version of MMA that is somewhat watchable on network TV than they may have found it. If they did Saturday Night fights on CBS I would watch it.

Not everyone is a hardcore MMA fan, I like to watch people beat each other up and get a little bloody. If CBS can manage to keep bringing fights with EliteXC or whoever it is they may be onto something.

There is a market for this non hardcore version of UFC. I could careless about all that technical mumbo jumbo just fight!

That was my thought too.

Additionally, I've seen several quotes from Kimbo saying that he knew he wasn't near the great UFC fighters yet and that he needed to train to have a better ground game.

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he was getting beat to death in the 2nd round???? were we watching the same fight....he was on the ground and his opponent didn't really get any high impact shots on him just several very minor blows that even a child could probably take.....so it was a good call by the ref not to call the fight when he had him on the ground for that time

Do you watch MMA? It's not about DAMAGE its about "can you defend yourself" I could pin you up against the cage and slap you but as long as I am consistently throwing shots on you and your not moving - it will be ruled a TKO

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Man look you cant fault him for EliteXC choice to market him. The bottom line is that Kimbo puts asses in seats. Thats it, he brings viewers to the table. Hes not that great of a fighter because hes not as skilled as other fighters. Either way Kimbo always throw up the 21 for Sean Taylor. Therefore I **** with him.

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And this was a quote I found on fanhouse earlier speaking about the end of that fight

doesn't matter if Thompson's elbows and punches in the last minutes of the second round were not causing damage. Damage has nothing to do with the rules of MMA. If the opponent is not effectively defending himself, then the ref will declare a TKO. The rule exists not because the punches in question are killing the opponent. It exists because the next hit has the potential to kill the opponent if he's not defending himself. Period. Thompson could have been slapping Kimbo with love taps, and the ref (if he was worth a damn) would have to stop the fight. That's the rules. Anyone see Hughes versus BJ Penn last year? Hughes had BJ pinned solid and hit him with weak taps to the head. Penn was obviously ok and coherant and not damaged. But the ref had to stop the fight. It has nothing to do with damage. It's all about effectively defending yourself. Kimbo wasn't. Kimbo lost the fight if there was a ref who hadn't been paid off was in the ring

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shouldn't this be in the MMA discussion? Furthermore, for those Kimbo bashers- an alpha male rookie, why aren't you hating on Brock Lesnar- an alpha male rookie also, getting matches in the UFC? What's the difference between the two? Brock is equally as unqualified as Kimbo but he's in UFC??

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Kimbo is the first one to admit that he needs more training. To his credit, he has been extremely humble since leaving the street-fighting behind and going legitimate.

Kimbo is not a top tier MMA fighter, but just as Tank Abbot was in his prime, he stands a punchers chance against any fighter. Kimbo has showed that he can take shots as well as give them. He has tremendous KO power in both of his hands. If any of the main UFC heavyweights can get him on the ground, then Kimbo stands a good chance of losing. But if Kimbo catches them with one of his monster punches, then its lights out.

Look at his standup. He has a great defense and head movement. He's obviously had some boxing training somewhere. If Kimbo can work on his ground game and his submissions, he'll be a beast. I say a few more tune up fights and then Kimbo will be ready for the UFC. He is a better fighter right now than Tank was at this exact same age. I dont think thats a fair comparison.

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shouldn't this be in the MMA discussion? Furthermore, for those Kimbo bashers- an alpha male rookie, why aren't you hating on Brock Lesnar- an alpha male rookie also, getting matches in the UFC? What's the difference between the two? Brock is equally as unqualified as Kimbo but he's in UFC??

Yeah I agree Brock doesn't belong in the UFC. Maybe it was Dana Whites' way of getting more ratings, who knows?

If anything, they should have let Brock and Kimbo fight each other for a contract in the lower-budget MMA orginizations.

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What's the difference between the two? Brock is equally as unqualified as Kimbo but he's in UFC??

Brock is a Division I Wrestling Champion. That is nothing to roll your eyes at. Kimbo is a backstreet, bare knuckle brawler. Lesnar has already taken on an ex-UFC HW champ in Frank Mir (and obviously lost). He has not been fed cans and treated like a God in the manner that Kimbo has.

That being said, I don't blame Kimbo. He doesn't seem particularly arrogant, and why wouldn't he accept the money? I blame Bas Rutten, his trainer. Bas carries a TON of weight in the MMA world. For him to go around talking about Kimbo the way he did shows that he had one goal in mind; making cash. He was dishonest with the fans of MMA. He should've stuck with making self defense videos and making appearances in GTA. ;)

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Can someone please tell me when the UFC turned into MMA? I remeber watching original UFC fights in 93 with Royce Gracie, Ken Shamrock and others that weren't strictly MMA fighters at all. (Gracie was strictly Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Shamrock was strictly Greco Roman) I can't remember the name of the brute with a goti (sp?)that used to trounce on other fighters but he was all about brawling and was good! And when did they start having rules, weight classes and timed rounds? Wow, it's been a very long time since I've watched this stuff.

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Can someone please tell me when the UFC turned into MMA? I remeber watching original UFC fights in 93 with Royce Gracie, Ken Shamrock and others that weren't strictly MMA fighters at all. (Gracie was strictly Jiu Jitsu, Shamrock was strictly Greco Roman) I can't remember the name of the brute with a goti (sp?)that used to trounce on other fighters but he was all about brawling and was good! And when did they start having rules, weight classes and timed rounds? Wow, it's been a very long time since I've watched this stuff.

Probably somewhere in the late teens...I'll have to look at when Zuffa purchased the UFC to tell you for sure as far as when the rules were changed and all.

The problem I have with Kimbo is he really does think he is in that top quality tier of MMA. And he is far from it and it just sickens me to hear him speak like he is

Not true at all. He's said several times that he's just a beginner. He knows it and he's taking the sport seriously and training hard. It's not his fault that EliteXC has to push him and semi-rig matches to keep their promotion afloat.

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Brock is a Division I Wrestling Champion. That is nothing to roll your eyes at. Kimbo is a backstreet, bare knuckle brawler. Lesnar has already taken on an ex-UFC HW champ in Frank Mir (and obviously lost). He has not been fed cans and treated like a God in the manner that Kimbo has.

What people forget is that Brock should have WON THAT FIGHT. The ref for no damn reason stood them up when Lesner was beating Mir into ring puddle. Soon after that Mir got a submission off. Mir was pinned and caught in a rain of blows when the ref saved his ass.

Brock would crush Kimbo Slice.

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he was getting beat to death in the 2nd round???? were we watching the same fight....he was on the ground and his opponent didn't really get any high impact shots on him just several very minor blows that even a child could probably take.....so it was a good call by the ref not to call the fight when he had him on the ground for that time

I agree with the OP in that aspect. If the roles were reversed with James on the receiving end on the ground and showing no ability to defend himself whatsoever then the fight would likely have been called in favor of Kimbo. Kimbo's the main attraction however and I think that might have played a role.

That aside - I'm now a fan of both and the Grim dude. I thought the last three fights were excellent. Kimbo's still raw of course, but he might get better, and he still showed some semblance of being competent in the ground aspect at times during the match.

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