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I am sick of Kimbo Slice


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What people forget is that Brock should have WON THAT FIGHT. The ref for no damn reason stood them up when Lesner was beating Mir into ring puddle. Soon after that Mir got a submission off. Mir was pinned and caught in a rain of blows when the ref saved his ass.

Brock would crush Kimbo Slice.

That's Steve Mazzagatti for you.

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I am sick of hearing about MMA. Not trying to rain on this thread, which is perfectly legitimate, but goddam Jim Rome has been droning on and on about this all week. Jump off the bandwagon, already.

Someone needs to start an even more extreme version of this stuff with no pads, and absolutely no referees. The savage violence only stops when one guy is unconscious or screaming for mercy.

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From what I've seen,Kimbo is very humble.He admits he has alot to learn.I don't know where people get that he's ****y and think he's the best. I don't see it.

Most fighters I've seen interviewed say,they are surprised after meeting him about his willingness to learn the sport.

Yea that's what I hear too.

I was talking to Baculus about it and apparently he has a very accomplished trainer as well. He could learn some things.

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I am sick of hearing about MMA. Not trying to rain on this thread, which is perfectly legitimate, but goddam Jim Rome has been droning on and on about this all week. Jump off the bandwagon, already.

Someone needs to start an even more extreme version of this stuff with no pads, and absolutely no referees. The savage violence only stops when one guy is unconscious or screaming for mercy.

there is no bandwagon. MMA is very close to being accepted as the sport it is. MMA is going nowhere for the foreseeable future

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Ok I have just started seeing Kimbo Slice's internet videos. I then watched a horrible display of reffing when for 1 minute Kimbo is getting beat to death in the 2nd round on Saturday's fight. And after only an hour or so I can say I am already sick of Kimbo Slice.

First of all he is in EliteXC and I like what Dana White said "Kimbo can fight in the UFC when he fights someone with credibilty"

Look Kimbo it is plain and simple - your nothing but a street fighter and have no buisness in the MMA game. Plain and simple. You can do whatever you want in EliteXC but plain and simple whatever you do there means nothing. It would be basically saying how amazing and wonderful and all these great things you did in the Minor Leagues or CFL or even Arena Football.

UFC IS the NFL of MMA. Plain and simple. Kimbo when you actually fight someone with credibility and have refs who KNOW THE RULES - when someone cannot INTELLIGENTLY defend himself the fight is over - you for 1 minute did NOTHING to stop the punches or get yourself out of there yet the fight continued but hey what do I expect when your in the minor leagues. You called out Chuck Liddell and all the other MMA fighters telling them that you'll shut their mouths. Ha! I'd love to see you go against Anderson "The Spider", or Chuck, or man the list goes on and on. Because the second you go to the ground you have nothing. Nothing. Once you get in an arm bar, a triangle, a knee bar, or anything of the sort you will show the world how sorry you are. I will give it to you - hey you can fight. Will in no way question you. Go to boxing or stay on the streets fighting and as you say it "this is how a ____ has to eat" do that. that's fine. I do not care. But do not try to step into the MMA world and think your doing something that impresses anyone. I am not impressed by you. You have nothing but your hands and sorry refs! Yeah you knocked out Tank Abbot - but hes washed up. I would LOVE Dana White to set you up on a card and have you fight someone from UFC. You will be like some senior QB in high school stepping onto the NFL field.

You will be exposed and hey EliteXC can just continue to build all this false hope in you and your "growing" fan base. See the people who are all behind you and people who have no understanding of TRUE MMA. They think that hey just because you can k.o. someone on some internet videos that your so great and amazing fighter. No your a great striker. Like I said Kimbo I in NO WAY am taking that away from you. But I will state it again - your ONLY a STRIKER you have no skills in any defense or any other styles than throw your hands and hope to land it.

Love to see "The Spider" put the plum on you and throw you around like a ragdoll and just make you eat some knees to that nappy facial hair of yours. Like I said I have only just started to see your internet fights and listen to some of your comments on youtube and man am I just disgusted at your lack of disrespect.

You know what - I would actually love to see Kimbo Slice vs. Randy "The Natural" Couture. He would just show how sorry you are in MMA.

Kimbo Slice your nothing in the world of MMA. I am on the same boat as Dana White - when you fight and beat someone with CREDIBILITY then maybe then I will give you a slight bit of respect - but until then - your just some Senior in some High School playing in some backwater town playing nothing but nobodies and where in the hallways your a walking Joe Montana until you finally get drafted right out of High School - and then WHOOOOOPS! wait a second this guy is barely near the level of BELOW AVERAGE. You will be exposed Kimbo - it is just a matter of WHEN elitexc actually puts you in a legit fight or if they will just be smart and have you just keep pummeling no-name fighters and as one MMA fighter put it "stiffs". Because everyone you have fought in your internet videos couldn't even last one fight much less a CAREER in the UFC.

Kimbo good luck with your badself. Continue to live the dream and just keep believing and looking in that mirror and telling yourself that you Kimbo Slice are the best of the best of the best. But keep in the back of your mind - your not fighting anyone Kimbo your not fighting Pros - your just fighting in the minor leagues:2cents:

because he is a registered member of extremeskins.com and he is going to log on and read this... right?:rolleyes:

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after watching the last fight that brought him to 3-0......sure the ref could've called it in the 2nd round but they were so worn out those hits kimbo was taking clearly didn't effect him......it was a good no call AFTER the fact......

as for the 3rd round call...

kimbo had 4 huge uncontested shots to the dudes ear and it ruptured......when that much blood is coming out an equilibrium issue is imminent. if kimbo would've landed too many more of those they guy would've been damaged permanently......

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that very well could of been the longest USELESS post ever.... :laugh:

hey i got kicked in the face in my soccer game last night, so right now i have a black eye, the right side of my face is swollen, i have a headache, my neck hurts pretty bad and im going on about 3 hours sleep........ as a person, i am useless right now :D

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One thing i noticed after watching the fight again, is that during the second round, when Thompson had him on the mat and was throwing the elbows in Kimbo's face, they weren't really striking kimbo hard, and Kimbo was giving the referee the thumbs up each time he would ask Kimbo if he was ok.

The ref himself said after the fight that Kimbo wasn't being hurt by the elbows. I was upset that James Thompson's camp let his ear be that bad before a fight. Cauliflower ears can't be drained per say, but alot could be done to keep his ear from flopping around like it did during the fight. Even the commentators were shocked that the ear was that bad BEFORE the actual fight.

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