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Got a TO jersey for my birthday. What do I do? (M.E.T.)


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Owens has been in the league for what? Seven years? That means that the guy was 11 when his dad told him that Owens was the man. I'm sorry, but my dad's opinion when I'm 11 > anyone else's judgment.

TO was drafted in 1996, so hes been in the league for 12 years this year

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I like the "send it to McNabb" idea. Or Garcia.

I would not ebay it, because then some jerk would probably wear it to a Skins game.

I definitely think it needs to be destroyed, but just burning it won't work. It either needs to be blown up (legally, please) or i would tie it around a large rock and drop it off of a boat to the bottom of the ocean. :)

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I would sacrifice the jersey before a cowboy game, unless ur brother is a Eagles fan, in that case sacrifice it before playing the iggles. Either way, it's a good sacrifice before a divisional opponent. I did that about 20 years ago to a Browns jersey in the front yard before playing them while I lived in Ohio.... riled up my weak brown fan friends, and was DEFINITELY WORTH IT!! we went all out, setup a straw dummy, on a post, put a dawg mask on it, some browns-like pants and all, then lit it up right before the game while having BBQ and preparing for a SKINS VICTORY!!

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This is what your gonna do. Put it on, wear your best pair of Sean John Jeans and Stunner shades. Then, head on down to the old folks home nearest in your area. Walk in and announce yourself as Terrel Owens. Tell them you'd just like to spend some time with the people in the home.

If any of the old people try to talk to you, you slap them right across the face. Hard. Tell the people working there that you're wearing an Eagles version of your own jersey cause you wish you were playing with them again.

Tell them you can't stand Tony Romo sits to pee, who is actually homosexual. He and Jessica Simpson never dated, but were only shopping buddies. Throw the nickname "snuggles" out there for Tony when you are talking about him, so they finally realize TO and Tony have a "special" relationship.

Thank everyone there for wasting your time you coulda been spending with "snuggles", and finally. Drop trow, and poop on the floor. Exit the building.


:rotflmao: FTW.
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My brother, being the sports fan he is and knowing I would be disgusted by it gave me a TO jersey for my birthday. What should i do with it...I already peed on it and have made minimal contact with it (not because of the urine but for more obvious reasons).

So ya, I want suggestions of what to do with it. And oh ya, its an eagles TO jersey, not a Cowboy one.

I see you live in California. THe 49er play the Skins at San Fran the last game of the season. Im gonna try and get a bunch of ESers to tailgate at the game. Bring it if you can go and we can burn it together as a team :D

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It appears as if Jason Avant is currently 81 for the Iggles, so if you want to increase your ebay profitability and the likelihood that an Iggle fan will purchase a pissed on jersey, replace the name on the back or remove it altogether.

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I see you live in California. THe 49er play the Skins at San Fran the last game of the season. Im gonna try and get a bunch of ESers to tailgate at the game. Bring it if you can go and we can burn it together as a team :D


i think that idea wins....

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burn it now.

==================ON VIDEO===

In full Skins gear put it on a straw man-scare crow type and pour gas all over it, do a war dance and set the jersey ablaze. Post that on you tube and post the link, do that and you shall rid yourself of all your brother's bad vibe. Plus you'd be famous and be a hero here on Extreme Skins.

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I would find a dog about to have puppies, use the jersey and make you get as much afterbirth on it that you can. Let it dry proceed to urinate on it again. Then send it back to your brother. Then proceed to tell him if he ever in life sends you anything that isn't Redskins gear your gonna Lorainna Bobbit his ass!!!!!

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