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Tony Kornheiser accepts buyout


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Those bandwagon columns were my all-time favorites. From the early 80's until I moved to Colorado in 1994, I read the entire Post Sports section pretty much on a daily basis. Tony was always my favorite but I think I get enough of him now on TV to keep me entertained.

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I haven't read enough of his writing to know, and you hope he's happy and healthy, but I hated him as MNF announcer - talking about everything but the game and what was happening in it, trying to substitute flair for a meticulous knowledge of the sport itself. To me, he is a symbol of everything that is wrong with current announcing, style over substance. I can't count the number of times he was making comments which I understood were supposed to be clever, but really just seemed contrived, while the game went on in the background, undocumented. I never once heard him offer useful football analysis, and when he did say something at least related to the game rather than the hype surrounding the game, it seemed like something he had been told by others and was regurgitating (the Peter King school of announcing), rather than something he had discerned or truly understood. Gimmie Madden, Aikman, Jaws, Collinsworth, etc. anytime. Tell me who's on the field, what the coaches are trying to accomplish scheme wise, who caught the pass, what the down is, etc. Have people who know and have played the game, bring me insight into the game through their eyes, tell me things about what's happening on the field that I wouldn't otherwise know, rather than some stooge trying to turn the thing into a circus. Save the hoopla for pre-game, and halftime shows.

That being said, you hope TK is healthy, and prosperous.

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I know this doesn't have a lot to do with the skins, but the guy really is a DC sportswriting Icon. He covered the skins as well as all the other DC teams with a great sense of wit and intelligence. I love him on MNF and on PTI. I really am saddened to see this guy go.

I think you are the only one. Kornheiser is and always was... an ass hole.

Why did that make it through the filters? Hmmm?

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He's one of two sports reporters I respect (wilbon) thats out there.... sad to see him go

Im not so sure they qualify as reporters anymore, more like commentators in my book. Also, I lost all respect for Wilbon after his Sean Taylors comments.

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Gimmie Madden...
You've got to be kidding -

"That was a dumb play. Dumb play. You know that was a dumb play. I mean that was a dumb play. I've seen dumb plays, but that was a dumb play."

"You can only make one play at a time."

"Anytime you have a game, you have to be ready to play."

"When you lose your best cornerback and your punt returner, I'd say that's a double loss."

"First down is a good down."

"You never want to go backwards in the endzone."

"Here's a guy, that when he runs, he goes faster."

"He was standing in the whole waiting for something to develop...and WHAP!, he got developed"

"You see the running back hit the hole, then he goes outside the hole, then there's no hole when he tries to go in the hole."

"If, uh, if, uh, the referee throws a flag, and uh, and uh,he doesn't make a mistake, then, uh, then, uh, that, that, that's gonna be, that's gonna be, that there, that's gonna be a penalty."

"Now that is a sandwich. You take all that and put it between two pieces of bread."

"when you talk about a mike shanahan offense, your usually talking about an offense"

"The team that scores more points than the other team usually wins. "

"If, uh, if uh, the quaterback throws the ball, and uh, and uh, the reciever catches it in the, in the, in the endzone, then that's gonna be, that, that, that's gonna be, that right there, that's gonna be, that, that, that right there, that, that's gonna be a touchdown."

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His columns I never got to appreciate, but he and Wilbon made an excellent pair on PTI (though I'm still a bit angry at Wilbon for his comments on ST).

As a commentator, he leaves a LOT to be desired. Whether it was his fault or not, he essentially took Theissman's spot on MNF from him. He has done a piss poor job of taking his place.

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Never liked him on MNF, but, his opening lines on PTI were brilliant.

[Mike is dressed as Santa Claus, shortly after the boat incident in Minnesota]

Mike: Pardon the interruption, but I'm Mike Wilbon. Tony, I'm dressed like the man that says "Ho! Ho! Ho!".

Tony: Fred Smoot?

Mike: Pardon the interruption, but I'm Mike Wilbon in the Big D, covering the Big Game.

Tony: I'm Tony Kornheiser, in the Big W, talking to the Big Loser.


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I heard about Wilbon's viewpoints about the ST case, and he was 100% correct about his article about sean taylor. He came to our school and spoke to some students
Before any of the facts about ST's death came out, Wilbon commented to the effect "What did you expect? Look at his history". Wilbon has always been one of my favorites, but those indicting premature comments still rankle me.
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Before any of the facts about ST's death came out, Wilbon commented to the effect "What did you expect? Look at his history". Wilbon has always been one of my favorites, but those indicting premature comments still rankle me.

He explained it really clearly in his lecture he had at UMD, and thats why my opinion changed of him. He said he would have liked to wait a couple of more days for that article to be published but i believe what he wrote to be true

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You've got to be kidding -

"That was a dumb play. Dumb play. You know that was a dumb play. I mean that was a dumb play. I've seen dumb plays, but that was a dumb play."

"You can only make one play at a time."

"Anytime you have a game, you have to be ready to play."

"When you lose your best cornerback and your punt returner, I'd say that's a double loss."

"First down is a good down."

"You never want to go backwards in the endzone."

"Here's a guy, that when he runs, he goes faster."

"He was standing in the whole waiting for something to develop...and WHAP!, he got developed"

"You see the running back hit the hole, then he goes outside the hole, then there's no hole when he tries to go in the hole."

"If, uh, if, uh, the referee throws a flag, and uh, and uh,he doesn't make a mistake, then, uh, then, uh, that, that, that's gonna be, that's gonna be, that there, that's gonna be a penalty."

"Now that is a sandwich. You take all that and put it between two pieces of bread."

"when you talk about a mike shanahan offense, your usually talking about an offense"

"The team that scores more points than the other team usually wins. "

"If, uh, if uh, the quaterback throws the ball, and uh, and uh, the reciever catches it in the, in the, in the endzone, then that's gonna be, that, that, that's gonna be, that right there, that's gonna be, that, that, that right there, that, that's gonna be a touchdown."

thanks for the morning laughs... i can just hear madden's voice saying every one of these quotes. this is the only reason i can put up with him as a commentator... he cracks me up. kornheiser on the other hand is just another geek who doesn't know crap about the game itself. dennis miller was a younger version of the same. hope ESPN can find somebody to do it right if infact kornheiser is gone. i always wanted to see somebody like riggins on MNF. :laugh:

i can hear the exchanges between jaws & riggo now :cheers:

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He explained it really clearly in his lecture he had at UMD, and thats why my opinion changed of him. He said he would have liked to wait a couple of more days for that article to be published but i believe what he wrote to be true
Well, I've yet to hear that explanation. Not only were his comments disrespectful, they were flat out wrong. You can't unsay something, but a pro can make you pretend you never heard it. I still like Wilbon, but don't trust his word or judgement as I did before.
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The link doesn't provide any real info.

Was this just a buyout from the Post?




Looks like just the Post, but some comments here sound otherwise.

Just the Post. There is talk he might do his Talking Points and some things on page 2, but he'll still do PTI and MNF.

Great writer who could encoporate a ton of humor, yet still deliver the important information. Gotta love Kornheiser.

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