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I just received a phone call from my friend Karen. A friend of ours committed suicide on Monday afternoon. Jordon was a blast and a very good hearted soul, I never imagined this. This is beyond suprising, I'm numb right now as I left her a voicemail Monday morning because I hadn't heard from her in a couple weeks. She was a bubbly personality but I guess had some things eating away at her inside. Sometimes one's personal demons are too much to take, I just wished I'd known they existed to try and help . I'm heading over to Karen's after work to watch her daughter and Jordon's daughter so she can try to get some rest with all that has happened. Please keep her family and Karen in your prayers, and for me to have the strength to be the shoulder for them to cry on. Life is so fragile and so confusing. :( I'm heading over there after I leave at 6. Hug your family and your friends, life's too damn short.

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I had very good friend kill himself 12 years ago. Although I no longer experience the grief of the loss, I still sometimes question what I could have done to prevent it. The same answer keeps coming up 12 years later, nothing.

My prayers are with those affected by this loss!

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Yeah, my friend killed himself in his room while we were all in the living room. He was a great dude and always laughing but I guess it was just too hard for him.

He went into his room, uploaded a MS Frontpage with links to all of us personally telling us why he did it and what he wanted done once it was over and shot himself in under the chin with a 30/30. His mother lived next door.

The only thing I can say bro is dont try to figure out why because you never will. It has NOTHING to do with you and this person was sick mentally. She had something in her that drove her to believe that her life wasnt worth living and thats alot of sadness that you have no control over.

My heart goes out to you bro, and if you ever need an ear I am here. God bless.

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I'm so sorry to hear about this man. I haven't had to deal with it personally, but I can't imagine how I'd react if one of my friends killed themselves like that. I'd probably be hysterical. :(

My thoughts go out to you and her family bro.

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Her father is lost in the bottle right now and is not providing any comfort to the women, which other than myself all of the friends and family are. I just need to be a rock for them and try to keep my composure, I think I'm gonna be good till I see her daughter, 8 months old and now without her mother. My mind is unclear but my heart knows that the only thing to do is comfort the others.Thanks to all of you for you're prayers and kind words.

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Sorry to hear of your loss. My Dad killed himself 7 years ago and it's a horrible thing to have to live with. You never know the why's and such so don't try and figure it out. But you will do that anyway..it's human nature. Know that there was nothing that could have changed her mind at that point. I believe that after they reach a certain point there's no turning back.

It will be difficult for her family but they will smile again. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and the American Association for Suicidology have some really good material for surviving family members. Look up their websites and you can get tons of info there. There's also a book that her family and her friends may want to read when they feel they can. It's called 'After Suicide' by John H. Hewett. It's a good read but only when they are ready. And also 'My Son, My Son' by Iris Bolton. My mom & I attended a support group for about 1 year afterwards and it really helped. It was called Survivors of Suicide(SOS). You may want to google it and see if there is one in your area just in case.

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Oh SkinsOrlando I am so very sorry. My prayers go up to you, her family, and everyone that knew her. May you take solace in the fact that you did attempt to reach her, being the good, caring and loving friend that you were to her. God bless you, and every one of you who has shared that you have lost a loved one in this heartbreaking manner.

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Sorry to hear that, man. Ive had two friends commit suicide, and they were both the type you'd never in a million years imagine them doing it. And from others Ive talked to with similar experiences, it seems like thats usually the case. I miss them dearly and years later cannot fathom it. Hang in there.

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