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Who said this jewel of a statement?


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I say we make the pie bigger, then everyone has more

Thats the difference between lawyers and business people

Business people try and make the pie bigger, lawyers take a big piece of the pie from someone else and give to another

(Since we are all about cheapshots today ;) )

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Leave Predicto alone. His overwhelming guilt at assisting a bunch of liberal San Francisco activist judges in their attempts to subvert the will of decent honest folk like you and me by writing new law from the bench is probably getting to be too much for him. :silly:

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Michelle Obama today in the Charlotte News quotes her saying it in Harrisonburg PA...

What's wrong with that statement?


because ones like this come before it:

"Most Americans, she said, don't want much.

"They don't want the whole pie," she told the women. "There are some who do, but most Americans feel blessed just being able to thrive a little bit. But that is becoming even more out of reach."

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Nothing to see here. Non-statement. Common sense, actually, for a large scale social program to work it's going to take funding and to get it they'll have to tax, and who wants to pay more taxes?

What, no one?



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Ah ... the Trophy Wife, but apparently she wasn't for first place.


Cindy was hot when she was younger, and rich as all get out (Budweiser heiress).

That was back when McCain cheated on and then dumped his first wife Carol for Cindy. His first wife, the one who waited for him all those years when he was in Vietnam, was crippled by a horrible car accident so that she no longer looked like the beauty queen she once had been and the marriage fell apart.

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