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Is it not a coincidence that Ray "MABUS" is Barack Hussein Obama's advisor?


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I will be pulling the lever for Clinton in PA this month!! The Obama camp's "change" approach is just silly, but it sure has suckered in the vote of the simple uneducated voter. Obama seems like a used car salesman to me, I will take the lesser of two evils. (that way even if Micheal 33 is right i will be in the safe);)

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I will be pulling the lever for Clinton in PA this month!! The Obama camp's "change" approach is just silly, but it sure has suckered in the vote of the simple uneducated voter. Obama seems like a used car salesman to me, I will take the lesser of two evils. (that way even if Micheal 33 is right i will be in the safe);)

Everywhere in PA I look is either Clinton or Paul. The Obamnites roam around towns though and I think he will show, but I'll be suprised to see him win the state.

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Guess I am the only other person besides the OP who actually knew the significance of the name before opening the thread.

Eschatology was my passion in my younger years.

This is interesting, because it is an exceedingly unusual name. But there have been other candidates before, and there will be more to follow. It will never be an exact science...

Someone needs to tell Jack Van Impe about this!

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Since he won't tell you where he's going with this, I'll help out.

Mabus is the name associated with the third antichrist according to Nostradomus....

Guess I am the only other person besides the OP who actually knew the significance of the name before opening the thread.

Why am I even posting in here????? :)

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The Obama camp's "change" approach is just silly, but it sure has suckered in the vote of the simple uneducated voter.

Actually, the simple and uneducated vote tends to lean towards Hillary. The more affluent and educated Democratic vote leans towards Obama. Not that it matters, all voices should be heard, so swing away, Merrill. ;)

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Don't you find this a little weird Heidenreich?

I mean..It's not like Mabus is some common name like Smith,Jones or Brown...

In Nasrodamus's quatrains,it's been notably identified as Napolean as the 1st antichrist and then Hitler"hister" and then he identifies a man named Mabus as the 3rd...

Could Obama have this guy be his running mate(vice President) when/if he gets elected?

Then if something happened to Obama,this Mabus guy would eventually take over as President?Just curious?

Maybe someone with more legal knowledge can confirm my question...I don't know?

You got to admit...This is very weird!


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I just thought of something else.

Ray Mabus has the same initials as American Idol contestant Ramiele Malubay. In fact, their last names have most of the same letters.

If you rearrange the letters in her name, you get le miel Ray Mabu. As we all know, Nostradamus is French. What you might not know is that le miel is French for "honey." So then we have Honey Ray Mabu. I think this is a clever allusion on Nostradamus's part to some connection between Sugar Ray Leonard and Ray Mabus. It may even include Malubay herself. Whether it means that Sugar Ray Leonard is the antichrist or that Malubay has a promising boxing career ahead of her with Mabus as her manager, I'm not sure.

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I just thought of something else.

Ray Mabus has the same initials as American Idol contestant Ramiele Malubay. In fact, their last names have most of the same letters.

If you rearrange the letters in her name, you get le miel Ray Mabu. As we all know, Nostradamus is French. What you might not know is that le miel is French for "honey." So then we have Honey Ray Mabu. I think this is a clever allusion on Nostradamus's part to some connection between Sugar Ray Leonard and Ray Mabus. It may even include Malubay herself. Whether it means that Sugar Ray Leonard is the antichrist or that Malubay has a promising boxing career ahead of her with Mabus as her manager, I'm not sure.


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I just thought of something else.

Ray Mabus has the same initials as American Idol contestant Ramiele Malubay. In fact, their last names have most of the same letters.

If you rearrange the letters in her name, you get le miel Ray Mabu. As we all know, Nostradamus is French. What you might not know is that le miel is French for "honey." So then we have Honey Ray Mabu. I think this is a clever allusion on Nostradamus's part to some connection between Sugar Ray Leonard and Ray Mabus. It may even include Malubay herself. Whether it means that Sugar Ray Leonard is the antichrist or that Malubay has a promising boxing career ahead of her with Mabus as her manager, I'm not sure.

That makes sense. Well it makes as much sense as any other prophecy we've seen here and yours has a lot more detail.

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I will be pulling the lever for Clinton in PA this month!! The Obama camp's "change" approach is just silly, but it sure has suckered in the vote of the simple uneducated voter. Obama seems like a used car salesman to me, I will take the lesser of two evils. (that way even if Micheal 33 is right i will be in the safe);)

Hillary's major bases are the old and the uneducated. Obama is pulling the young and the educated voters. No wonder she doesn't talk about "change" as much as he does.

Personally, I want a candidate with a shred of dignity. The way Obama has handled the Rev. Wright thing, and the way he hasn't absolutely crowed over Hillary's ridiculous lies and revisionist history, make him very UN-salesmanlike in comparison with the Clintons.

A lesser man would have simply said whatever was necessary to take the easiest road out over Wright, and would have stomped mercilessly on Hillary's face every time she got in her own way. Hillary and Obama are running on pretty similar platforms, but Obama wins on the issue of character and absolutely cruises on the issue of judgment. He has my vote, easily. He won't win the PA vote, but that doesn't really matter now. Only Hillary and her shrinking base think the race is still legitimately close.

To put it succinctly: Obama may be a false hope. But that's a lot better than a vote for NO-hope Hillary. I can't support a presidential candidate whose self-respect and respect for the voters is as low as hers.

Pertaining to the earlier question: I moved.

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I will be pulling the lever for Clinton in PA this month!! The Obama camp's "change" approach is just silly, but it sure has suckered in the vote of the simple uneducated voter. Obama seems like a used car salesman to me, I will take the lesser of two evils. (that way even if Micheal 33 is right i will be in the safe);)

I double majored in Economics and Business Management and have my MBA from George Washington.

I will vote for Obama.

The country has already suffered through 3 terms of the Bush family.

If HC is elected then that would = Bush, Clinton, Clinton, Bush, Bush, Clinton. It looks more like a perverted version of a Monarchy rather then a Democracy.

Also, another thing that really puts me off with Hillary is that she looks insane in public appearances. She looks like she has just done 5 rails of blow and smoked 10 grams of crack. And her campaign tactics are just as low as the GOP/Rove machine.

Darkening a man's color to make him look "blacker", come on man, that's just stupid.



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Actually, the simple and uneducated vote tends to lean towards Hillary. The more affluent and educated Democratic vote leans towards Obama. Not that it matters, all voices should be heard, so swing away, Merrill. ;)

Now with the numbers in, I find it maliciously misleading to claim people with college degree or above support Obama.

Look at the numbers, are there any sane people who believe IL or NY should count? Let's take out NJ as well. Actually Hillary leads Obama in more states among white with college degree. Where is this propaganda of more educated people preferring Obama coming from?

By the way, Asians and Black are not counted. I guess those Asian kids working hard to get to college deserve less credit than their AA counterparts such as Obama.

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Look at the numbers, are there any sane people who believe IL or NY should count? Let's take out NJ as well. Actually Hillary leads Obama in more states among white with college degree. Where is this propaganda of more educated people preferring Obama coming from?

By the way, Asians and Black are not counted. I guess those Asian kids working hard to get to college deserve less credit than their AA counterparts such as Obama.

This is interesting, but how about some links? :)

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Don't you find this a little weird Heidenreich?

I mean..It's not like Mabus is some common name like Smith,Jones or Brown...

In Nasrodamus's quatrains,it's been notably identified as Napolean as the 1st antichrist and then Hitler"hister" and then he identifies a man named Mabus as the 3rd...

You got to admit...This is very weird!

Then I guess we should be worried about Obama advisors Doug Beezlebub and Bob Satan.

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The country has already suffered through 3 terms of the Bush family.

If HC is elected then that would = Bush, Clinton, Clinton, Bush, Bush, Clinton. It looks more like a perverted version of a Monarchy rather then a Democracy.

Let us take a look at the team, shall we.

Brezinski, Clarcke, Bader, Ross, Malley, Rieldel and a few others.

How much different is Obama going to be, if he is going to fill his cabnit with ex Bush/Clinton folks.

Also, another thing that really puts me off with Hillary is that she looks insane in public appearances. She looks like she has just done 5 rails of blow and smoked 10 grams of crack. And her campaign tactics are just as low as the GOP/Rove machine.

Actually, Obama is the one who admits to doing the "blow".

Darkening a man's color to make him look "blacker", come on man, that's just stupid.

Then you post pictures that do exactly the same thing.
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How much different is Obama going to be, if he is going to fill his cabnit with ex Bush/Clinton folks.

That's an awfully misleading question.

If you're Obama and you want ANYONE in your cabinet who has been involved with the White House at any time during the past 20 years, you don't exactly have much of a choice there. Your choices are Bush people, Clinton people, or comparatively inexperienced people (who still may be the right choice, by the way).

All the more reason to avoid perpetuating this string of presidential ascensions via family relations.

It's true -- the cabinet and full administration are important. But the leader is important, too. Claiming that Obama wouldn't be much different from Hillary is completely unsupportable, and I think both Democratic camps would agree to that. (McCain backers may claim not to, but even they would positively rue any possibility of another Clinton presidency.)

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Hey, assuming this guy is the antichrist, and he somehow takes over for Obama and becomes President, at least that would put some honesty and integrity back into the whole political process, since the last several Presidents and their associates have been worse than the antichrist imo.

Bring on the end times!

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