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Caps & Nats are more exciting than 'Skins


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Why is it bullcrap to hate the Orioles?

I've had no reason to root for them since Cal left.

Nats may be bad but they've got some young talent and a brand new stadium give them time

I left them when Robbie spit on that ump. Living out here in SD I am a full blown Padres fan now.

Once Cal left my loyalty died as well. Brady on roids, Robbie spitting, tanking games..it just all went downhill.

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Look, I am a diehard Redskins fan but it's very difficult to be excited about a Jim Zorn/Vinny Cerrato led team when we could have brought back much of the same staff to coach these same players. It looks to many of us like more of the same, and it's very difficult to get pumped up for this season.

NHL will never be as popular as NFL in this city regardless of the Skin's record. I hate hockey and baseball is boring as H. E. double Hockey sticks. Highlights of those two sports is the best I can do.

This post is the worst.

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No way the Nats and Capitals are as exciting as the Skins. Has everyone forgotten how crazy it got during the coaching search? The whole city came to a halt. Everyone's excited about the Nats because of the new stadium, but I guarantee you in a few weeks when the draft rolls around no one's going to be talking Nats. How can you not be excited about the Skins this year? Art Monk and D Green are going into the HOF, plus we get the season opener in NY. I'm already excited. Nats and Caps will never touch the Skins.

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Opening Day for baseball is honestly like a holiday. It's just awesome. Although, right after the All Star break in July, the baseball season can get a little slow. Add in the fact that the Redskins season is just around the corner, and the Nats and O's haven't been in a playoff game this century... so it gets more difficult to follow them. Fantasy baseball helps... as does being able to visit a sweet new stadium.

I can't wait until the Nats have a playoff team. We need DC to have our own "title town" decade.

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The only reason this is a redskins town because there was nothing to compete against. Bet if the nats contend that will be right there

So you think the "new kid on the block" can compete with the "stable vet"? The Redskins have been here for so long and hold such a rich tradition that even the VP isnt as well known as Joe Gibbs is. Inside the Beltway there is always one thing you can be sure you can get someone to have a conversation with you about and thats "The Redskins".

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So you think the "new kid on the block" can compete with the "stable vet"? The Redskins have been here for so long and hold such a rich tradition that even the VP isnt as well known as Joe Gibbs is. Inside the Beltway there is always one thing you can be sure you can get someone to have a conversation with you about and thats "The Redskins".

that stable vet hasn't won anything in over 15 years. The town got all excited for the wizards chances and they are going continuing supporting them as well.

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that stable vet hasn't won anything in over 15 years. The town got all excited for the wizards chances and they are going continuing supporting them as well.

The Redskins havent won anything in 15 years but they still create more buzz when they make a playoff run then the Nats/Wizards/Caps combined. There is no other team that matters when the Skins play.

I am not saying they dont support them, but there is one big dog in DC. and it aint the wiz..

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The only reason this is a redskins town because there was nothing to compete against. Bet if the nats contend that will be right there

Gotta disagree with that.

Football is much more popular than baseball.

I think the only threat to the Redskins rule of this area would be the Wizards if the Wizards went on a championship run like the Lakers/Spurs/Bulls.

The DC area loves basketball and I think if the Wizards ever became an elite franchise, they'd challenge the Skins.

I vaguely remember the Bullets during their 70's heyday but I can't remember the "buzz" around town. Any of the older fans who remember the 70's care to chime in? Who was bigger in the attraction, the Bullets or Redskins?

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that stable vet hasn't won anything in over 15 years. The town got all excited for the wizards chances and they are going continuing supporting them as well.

Just look at attendance to really get a picture of interest. The pool of interested people in the Wizards is just much smaller.

2007-2008 Seasons

Wizrads 41 Home Games 753,283

Redskins 8 Home Games 704,722

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Just look at attendance to really get a picture of interest. The pool of interested people in the Wizards is just much smaller.

2007-2008 Seasons

Wizrads 36 Home Games 647,263

Redskins 8 Home Games 704,722

One stadium holds 20K, does games from sunday-saturday. Different times each game. Games are often during rush hour in DC.

One team plays only 8 games. more importance each game.

Why did u only include 36 home games. Nba has 41 home games.

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One stadium holds 20K, does games from sunday-saturday. Different times each game. Games are often during rush hour in DC.

One team plays only 8 games. more importance each game.

Why did u only include 36 home games. Nba has 41 home games.

I was looking at the wrong year. The fiure should be 753,283.

There is a reason they only build arena's to hold 20K for basketball. Thats all they can sell, not even that sometimes.

And with each game having more importance they are of course more exciting.

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This is precisely why we suck as a sports town. Cities like NY, Philly, Chicago, Boston all support "all" the teams not just football. That is why the FedEx experience sucks so much. No body cares about the area, just the Redskins. I grew up watching all sports in this town and they all are important to me. Redskins, of course are #1 but that doesn't mean I don't love the others. If the Caps or Nats win a Championship it might mean just as much if not more because it will have been the first. So don't try to get these Skins fans to root for the city because most don't care. Go Caps. Go Nats.

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So don't try to get these Skins fans to root for the city because most don't care. Go Caps. Go Nats.

I used to be a big Senators fan, then MLB let them pick up and leave. I've been done with MLB pretty much since then.

I used to be a Bullets fan, then they had to go and change them to the Wizards! Still have some interest in them, but not like back in the Dick Motta Bullets era. The NBA lost a lot of interest for me after the Bird, Magic, Jordan era. Just seems different now and not in a good way.

Never was a big hockey fan, so don't care much one way or the other there.

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Why, just because he's a new coach? Give me a break. We went from one of the greatest coaches of all-time and an enormously capable defensive coordinator to 2 guys who have never called a play in the NFL. How am I supposed to get excited about that?

So new things aren't exciting to you? I would love to have Gibbs back but it is something new that we have never seen....you can't judge him until you have seen him coach a few games. Just because he has never called a play doesn't mean he won't be good at it.


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This is precisely why we suck as a sports town. Cities like NY, Philly, Chicago, Boston all support "all" the teams not just football. That is why the FedEx experience sucks so much. No body cares about the area, just the Redskins. I grew up watching all sports in this town and they all are important to me. Redskins, of course are #1 but that doesn't mean I don't love the others. If the Caps or Nats win a Championship it might mean just as much if not more because it will have been the first. So don't try to get these Skins fans to root for the city because most don't care. Go Caps. Go Nats.

You can't say this about all fans....I watch all DC sports and root for all of them. Not a huge baseball fan but I am trying to get into it this year. I now watch some hockey too. I love the Wizards. The Redskins are above and beyound all of those of course but I still root for the home teams. So not ALL DC fans only root for one team.


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The NBA lost a lot of interest for me after the Bird, Magic, Jordan era. Just seems different now and not in a good way.

(this is off-topic, but just wanted to say...)

If you can't get excited about the NBA this year, it'll probably never happen. In 20 years, we might look back at this era as the most talented of all-time.

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(this is off-topic, but just wanted to say...)

If you can't get excited about the NBA this year, it'll probably never happen. In 20 years, we might look back at this era as the most talented of all-time.

Really?? I just don't see it. The only team that has caught my interest at all in recent history is the Spurs.

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Really?? I just don't see it. The only team that has caught my interest at all in recent history is the Spurs.

then you have no idea. The west can have a team that won 50 games not make the playoffs. The west will be a blood bath in the playoffs. The east has the Bostons, Detriots and then Darkhorses Cleveland, Washington and Orlando

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Elkabong, you seem like a reasonable poster and like me, you're a 'Skins fan in the deep South. But I really wish you wouldn't speak for all of us. The reason some of us are not excited is not because the off-season is boring, or because we're not making moves, it's because we think the Redskins made awful decisions on the coaches, coordinators, and GM for this team. I guarantee you that some players feel the same way, too. All the goodwill and magical memories last season produced, despite what appears on paper as a 9-8 finish, were quickly overwhelmed for me by the turmoil of those few weeks following the Seattle loss. I don't understand why everything fell apart so quickly. The simple thing to do is to blame it on Gibbs retiring, but everyone thought a plan was in place for what to do when the inevitable happened. Snyder did NOT plan for that.

Hence, I am much more optimistic about the future of the Nats and Caps than the Redskins. The Wizards fans who've spoken up have valid points too, I simply don't know or care enough about NBA basketball to speak either way.

Who said everything fell apart? It may be a feeling like that to you cuz we didn't keep Gregg Williams, if that is what you are implying, but that doesn't make it so. I have a lot of trouble believing the players who put so much emotion into the final 4 games for Sean would so suddenly forget that. So far from the player interviews it seems many of them are excited about the change. Zorn is an uncertainty, but what new head coach isn't? The WCO is very exciting, as is us having 9 draft picks this year. The defense returning all the starters from an 8th overall D, but with a new coach could mean a slightly new look for our D. Sounds exciting there too. Sorry, but you are coming across more as a fan who is still bitter about us not hiring GW than someone who truly believes this team isn't exciting. In fact, I am taking from your posts that it isn't even excitement you are talking about, but success. In other words, you don't think the Skins will be succesful next year, but you hope they prove you wrong.

I asked before why it was so hard to be happy that ALL the teams here have promise right now and I'm still waiting for a response. It seems from this response you are placing all your doubt on a media-created fiasco that occurred during our head coach search process. Doubts are completely valid though, and that isn't even what I'm seeing wrong with your approach. It's the fact you are taking our other local teams who have accomplished as much, are trying to, or show potential to and using that to say the Skins aren't "exciting" or in other words "good."

Well the Wizards are doing well, and have been in the playoffs recently like us, and will probably be there again. However, just like us injuries are probably going to cut that run short, again. The Caps have a dynamic player and are pushing for the playoffs. The Nats won the 1st regular season game in their new stadium. It's exciting times all around (except for my O's), all the teams have some promising youth, all the teams are looking build through young players (though the Wizards and Skins do have some vets). But for all the praises you gave to the Caps and Nats for building through draft/farm, i.e. infusing young players, you quickly take that away from the Skins, like we aren't drafting a lot of players come late April.

Gibbs said he would honor all 5 years, but '07 was an emotional drain, and I completely understand why Gibbs stepped down. As far as Snyder not having a plan, maybe with head coach, but nobody knows exactly who they want right away. The team had a list of interviewees, and talked with every single one of them. After that, the rest of the moves most certainly do seem like the team has a plan. Vinny is essentially promoted to GM, and adopts his policies of fiscal conservatism in FA, holding on to draft picks and looking there to improve. The team has hired newer medical staff, with focus on hamstrings and other injuries which have affected us repeatedly, Zorn brought in his guys on offense who have experience in their fields, and the entire coaching staff on D and special teams was retained, as was Buges for the O-line. Those steps, along with re-signing our own and returning all the starters from a playoff team certainly looks like continuity to me. It may not be at head coach, but promoting D-coord. from within certainly is maintaining some continuity. I had my doubts about Zorn, I still do have some. But every interview he has, every player interview I read, makes me doubt less and less.

I pointed out the other coaches of the other area teams for a reason. All were initially doubted, and all initially struggled. They have stuck to winning systems, and now it is paying off. We already have the talented roster, and now we are strictly doing what those other teams are doing, which is building the team with youth (our upcoming draft and success with current draft picks) to ensure the team's talent stays at a high level.

In other words, it's fine by me if you have doubts about this upcoming season given Zorn hasn't been an HC and all. But trying to use other local teams to drag them down, when those teams haven't accomplished more than the Redskins, currently and historically, isn't prudent. Enjoy the fact all the teams are faring well right now, there is no reason to pit them against each other.

BTW, I'm in the South right now, but it's just for school. Otherwise I'm up in NoVA. I love it down here though, and I can defi nitely see why some of the Skins fans reside around here.

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Really?? I just don't see it. The only team that has caught my interest at all in recent history is the Spurs.

A guy averages pretty much 30, 8, and 8 (Lebron), and still probably won't get the MVP (Kobe). The Celtics are going to win 64+ (biggest turn around since... well... the Celtics the year after drafting Bird). A team might win 50 games in the West and STILL not make the playoffs (never happened before). Iverson and Carmelo combine for 52+ a night. Four current players will finish with top 10 scoring averages in NBA history (Iverson, Kobe, Lebron, O'Neal). There are so many potential Hall of Famers playing right now, it's ridiculous. Of course you then have the Spurs winning titles every other year. I could probably go on... but those are just a few examples of why the NBA is so good this year.

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Look, I am a diehard Redskins fan but it's very difficult to be excited about a Jim Zorn/Vinny Cerrato led team

Dude, I don't know you, and I'm just going on a hunch here BUT YOU ARE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FULL IT.

I dare you, hell, I double dog dare you to make that same statement on 9/4/08. :doh: :doh: :doh:

you guys crack me up man ... :laugh: :laugh:

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A guy averages pretty much 30, 8, and 8 (Lebron), and still probably won't get the MVP (Kobe). The Celtics are going to win 64+ (biggest turn around since... well... the Celtics the year after drafting Bird). A team might win 50 games in the West and STILL not make the playoffs (never happened before). Iverson and Carmelo combine for 52+ a night. Four current players will finish with top 10 scoring averages in NBA history (Iverson, Kobe, Lebron, O'Neal). There are so many potential Hall of Famers playing right now, it's ridiculous. Of course you then have the Spurs winning titles every other year. I could probably go on... but those are just a few examples of why the NBA is so good this year.

The thing is most games today look like one on one contests. You don't see the teamwork that used to be prevelant in the NBA. I'll agree with you that there are some GREAT athletes out there today, but there were better basketball players in years gone by. It's all about the highlight reels now.

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The thing is most games today look like one on one contests. You don't see the teamwork that used to be prevelant in the NBA. I'll agree with you that there are some GREAT athletes out there today, but there were better basketball players in years gone by. It's all about the highlight reels now.

Not its not. The best team basketball has won since Jordan left. Its the same lame excuse i hear from people who don't like the NBA. Next its the thug reason

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