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That's a nice car. Pimp out the wheels and you might get some of that lady attention you're looking for.

Nothing wrong with wearing a hat. From my experience if there's a car ahead of me driving excruciatingly slowly, there's a better chance the driver's wearing a hat (not the baseball cap, but a brim-style hat), than the car being a Buick (or any other "old guy" branded car).

If you notice this sometimes, it's almost uncanny how often it happens [the hat driver being the cause of a traffic backup].

And to your other point, I am right in the middle between young and old. I'm well aware of what's waiting ahead for me.:notworthy

I don't like the tone of your voice and you need to start respecting your elders.

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I don't like the tone of your voice and you need to start respecting your elders.

I'm sorry if you took things the wrong way, my intention was not to offend. I try to have a sense of humor about things and in this case it obviously didn't sit well with you. Now you caught me on the part about pimping out your ride [car]; so I'll take the heat for that. But I was serious about that being a nice car. My neighbor has one and I've ridden in it.

I was also trying to agree with you that we'll all be old someday [if we're lucky] and you're right to point out for us to keep that in mind.

You're only 70 and most people I know around that age don't really seem "old".

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I'm sorry if you took things the wrong way, my intention was not to offend. I try to have a sense of humor about things and in this case it obviously didn't sit well with you. Now you caught me on the part about pimping out your ride [car]; so I'll take the heat for that. But I was serious about that being a nice car. My neighbor has one and I've ridden in it.

I was also trying to agree with you that we'll all be old someday [if we're lucky] and you're right to point out for us to keep that in mind.

You're only 70 and most people I know around that age don't really seem "old".

Pimping was a very offensive word in my day. Thank you for the apology. Are you a very busy person? Some company at the home here and there would do an old man good.

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Pimping was a very offensive word in my day. .... Are you a very busy person?

I understand your reference to "pimping". Nowadays it's less offensive when used to mean to fancy something up, as in to trick-out or pimp-out someone's car [so it looks fiiiine].

Busy? Usually so. We're in between sports seasons for the kids, at least for another week or so. Otherwise it's non-stop chaos in my life, to a controlled point at least.

I will say one thing, for an "older" guy, you hold your own on the computer.

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Mom's a Matlock fan, but she's really hooked on Law & Order.

And did you hear? They're taking that show off the air, because Fred Thompson is running for President.

I knew I was in Florida when I came to visit the parents, took them to Denny's for breakfast, and saw a guy wearing bermuda shorts (with the waist above his navel), sandals, and black dress socks.

Me? I know I'm old because I like Special K as a late-night snack. (Although I also like Golden Grahams and Captain Crunch.)

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Tipping 10% when they eat out.

Driving those cart-wheelchair-type things in that annoying commerical that has the song "I get around.." with elderly people driving it. LOL.

btw. this is such bad karma. we'll be old one day too.

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