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Dobbs:New World Order Can Be Defeated


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Lou Dobbs on infowars.com interview with Alex Jones.

Great sound bites in this one. Talks about needing a real 9/11 investigation, big business owning our leading canidates and the intentional failing of our dollar, by big banks running the country.

It's getting fairly difficult to say the NAU isn't happening anymore and it's another road to the NWO, lead by the folks who aren't real, yet continue to be leading the way.

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New World Order... silly, Lou.

Silly you, I would say.

I think it is getting fairly obvious that groups like the CFR,Tri and Bild all have to have some kind of impact on the direction we are going. I think it's time to admit it and then talk about if it's the direction we should be going instead. Denile seems a little counter productive.

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I never understood why people think they are cool for falling in line and start screaming conspiracy and tin foil hat without even knowing what they are talking about.

Look it up and then decide. Don't fall in line with everyone else. :doh:

I love mankind sometimes.

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I never understood why people think they are cool for falling in line and start screaming conspiracy and tin foil hat without even knowing what they are talking about.

Look it up and then decide. Don't fall in line with everyone else. :doh:


What makes you think I haven't done just that, my friend?

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ok, I'll bite...

So who is running the New World Order?






Minutes from the meeting?

Look at those links and you'll find lots of interesting quotes.

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I never understood why people think they are cool for falling in line and start screaming conspiracy and tin foil hat without even knowing what they are talking about.

Look it up and then decide. Don't fall in line with everyone else. :doh:

I love mankind sometimes.

I was just kidding about what I said. I was just getting it out of the way so the usuals don't have to say it.

The fact that we haven't secured our borders after 9/11 speaks for it's self...

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Everyone says "Oh we can stop it, we just have to want to stop it" WTF does that mean?! Tell me how I, myself can stop it, and I will. I need to be told, because i dont know how to stop the NWO. So, if you are gonna throw out some stupid blanket statement like "Yeah well, all we gotta do is want to stop it and make decisions," then dont bother saying anything because it holds no merit. Until someone can tell me in plain English, with no hidden inuendo's or generalizations what to do to counter the efforts of the big bad Bilder group or Jason Society, or any of those other supposed "NWO world changing diabolical leaders" then im just going to do what millions of Americans who HAVE read William Coopers books, and watched Phil Schnieders lectures do, and thats nothing. Ive read "Behold a Pale Horse", and Im aware of the possibility that these things may be true, but until someone can tell me specifically what kinds of things can be done to counter their efforts, then im gonna keep on minding my own, and hope i die before it starts to go down.

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