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Dobbs:New World Order Can Be Defeated


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We have set ourselves up for the dollar to fail. I think it's similar to the original collapse when the largest banks were able to buy out a lot of the smaller ones.

It would also open up a new currancy, such as the Amero.

Simple answer, more money.

That's not a simple answer, that's a stupid answer.

Why would the guys who have all the money NOW want their money to become worthless?

"I've got a billion dollars! But I'm willing to give it all up to satisfy my dream of the Amero!!!!" :laugh:

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Waking up to what exactly? That there is a bunch of literature speculating about a NWO?? Since you have "woken up", what have you done to counter or "thwart" the NWO's efforts in world domination? Im looking for specifics so i can join you in your couragous crusade against evil. Being informed and not knowing what to do is worse then bing "uninformed" and not looking for the truth. If there was a spokesperson for "The fight against the NWO" I would listen. Were William Cooper and Phil Schneider supposed to be those spokes people? (BTW, if you have ever read Coopers book, or seen his lectures on youtube, he predicts his death. Then go read the story behind is death, really wierd/odd) They really dont give much instruction, they more or less just give a warning that things are like this, no real instruction on how to avoid or change the situation.

Waking up to the reasons of why things are happening the way they are in this country. Come on man, even you must have watch G.I Joe right?

Knowing is half the battle.

I think getting people to even maybe consider these things other than them just thinking about MTV and crap like that is a big step.

I think the more people that know what's going on, the less people there will be that will happily give away their civil rights for so-called security.

I've heard Bill Cooper and Schneider's stuff. If you like them, you could check out Alex Jones.

I don't believe all the stuff they say, and I think they do exaggerate at times. I'm sure that's impossible for some people around here because everything to them is black and white.

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I don't have audio here. I just wanted to ask why big banks would want the dollar to fail? And what have they done to accomplish this?

That's actually quite easy.

If you have one money, you have one value. Right now, you have 100's of different monies out there all with different values. Some are worth more then others. If you bring the dollar down below that of, let's say the loony, then it would be much easier to consolidate.

The big banks began this trend in 1913 with the introduction of the Federal Reserve Act which was made possible with the 16th amendment. That's number one. They can now control the flow and the actual amount of money that is in circulation. Basic supply and demand. The more money that's out there, the lower the cost. They also caused the great depression. If you read and study the great depression and the crash of 1929 you will see that the big banks and companies of the day caused a panic which brought the market and economy to it's knees. Of course they knew of this and lost nothing, actually gaining quite a bit due to their investments in commodities.

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You are talking about two different things here. Sure, the world is getting ever more interconnected, especially economically. That is pretty much inevitable as travel gets easier and communication improves, and it probably is a good thing overall although there are always dislocations in the process.

But then you jump to the idea of a secret cabal that desperately desires to abandon American soverignity, so much that they secretly plot across generations.... well that is total :pooh:

A does not require B.

But it still doesn't dismiss 2.
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I know who Rockefeller was, i know the families with which you speak, again i dont care if Ghandi said it, its still conjecture and speculation, and neither warrents me to crisis. So, you say you have "woken up" in your origanal post. What decisions have you made to counter the effects of the NWO, MonkeySkin? If you dont think im informed, Id like to follow your example. Id like to know what decisions and efforts you, your self, have made to stop the NWO's plan? Listen to some old rockefeller quotes???

Like I just said, if people know what's going on, then they'll be less likely to just give up their civil liberties for so-called security when the time comes. Is that not enough?

I've answered your question, maybe you can do me a favor and go ahead and post some information about that "some old rich guy" Rockefeller, and the things that he's started.

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Waking up to the reasons of why things are happening the way they are in this country. Come on man, even you must have watch G.I Joe right?

Knowing is half the battle.

I think getting people to even maybe consider these things other than them just thinking about MTV and crap like that is a big step.

I think the more people that know what's going on, the less people there will be that will happily give away their civil rights for so-called security.

I've heard Bill Cooper and Schneider's stuff. If you like them, you could check out Alex Jones.

I don't believe all the stuff they say, and I think they do exaggerate at times. I'm sure that's impossible for some people around here because everything to them is black and white.

I agree with you.
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That's actually quite easy.

If you have one money, you have one value. Right now, you have 100's of different monies out there all with different values. Some are worth more then others. If you bring the dollar down below that of, let's say the loony, then it would be much easier to consolidate.

The big banks began this trend in 1913 with the introduction of the Federal Reserve Act which was made possible with the 16th amendment. That's number one. They can now control the flow and the actual amount of money that is in circulation. Basic supply and demand. The more money that's out there, the lower the cost. They also caused the great depression. If you read and study the great depression and the crash of 1929 you will see that the big banks and companies of the day caused a panic which brought the market and economy to it's knees. Of course they knew of this and lost nothing, actually gaining quite a bit due to their investments in commodities.

oh dear... I'm done here. I hate alternate reality history.

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That's not a simple answer, that's a stupid answer.

Why would the guys who have all the money NOW want their money to become worthless?

"I've got a billion dollars! But I'm willing to give it all up to satisfy my dream of the Amero!!!!" :laugh:

It's just speculation.

What is it about these types of conversations that gets you so rilled up and unable to have a normal discussion.

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But it still doesn't dismiss 2.

It doesn't dismiss "Purple Alien Watermelons Secretly Control NASCAR" either.

But you have to prove unusual things like that to me with real evidence. I don't assume that they are true, not even when I read them on a website written by a guy living in his parent's basement in Kankakee, Illinois.

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It's just speculation.

What is it about these types of conversations that gets you so rilled up and unable to have a normal discussion.

Just put him on your ignore list like me :laugh:

I got him, Sarge, and I think a couple of other folks on there :D

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It's just speculation.

What is it about these types of conversations that gets you so rilled up and unable to have a normal discussion.

The discussion is not normal. People substitute speculation for reality and expect the rest of us to play along like we are discussing the weather. This crap creates its own unreality. I hate to see America getting stupider, not smarter because it doesn't apply critical reasoning skills to the issues of the day.

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It doesn't dismiss "Purple Alien Watermelons Secretly Control NASCAR" either.

But you have to prove unusual things like that to me with real evidence. I don't assume that they are true, not even when I read them on a website written by a guy living in his parent's basement in Kankakee, Illinois.

Well i'm not a fly on thier wall either, just some guy in his bathrobe on the computer.

I just think it a bit nieve to dismiss these things and find it intesting when people like Dobbs, Buchanan and Paul all back these things up.

It's not just coincidence when it continues to happen. There has to be some truth to it.

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Well i'm not a fly on thier wall either, just some guy in his bathrobe on the computer.

I just think it a bit nieve to dismiss these things and find it intesting when people like Dobbs, Buchanan and Paul all back these things up.

It's not just coincidence when it continues to happen. There has to be some truth to it.

Like I said, everything is black or white to some people and I think their brains are incapable of seeing things any other way. Those people aren't worth your time.

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Do you even know who the John Birch Society is, and the influence they have had on American politics over the past 30 years? They are the SINGLE most influential group responsible for policies relating to tax, the rich, and industry. They are a hate filled racist organization who is full of rich old white men, and they are very VERY influential in the republican party. They are the PNAC before there was a PNAC.

To look at a group and say "haha who in their right mind would believe what they say" while ignoring everything else isn't being informed, it is being MSF on the issue. It is burying your head in the sand because you are intolerant to a differing opinion, even when you know absolutely nothing about the group. . .

Sarcasm meter broken much? :rolleyes:

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Like I said, everything is black or white to some people and I think their brains are incapable of seeing things any other way. Those people aren't worth your time.

You really think I am a black or white kind of thinker?

Well, that's a new one. I've been criticized for a lot of things, but never for that.

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You really think I am a black or white kind of thinker?

Well, that's a new one. I've been criticized for a lot of things, but never for that.

That is what makes me so curious as to your opposition to these kinds of conversations.

Unless you're a member.

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The discussion is not normal. People substitute speculation for reality and expect the rest of us to play along like we are discussing the weather. This crap creates its own unreality. I hate to see America getting stupider, not smarter because it doesn't apply critical reasoning skills to the issues of the day.


Fact is, you have nothing to support your side of the argument. Even when facts are presented you disregard them. That my friend, is dumbing down America.

You say you studied economics at the UofC. Enlighten us less fortunate of what was alter reality in the post I made above.

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Well i'm not a fly on thier wall either, just some guy in his bathrobe on the computer.

I just think it a bit nieve to dismiss these things and find it intesting when people like Dobbs, Buchanan and Paul all back these things up.

It's not just coincidence when it continues to happen. There has to be some truth to it.

There is SOME truth to it. Economic globalization is happening, and it is hurting some American people and industires (and helping others). Buchanan and Dobbs are riding that wave of fear and discontent. Economic nationalism is nothing new - it is a legitimate political viewpoint that has been around for years.

Just because there is some truth to that doesn't mean that you go off and take the jump to believing that the Council on Foreign Relations is secretly controlling things and the Fed is really the World Bank, and whatever else people start saying. That is a huge and incorect leap of logic.

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There is SOME truth to it. Economic globalization is happening, and it is hurting some American people and industires (and helping others). Buchanan and Dobbs are riding that wave of fear and discontent. Economic nationalism is nothing new - it is a legitimate political viewpoint that has been around for years.

Just because there is some truth to that doesn't mean that you go off and take the jump to believing that the Council on Foreign Relations is secretly controlling things and the Fed is really the World Bank, and whatever else people start saying. That is a huge and incorect leap of logic.

I never said the Fed IS the WB, but when the head of the Fed is a member and the head of the WB is also a member, I think it holds a little more water than you let on.

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That is what makes me so curious as to your opposition to these kinds of conversations.

Unless you're a member.

I am perfectly happy to have a conversation about economic nationism versus globalization. That is a real conversation about real things.

So are conversations about the wrongs of the Patriot Act, the idiocy in Iraq, the relative merits of the various candidates for President, the problems with Medicare, or who is hotter: Natalie Portman or Melissa Thiereau. All of these are real subjects of real concern.

I am tired of conversations about 9/11 conspiracies, Fed conspiracies, CFR conspiracies, the Mark of the Beast, etc. Those conversations are an exercise in frustration, because people just make stuff up, and then beleive stuff that other people just made up a week ago, and everyone gets stupider.

I think it is a legitimate distinction.

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Fact is, you have nothing to support your side of the argument. Even when facts are presented you disregard them. That my friend, is dumbing down America.

Ok, you win. The thirteen other threads where I tried to discuss this stuff civilly never happened.

You say you studied economics at the UofC. Enlighten us less fortunate of what was alter reality in the post I made above.

Pretty much all of it. Sigh.

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There is SOME truth to it. Economic globalization is happening, and it is hurting some American people and industires (and helping others). Buchanan and Dobbs are riding that wave of fear and discontent. Economic nationalism is nothing new - it is a legitimate political viewpoint that has been around for years.

Just because there is some truth to that doesn't mean that you go off and take the jump to believing that the Council on Foreign Relations is secretly controlling things and the Fed is really the World Bank, and whatever else people start saying. That is a huge and incorect leap of logic.

Agreed. Clowns like Buchanan and Dobbs like to hide behind generalities. It IS a global economy and a highly interconnected world. Business people, humanitarians, artists, technologists, politicians and others see the value in talking to their peers around the world because to many of us human issues trump local, national interests.

That we are having such conversations does not mean there is a conspiracy. It is just people with shared interests who cross national boundaries.

Personally, I talk about technology standards with people from all over the World every week related to my particular field of interest. We often collectively promote standards and try to influcence policy on a national or international basis. But to characterize it as a conspiracy can only be described as lunacy.


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