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Yesterday's parent/teacher conference(Skins related)


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So my wife and I attended another parent/teacher conference for our 9 year old son. These things normally consist of the teacher telling you how great your kid is, how good they're doing in school, and how much they love your child. Mostly sugar coating what they're really thinking. Haha! This one had some of that, but it had something else that damn near caused me to tear up.

When Sean Taylor passed away, I was suprised at how sensitive my wife was to how I felt. You know how women can be about grown men crying. Haha! At any rate, the one person who shared in my pain was my 9 year old son, also a die hard Redskins' fan. I remember watching every ST tribute video that we could find. Right around dinner time, my son and I were sitting on the couch watching some news about ST when another tribute came on. It hit me like a ton of bricks! I couldn't keep the tears back at all, but then I look to my right and my son is crying too. This was one time where his crying didn't make me mad. You know how dads can be about their sons crying.

Long story short...the teacher said my son actually had to visit the guidance counselor over Sean's passing. He'd recently lost a family friend(my sister-in-law's bf was murdered at a bus stop), so he was still a bit upset by that. She said my son was doodling damn near everything with Sean Taylor, #21, etc, etc. One teacher said he even wrote a story about Sean Taylor. After hearing about how he was still hurting over ST's death, I came straight home and gave him one of my #21 Taylor towels....he lit up. I saw him sleeping with it last night.

I know we've gone over and over this many, many times, but this just reinforces what we as Skins' fans have been saying---Sean Taylor was a role model. Kids of all ages, even grownups, truly admired what Sean represented.

Thanks for listening to my story.

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I know we've gone over and over this many, many times, but this just reinforces what we as Skins' fans have been saying---Sean Taylor was a role model. Kids of all ages, even grownups, truly admired what Sean represented. .

Sean was such a unique and exciting player, and mainstream fans around the NFL were just starting to recognize that and associate our defense with him. I've heard it said before, but he definitely had a huge kind of cult following. One of those players that's not in all the commercials, but football fans knew who he was and wanted to watch him play.

I don't think I can ever see I big hit during a football game and not think of Sean Taylor. It'll be like that for the rest of my life... as I'm sure with most if not all Redskins fans.

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I am just the opposite of you. I loved him and what he did for this area and this team. So, I cannot look at tributes and memorials to him. I still get to emotional.

If he could come back, I wouldn't care if he never played another down for the Redskins. It is his life that is important. As fans, his death points out that at times we get too wrapped up in what a player is or is not doing for the team.

I'd bet that every Redskins' fan would express the same sentiment as I. If he could just come back, he would never have to play another down of football and I would be satisfied. But, I am of the firm belief that having seen what he has seen where he is that he would not want to come back. RIP

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He was a role model indeed. His life was a testament to it not mattering where you came from, or what mistakes you made in the past. He was one of those rare cases(nowadays) of someone turning their life around and just becoming so much better in every area. He certainly did not die in vain, and we can see the many positive effects to come out of that around us.

We all saw how good of a player he was, can you really blame God for drafting him?

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I know we've gone over and over this many, many times, but this just reinforces what we as Skins' fans have been saying---Sean Taylor was a role model. Kids of all ages, even grownups, truly admired what Sean represented.

That is why it hit me sooooo hard. My little brother, cousin, and nephews loved the way Sean Taylor played. And when he died because I realized I never will see him play again. And his close family and friends will never see him again.

:point2sky :point2sky <<< For Sean Taylor

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I hope Sean Taylors father and family can embrace your story #21TaylorForever. What a great story to illustrate sean taylors influence on the younger generation, ultimately the most important age group to touch. Your story portrays sean taylors greatest moment ... a role model for the kids. Thanks for sharing! And best of luck to your son.

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I've seriously talked with people who didn't understand how the death of a football player could mean so much to individuals who never even met him.

Being a Redskins fan and a Psych major it frustrates me that people find it frivolous and silly that ST's death could mean so much to so many people.

Very nice story, thanks for sharing.

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great story. everytime i watch highlights of him i still get choked up.:cry: its a total shame how certain members of the media depicted him as a thug when they knew nothing of him.(F*CK YOU WILBON) i wish all football players played with such reckless abandonment and love for the game. this guy came to play every play. what more could you want? we had a guy with amazing abilities and still worked his a** off, which is hard to find these days. i don't think were ever going to find another ST for a long time if ever, and i don't mean just us.:(

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man i just cant get over the fact hes gone.

Redskins just feels incomplete.

Sean Taylor was the face of the franchise, atlest to us skin fans. The media always portrayed portis as the icon. But any die hard redskin fan will tell you it was taylor.

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Great story. I agree that his passing had an incredible effect on a lot of people. Imagine how much more we would have been effected if he was more open with the media and allowed us to really get to know him. Imagine that! I know his memory will live on forever with the fans and especially with me as my 5 year old asks me every now and again to play his tribute videos on youtube.


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I don't think I can ever see I big hit during a football game and not think of Sean Taylor. It'll be like that for the rest of my life... as I'm sure with most if not all Redskins fans.

That is for sure. ST will always be a prominant figure in my mind. Whether I see a big hit, or just hear the word "defence" I am reminded of Sean.

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Sean was special in many ways, but mainly the way he engaged our hearts is what i will remember forever. He loved the fans and we will always love him. Included is a picture of an eagles fan with Sean T. When he came to tell me who he just met he was excited like a skins fan would be, saying how nice he was. This picture was taken 2 weeks before he died and they both have the same birthday, how strange is that??? The second picture is from the vigil, my son(6) is on the left in front. He too was hit hard by sean's passing, but will always love 21, it's his favorite number!! Sean taylor forever :notworthy

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Great Story man, Its still wierd to accept that #21 is gone R.I.P, I keep talking to my friends about the upcoming season and we talk about the secondary and It always takes a little time to hit me and I realize Sean wont be there, The worst was 2 days ago when my friend was showing bits of the funeral on his Tivo and seeing Seans daughter play with the flowers.

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