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Small Explosive Set Off In Times Square


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If it is C. I think we need to set MSF on this kid and get his head on a pike. Unforgiveable prank.

Fine, if it was a terrorist, we can let MSF have at him too. I just hope he doesnt' need a large inventory of Pikes.

:laugh: :laugh:

I do think that it is just a prank though. Not a very good prank, but just a prank.

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You racist! :laugh:

I thought it was a nice touch. :)

Seriously, you two both are supposed to defend our freedoms, yet you're both pointing fingers WELL before the evidence is in. Seems due process is a staple of the freedoms you're supposed to protect.

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We actually have had terrorist attacks since 9/11. Just what in the hell do you call the shootings at the college campuses? If the student had been arab/muslim or screaming "ALLAH" while shooting up the place, it would be called a terrorist attack, but non-muslims don't fit our media's profile of a terrorist.

If ELF setting a car on fire is terrorism, then how is a school shooting at a college campus not terrorism?

Last time I checked there is no rule on how and why a terrorism is motivated to do what they do, terrorism is defined by the act itself.

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We actually have had terrorist attacks since 9/11. Just what in the hell do you call the shootings at the college campuses? If the student had been arab/muslim or screaming "ALLAH" while shooting up the place, it would be called a terrorist attack, but non-muslims don't fit our media's profile of a terrorist.

If ELF setting a car on fire is terrorism, then how is a school shooting at a college campus not terrorism?

Last time I checked there is no rule on how and why a terrorism is motivated to do what they do, terrorism is defined by the act itself.

There is a big difference between an organized group with a political agenda and a mentally unstable individual.

Your last comment reminds me of the arguement used against "hate crime" legislation.

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We actually have had terrorist attacks since 9/11. Just what in the hell do you call the shootings at the college campuses? If the student had been arab/muslim or screaming "ALLAH" while shooting up the place, it would be called a terrorist attack, but non-muslims don't fit our media's profile of a terrorist.

If the shooters survived, the Prosecutors would have filed terrorism charges ASAFP.

Regardless, plenty of sources and/or stories used "terrorism" in regards to those shootings. One search on Google shows more than enough example.

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Ppl always forget the anthrax letters sent to Congress, also. That was terrorism, it happened after 9/11, and no one knows who did it. I don't know if anyones even trying to solve it, at this point.

And twa, seriously? Yes. Arson by ELF is terrorism on American soil, also

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it was at three in the morning I think -- even times square is relatively quiet then.

If it were a foreign terrorist it would have been a much more populated time I would think which leads me to agree that it is some nutjob trying to make a point, poorly.

That's the way I'd bet, too. You don't set off a bomb at 3 in the morning if you're trying for maximum casualties. (Although I'd suspect that the odds of you getting away with it are better than, too. I'd assume that during the day, packages left unattended tend to get paid attention to.)

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I thought it was a nice touch. :)

Seriously, you two both are supposed to defend our freedoms, yet you're both pointing fingers WELL before the evidence is in. Seems due process is a staple of the freedoms you're supposed to protect.

Lets see, the bomb was set at an army recruiting center. That's a clue. One earlier bomb was set at the English Consulate (America's #1 supporter of the Iraq war), the other was set at the Mexican Consulate (a primary nation brought up in free trade protests). Considering the targets, I would say that it was someone against the war and against NAFTA. Sounds like a far left, wingnut to me. Wanna bet I'm wrong?

And due process, as it applies to american freedoms is a matter for the courts. I'm not advocating that we nab hippies off the street and string them up. I'm speculating that based on available facts it looks like the act of a left wing protester opposed to the war and NAFTA.

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Ppl always forget the anthrax letters sent to Congress, also. That was terrorism, it happened after 9/11, and no one knows who did it. I don't know if anyones even trying to solve it, at this point.

I think the authorities think they know who did it and they are still working on it. I just don't think they have the evidence to prove their suspicions to a court. The guy's name is Colonel Zack.

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I think we all know who tried to blow up the recruiting center. The same crew that is chaining themselves to the Marine Recruiting center in Berkeley..


I never thought a tough military guy like you would be so scared of a few little old ladies.

Learn something new everyday.

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(Loving all the people who can't even wait for facts before deciding that this thread needs to start attacking their favorite political groups.)
qft. I was shocked when I heard this story. Americans are above political violence. I don't care who the guy was, I think its sad that in order to make a point he has to resort to tactics used by palestinians:2cents:
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We actually have had terrorist attacks since 9/11. Just what in the hell do you call the shootings at the college campuses? If the student had been arab/muslim or screaming "ALLAH" while shooting up the place, it would be called a terrorist attack, but non-muslims don't fit our media's profile of a terrorist.

If ELF setting a car on fire is terrorism, then how is a school shooting at a college campus not terrorism?

Last time I checked there is no rule on how and why a terrorism is motivated to do what they do, terrorism is defined by the act itself.

:notworthy absolutely spot on.
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