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O'Reilly"I Don't Want To Go On A Lynching Party Against M. Obama Unless There's Evide


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i hate things like this.

was it a poor choice of words? yes. although he probably did it to cause controversy and drum up ratings because he knew his network would back him.

was it racist? no. does it deserve this coverage? no. do we ALL know what he meant by it? yes.

seriously...people need to move the f on.

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I can just imagine how ****ing lambasted I would get for a thread like this. But then I don't have the privileges some people do.

Since it doesn't say No New Threads under your user name, care to explain what you're talking about?

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THIS IS Racist:

February 21, 2008 -- The black Columbia University professor who last fall found a hangman's noose pinned to her office door plagiarized the work of another faculty member and two students, according to a school investigation released yesterday.

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I think Bill O'Reilly is making a brilliant play here. Seriously.

He's able to play the race card here, and create a situation where people think about Obama's race without actually being racist.

Because in the end, that's all that people are thinking about...the race of Obama (and his wife).

Bill was not racist. Insensitive, maybe, but not racist. But this is what people are talking about now, and it injects race into the Presidential Race. That hurts the Democratic party, which is what Bill wanted. He's pretty shrewd, and I truly believe this was by design.

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Since it doesn't say No New Threads under your user name, care to explain what you're talking about?


As a caucasian American, when I point out a racial insensitivity (such as the time I was #2 on a civil service test, but didn't get an interview) I get crucified for the 'real' injustices, pointed out by African Americans who were the descendents of slaves. (i.e., haven't experienced injustice themselves.)

Or when I point out that as a police officer (obviously, in another jurisdiction than that of the aforementioned civil services test) who treated an African American with all due respect, only to have him file a complaint with my chief that I called him an n-bomb and searched his car (which was plainly disputed by my dash-cam.) I have a hard time taking the beating from those who call ME a racist.

You guys do a good job, TK. And I don't care for, nor feel I need to, ass-kiss. But I get lambasted for my posts in race threads. And I don't post deliberately misleading thread titles, nor lie about what actually happened. And yet, the membership here crucifies me, and Thanos gets a free pass.

I know why. It's just not kosher to post it. If you'd care to examine my post history, and explain to me why any of my violations are more aggregious than his, I'm here to listen.

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I think Bill O'Reilly is making a brilliant play here. Seriously.

He's able to play the race card here, and create a situation where people think about Obama's race without actually being racist.

Because in the end, that's all that people are thinking about...the race of Obama (and his wife).

Bill was not racist. Insensitive, maybe, but not racist. But this is what people are talking about now, and it injects race into the Presidential Race. That hurts the Democratic party, which is what Bill wanted. He's pretty shrewd, and I truly believe this was by design.

O'Reilly is not that shrewd. :laugh:

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I second another posters statement. I don't see it. he is merely pointing out that he is reserving judgement on her until he knows all the facts about her statement. what's wrong with that??

When referencing African Americans it is generally accepted as a smart idea not to mention the word lynching in any way.

Bill Oh' Really has been in the TV business for a long time so he really should know better.

But we are talking about the master of phone sex!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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When referencing African Americans it is generally accepted as a smart idea not to mention the word lynching in any way.

Bill Oh' Really has been in the TV business for a long time so he really should know better.

But we are talking about the master of phone sex!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

The NYT has been in business even longer. I'll be waiting for your scolding of them over the JM article.

I'm thinking I shouldn't hold my breath on this one. Some say you have been known to lean left :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Jason, I questioned you because I wasn't quite sure what you were insinuating. I know your history in these type of threads. You end up getting worked to a point where you either go ballistic, or seem to come this >.< close to having your head pop off.

I also know Thanos's posting history here. Typically, he's not much above being a troll in Tailgate. That said whatever/if something happens to him, that's between him & the ES Staff. Just like if any Mod action taken with any member reading this now.

Same as it ever was. If you, or anyone else would like to discuss this further, PM me.

That said, this train wreck of a thread is closed.

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