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Can some of you please go to the chat room


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There is so much crap being posted, I can hardly find something good to read.

For some of you newer guys, open up some threads from back in 04 and 05 and see the way we used to do things around here.

There 40 threads on the front page about the same damn thing.

Please people, take a chill pill.

Thanks in advance!

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There is so much crap being posted, I can hardly find something good to read.

For some of you newer guys, open up some threads from back in 04 and 05 and see the way we used to do things around here.

There 40 threads on the front page about the same damn thing.

Please people, take a chill pill.

Thanks in advance!

I second that! :applause: :applause: :applause:

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Um, yeah, gotta agree with the OP's sentiment on this one. I have a lot of time on my hands during class lectures and I STILL can't manage to sift through all these crap, duplicate threads. I know this is an emotionally charged site right now, but, please, for the love of all that is good and holy, please use the search button before starting a new thread!! Aaaahhhhhh!

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How much did you drink tonight ?

Just curious ?

Seriously, the mods are probably so busy merging crap and NNT'ing people, they don't have time to think straight, much less spell correctly :D I'm not trying to suck up or anything, but that's just reality of the situation right now...it's completely insane.

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I have been thinking the same thing. That is why you don't see most of the older members starting new threads just posting in existing ones. I for one RARELY start a thread in the stadium because of the fact that your thought, article, etc. has probably already been posted 4 times within 15 mins.

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The mods are mods by choice. And that's what they do, they moderate. Other than that, I won't speak for them.

But as a fan and regular reader (I don't post that often) to this board, it becomes useless when no one is posting anything new or with original thought.

For an out-of-market fan, I depend on this board. I'll check here before I check anywhere else for the latest. If it's cluttered with redundancy, it's really frustrating.

I used to doubt people on this board because it can be so discrimating. However, there have been enough people here, even the discriminating ones, who have offered acts of welcome, kindness, and so forth.... and ones that have simply offered good and current commentary on any current situation.

I'm usually an onlooker, but really... just read the rules, be fairly kind, and the board becomes a good place to hang out with fellow fans, in your area or another, in your level of participation or another.

Most here don't know me, but I still feel like if I wanted to jump in I would be welcome. It's clear that the board has rules, but you shouldn't feel like it limits you. Generally speaking, the people that matter here are Redskins Nation and will welcome you with open arms.

If you make a mistake, someone will let you know kindly (or not, but don't worry, you'll get it, someone will help, and it's ok).

Generally, you'll be greeted the same way you greeted the board. If you suck, they'll suck. If you're cool, they're cool.

It's a good thing. So drink the Kool-Aid.

Just kidding...

For every one person that is offensive to you, you'll find TEN OR MORE that are NOT.

OR, you'll find one that is kind enough to make up for TEN.

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How did this get stickied?


It was that or pin the tail on the Jackass and Chewy ran out of pins.

Seriously, this react then retract crap is gone to far. I would expect or hope that the MODS start banning on NNT posters for some of this repetitive knee jerk reactions going on here. Must we continue to act like there is no plan in place? Gibbs surely knew what the void was going to mean when he left and he had Danny's ear more than anyone. GW must have wanted Al to stay or go or something that differed from what Gibbs wanted on O. Zorn is not a surprise to me considering our personnel and his success in Seattle. Yes, Portis is a running back fit to that system not Gibbs. Gibbs knew that.

Take a breath and settle down NOW, wait for the dust to settle-

Then start lambasting everything the media is reporting all over again.

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It is a sad day in redskins nation people. Im not going to say a bunch of stuff that everyone im sure already knows but i feel dooped. I mean maybe Dan and Vinny have some elaborate plan to bring in someone great to lead this team but i havent seen anyone yet. It seems like a slap in the face for all the redskins fans to just blow up everything Joe made stable. Why would any players want to stay to start over when its really killing there careers and our franchise. I mean we have a great group of guys but no one wants to learn a new system or have different terminology every couple of years. Who's going to want to restructure there contract to keep the team together when the people signing those checks could care less about the team. The players are going to want there money or they are gone. There isnt going to be a team anymore with all these changes. Its going to be a bunch of high paid free agent players and coaches that dont know anything about redskins football or anything about this historic franchise. I love the redskins and i will be at every home game and on the couch watching every away game but this is rediculous. We have spoken and we want someone here (like Greg Williams) that can keep this thing going. We want to know the players we have here and what they are about. We have gotten to know alot of these players and we've all been through these emotions together. Tough wins, hard loses, and something beyond all that with our fallen brother Sean Taylor. Not just any coach can come in and get the respect of these players and fans and i think thats the most important thing we need to look for. I hope Snyderatto can see that.

Thanks Everyone for takin some time...


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