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Can some of you please go to the chat room


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To be completely honest with you. I would be in favor of being the victim of NNT until I reached 1000 posts. If the mods felt that it would help out them to have a blanket NNT until x number of posts, I would be in complete agreement of it. Especially since it sure would help to not read the same thing in 5 different threads.


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Well, the problem is we are now and for the future dealing with CRAP Management of what was once a very well run organization. The fact that we will have this man destroying the Redskin franchise is depressing.

The fact so many fans are flying off the handle, predicting doom, when NOTHING has been made official yet is depressing.

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When I first started lurking around here in 02 I didnt even join because I didnt feel that I had enough knowledge to contribute to the great thread content. When I finally joined in 04 I rarely posted because my insight was not nearly as good as most of the fans on here. I would NEVER start a thread, and mostly just read what other people had to say. Now anyone can say just about anything

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Man. it's hard to read this board with the sound of all those Lemmings falling off the cliffs. It's nonsence if you think the franchise is being "ruined". What's going on is not so unusual or unique. I've been a Redskin fan since the 50's, and believe me, most of the seasons have not been glorious. In fact, I was thinking the other day about how many teams have made the playoffs for the last three years. I'm not sure, but I think only Seattle, New England, and Indy qualify. In any event, most franchises are continually disappointing their fans. I'm not upset about the current disarray. Of course having seen the Skins win 3 Superbowls tempers my need to see them win.

Fans need to reel in their emotions. Despite all the gloom & doom predictions, nobody really knows what's going to happen. I sure didn't expect Baltimore & Chicago to plummet to the bottom...and who among you would have bet on Cleveland to win 10 games and the Giants to be in the Superbowl? How many of you would have wanted Belicheck after his tour in Cleveland? Did anyone in the sports world really envision how pathetic Spurrior would be as a HC? There are way to may unknowns for the screaming that's going on around here.

I myself consider the NFL to be entertainment. I enjoy having a team to root for. I know there will be both good and bad days ahead. Afterall, only one championship can be won each year, and the odds are a team gets one every 32 years. Overall, we've been luckier than most regardless of the current drought.

So my advice to everyone is to relax and try to remain positive. I prefer to look forward to the possibilities rather that always assuming the worst....it's more fun that way. :2cents:

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good advice. And it's amazing the number of threads that have been started just today bashing Dan Snyder and such. I mean really. Adults essentially sulking and throwing tantrums because they didn't get what they wanted. Yeeesh.

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There is so much crap being posted, I can hardly find something good to read.

For some of you newer guys, open up some threads from back in 04 and 05 and see the way we used to do things around here.

There 40 threads on the front page about the same damn thing.

Please people, take a chill pill.

Thanks in advance!

The state of the Extremeskins reflects the discombolated state of the franchise as run by Danny and little danny.

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good advice. And it's amazing the number of threads that have been started just today bashing Dan Snyder and such. I mean really. Adults essentially sulking and throwing tantrums because they didn't get what they wanted. Yeeesh.

Simply not true. Snyder has taken everything that Gibbs tried to build and instill when he returned and thrown it out the window. And for what? Does he honestly think he is making an impovement? Does he think rebuilding from scratch every 3 to 4 years will lead to a Superbowl and success? It's total BS. This franchise is now seeing it's darkest days. And that is irrespective of how they may or may not perform in the next couple of seasons.

Throw darts at a dart board with a blind fold on and you are bound to hit it sooner or later.

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Man. it's hard to read this board with the sound of all those Lemmings falling off the cliffs. It's nonsence if you think the franchise is being "ruined". What's going on is not so unusual or unique. I've been a Redskin fan since the 50's, and believe me, most of the seasons have not been glorious. In fact, I was thinking the other day about how many teams have made the playoffs for the last three years. I'm not sure, but I think only Seattle, New England, and Indy qualify. In any event, most franchises are continually disappointing their fans. I'm not upset about the current disarray. Of course having seen the Skins win 3 Superbowls tempers my need to see them win.

Fans need to reel in their emotions. Despite all the gloom & doom predictions, nobody really knows what's going to happen. I sure didn't expect Baltimore & Chicago to plummet to the bottom...and who among you would have bet on Cleveland to win 10 games and the Giants to be in the Superbowl? How many of you would have wanted Belicheck after his tour in Cleveland? Did anyone in the sports world really envision how pathetic Spurrior would be as a HC? There are way to may unknowns for the screaming that's going on around here.

I myself consider the NFL to be entertainment. I enjoy having a team to root for. I know there will be both good and bad days ahead. Afterall, only one championship can be won each year, and the odds are a team gets one every 32 years. Overall, we've been luckier than most regardless of the current drought.

So my advice to everyone is to relax and try to remain positive. I prefer to look forward to the possibilities rather that always assuming the worst....it's more fun that way. :2cents:

What team has had the most success in the NFL in the recent years? How about the New England Patriots. Let's look at their situation: a stable owner who has a stable coach and built stability within the organization. The Redskins are the exact opposite of this under Synder. Why throw the baby out with the bath water when you have made the playoffs twice in 4 years? This franchise is now being talked about in the same sentence as the Oakland Raiders. This should tell you all you need to know. Might Al Davis have success by firing his coach every year and starting over? He might, but it's not likely. The same can be said of the Washington Redskins at this point. So many lemming fans ready to follow Danny and little danny over the cliff no matter what happens though...

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I was just gonna say -- I don't think I've ever seen as

many closed threads as I've seen the last few days. But PCS beat me to it above. This has to be some kind of record.

Blache represents stability. Zorn may open this offense up. Hire the head coach and lets move on folks.

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Simply not true. Snyder has taken everything that Gibbs tried to build and instill when he returned and thrown it out the window.
This depends on your perception on what Gibbs was trying to build. One of Gibbs’ primary concepts is the importance of selecting the right players, you know.... those with character, smarts and talent.

We won’t know exactly how the FO has evolved in terms of this philosophy until Vinny starts revamping the roster. Do we blame all prior player gaffs on Vinny or do we blame the consensus where Gibbs, Williams, Saunders (the “old guys”) most likely weighed in more heavily?

If nothing else, we can now point our collective finger at Vinny since Joe ain’t there to take the blame on roster matters. :D

Gibbs collected a talented group of coaches and let them work with autonomy under his general supervision.

He was flexible enough to “fire himself” from offensive coordinating duties when it was apparent that his offense might be a just little crusty.

The defensive side blew up in 2006. Most would have severed the caustic head of that body but Gibbs called for a minor scope along with a reevaluation of the health and mind.

Gibbsology….. team first, ego second, no one gets publicly “thrown under the bus”, internal matters stay put, stay even keeled, excel in coach speak, and stop the buck.

Is this Williams?

And for what? Does he honestly think he is making an impovement? Does he think rebuilding from scratch every 3 to 4 years will lead to a Superbowl and success? It's total BS. This franchise is now seeing it's darkest days.

Gibbs blindsided all of us, that is the for what and explains the darkness.

Snyder should think he’s making an improvement given the circumstances but it certainly does not jive with the expert consensus of ES and we're ****in about it. The ES crew is just trying to keep the ****in party in one location.

Not too sure if we’re starting from scratch but in most cases where a president of football operations/head coach unexpectedly retires one might expect change.

The players are still here and many of us noted toward the end of season that they were Redskins.

What does that mean to them?

The money? The money is still here.

The coaching staff? Gibbs, Saunders and Williams are gone and they need to ask themselves if they are professional enough to accept the change and perform at their highest level regardless.

Redskins.....Gibbs gave them a taste and the players swallowed it. A united group of self reliant men supported fully by best (dang) fans in all of sport.

The players had a taste, so did Snyder and Vinny, it's left to them to keep the brew going.

And that is irrespective of how they may or may not perform in the next couple of seasons.

I was also expecting the transition to go "as expected" but I'd be willing to bet if we go 12-4 at home for the playoffs, have several promising new players under contract, Vinny becomes the new Beathard with a full complement of draft picks, Snyder adds one-way film to his box, gets a new Jumbotron and cuts the price of beer that more than a few around here would change their tune. :)

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I was also expecting the transition to go "as expected" but I'd be willing to bet if we go 12-4 at home for the playoffs, have several promising new players under contract, Vinny becomes the new Beathard with a full complement of draft picks, Snyder adds one-way film to his box, gets a new Jumbotron and cuts the price of beer that more than a few around here would change their tune. :)

Don't think little danny (Vinny) is becoming the new Beathard, do you?

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Don't think little danny (Vinny) is becoming the new Beathard, do you?

I haven't the faintest and I doubt that most around here do either .... but if Vinny's "new" title is actually meaningful then he has the most clout that he's had since he's been here with Snyder.

With this clout, Vinny is now ultimately responsible for the roster.

Should the team continue to collect free agent busts, increase dead cap monies and draft dreadfully then Vinny is ultimately accountable and it would be prudent for Snyder to replace his "lapdog" with a bonifide successor.

Should Snyder let him do his job and he succeeds, then it would be prudent of us fans to acknowledge his success and get off of his back.

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I haven't the faintest and I doubt that most around here do either .... but if Vinny's "new" title is actually meaningful then he has the most clout that he's had since he's been here with Snyder.

With this clout, Vinny is now ultimately responsible for the roster.

Should the team continue to collect free agent busts, increase dead cap monies and draft dreadfully then Vinny is ultimately accountable and it would be prudent for Snyder to replace his "lapdog" with a bonifide successor.

Should Snyder let him do his job and he succeeds, then it would be prudent of us fans to acknowledge his success and get off of his back.

Hey. That's pretty level headed there Tom. We'll have none of that.


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Gone are the days. I'm fairly new being only an '05 guy but this **** is ridiculous. Amen Chewy, Amen.


agreed, I'm on the fringe of seasoned vets here having come on only late in 2005. I have to say if last year was nuts, this year is ****ing ridiculous. the level of intelectual stimulation has dropped so much.
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Jeesh, its a message board owned by the Washington Redskins. This is a trying period we the fans are going through and I for one get some satisfaction out of partaking in the madness and feel like it is helping the owner understand that what he is doing is not acceptable for a franchise of this calibur.

I have posted more in the past two weeks than at anytime I have been a member here. The reason I feel so inclined to do so is that this team has turned into a damn circus again and Joe Gibbs has only been gone two weeks. This is the only outlet the fans have short of showing up at the owners house and its only gonna get worse on this board as Snyder further dismantles this franchise.

I am sure its a lot of work for the mods these days so thanks in advance for all the hard work. Look at the bright side, you could be modding a Ravens website.

:logo: HTTR :logo:

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There is so much crap being posted, I can hardly find something good to read.

For some of you newer guys, open up some threads from back in 04 and 05 and see the way we used to do things around here.

There 40 threads on the front page about the same damn thing.

Please people, take a chill pill.

Thanks in advance!

Couldn't have said it better myself, Chewy.

I almost never start threads anymore because of this. I just sit back and try to read through all the merges that are so prevalent these days.

The MODS are doing a bang-up job trying to keep order here and it is much appreciated.

People, you need to do some searching (not using the search function) before posting a new thread.

It would help out the MODS and the sanity of the board


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Jeesh, its a message board owned by the Washington Redskins. This is a trying period we the fans are going through and I for one get some satisfaction out of partaking in the madness and feel like it is helping the owner understand that what he is doing is not acceptable for a franchise of this calibur.

I have posted more in the past two weeks than at anytime I have been a member here. The reason I feel so inclined to do so is that this team has turned into a damn circus again and Joe Gibbs has only been gone two weeks. This is the only outlet the fans have short of showing up at the owners house and its only gonna get worse on this board as Snyder further dismantles this franchise.

I am sure its a lot of work for the mods these days so thanks in advance for all the hard work. Look at the bright side, you could be modding a Ravens website.

:logo: HTTR :logo:

What he said.

But seriously, short of what the mods already do, not much could be expected.

It seems the pattern is, during Free Agency/the draft/coaching searches/general Skins related craziness, massive amounts of people are on here (old and new). The board gets cluttered and dumbed down, followed by two or three threads about keeping the board in shape and having more intelligent discussion. That's the general trend I've seen.

Some people vent about what's going on with the Skins, and others vent about what's going on with the board. I'm sure the mods do both. :laugh:

FWIW, I went to the chat the other day, and by the conversation in there I would say this thread worked.

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