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Patriots vs Giants: I've Lost My Will To Live

TD Riggo

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Sure, the Giants are a rival, but they're probably the divisional rival who we have the most mutual respect with. During the Gibbs era seems like we had hard-fought battles with them, even if Parcells did get the better of JG in the head-to-head games.

If you go back before the season I'm sure you can find threads proclaiming the Giants were going to stink big time, just solely basing on Tiki's retirement. They've done a great job of getting back to their second SB in eight seasons.

I think the Pats will win the game in the end, but it should be a good one.

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at least the cowgirls arent in it :)

even the halftime show sucks terribly tho...nothin good can come from this game

Yep. Although he's FAR better than that Justin "No Talent" Timberlake Freak/Nudie show a coupla years back, Tom Petty is like, so, :yawnee: When I think of great classic rock acts, Tom Petty doesn't come up in the first forty for me.

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So, for those that hate the pats, if it was the patriots and cowboys in the superbowl, who would you cheer for?


My 2 favorite teams are the Redskins and whoever is playing Dallas. Since the Redskins are not playing in the Superbowl in your scenario, I root for the team playing Dallas. Doesn't matter who it is. I hate Dallas that much.

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Unless you guys have a better idea, I think I'll take the time to clean out all of my colostomy bags instead. This "Super" Bowl means absolutely nothing to me.

What you could do is pull out the VCR tape of one of the Redskin super bowls and play it instead of the super bowl. I did that one year, actually. The 49ers and Bengals (the year after SBXXII) I never watched it and watched the replay of the Redskins/Denver instead.

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I don't know who to root for either. I guess I'll take the Patriots, even though there's no good reason for me not to root for the Giants other than their a division opponent. Meh, I guess I wouldn't care that much either way. Both deserve to be in the Super Bowl.

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What you could do is pull out the VCR tape of one of the Redskin super bowls and play it instead of the super bowl. I did that one year, actually. The 49ers and Bengals (the year after SBXXII) I never watched it and watched the replay of the Redskins/Denver instead.

So you never watched the Super Bowl where Joe Montana marched the 49ers 92 yards in the final three minutes? It was one of the greatest Super Bowl moments ever. And you missed it. For What? Cause the Redskins weren't playing?

It's the Super Bowl. The matchups always suck, but it's the Super Bowl.

I'll be watching. Go Pats.....

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I'm sorry. You can't call yourself a redskin fan if you cheer for the giants.

Not that anybody will.

My man who is a die hard Eagles fan said we should pull for the Giants because they represent the NFC East and it makes our division look strong by them winning the Superbowl, I told him hell nawwwww I cant do it. If it aint the Redskins, I dont want to see NO team from our division win the who thing, I'd rather see the Pats when the whole thing...........again :( .

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I think it would be cool for the Giants to win because they were so under the radar all season. I didn't have them shoved down my throat every time I went to a site or turned on the TV. At first I thought this would be only marginally less dreadful than the Cowboys in the tournament, but it's really not that bad.

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you got it.....good call:cheers:

Yeah kids. After giving it almost 24 hours to think through, I think I'm going to have to go for the G'aints here. As much as I would hate to see that mouth-breathing moron of a QB for the G'aints winning a Sooper-Dooper Bowl, I have faith that the Skins will go back to exposing him for the overrated idiot that he is next year and all will be well with the Universe again. After all, it's clearly obvious that the G'aints have accidentally backed themselves into a Sooper-Dooper Bowl!

The Patsies on the other hand, are the poster children for all that is Evil in the World! With their cheating, Psycho, crappily dressed Head Coach, and The Random Impregnator TM on the verge of winning a fourth, I do NOT want them to win!! If they DO, we will hear NOTHING for the next year but about "The Dynasty" and such. I just would not be able to bear to keep on living, as after this season, I have heard quite enough about the Belicheaters.

I'm still probably going to dig random holes in my back yard and then fill them back up just for the heck of it, and maybe light bags of dog poop on my neighbors front porches instead of watching this dullard of a game. I have more important things to do.

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If the Redskins aren't in the SB, I watch only out of ceremonial desire. I couldn't care less under any other circumstances.

If Dallas is in it, I root against them (no offense intended to our ES Cowboys.) This year is awkward because if I want to see the smarmy Pats get foiled, I have to root for an NFC east foe. I am, however, going to root for the Uhnie Accaaawsi-led New Yawk Footbawl G-Men. I just cannot find a way to want Brady and Belichick to go perfect.

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