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If we trade our 1st(08') for a teams 1st(09'),what other pick could we get in 08'?


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I was really curious about this for a couple of reasons...

1)I know we will somehow find a way to get out of cap problems this season,but it would allow us to keep core players by not having a 1st this year to sign.

2)The free agents are pretty good this year and I think we could grab a few players that our front office would like to fit our system,with players like Springs and others possibly on the chop block.

3)I'm assuming we will have most of our picks this year except the 1st if we were to trade it away for a 1st in 09'....I like the idea of stockpiling a couple a 1sts for the 09 season,since I think it will be a better draft class and plus we will be without our 4th rounder on the Pete Kendall trade.

Which leads me to ask...What other pick would or could we get by trading our #1 this season for that particular teams #1 in 09?

Like would they give us a 3rd this season or something like that since future picks are always valued less than picks during that up and coming season...

Cause I was thinking....What if we traded to a team like for example MIAMI,who really could use a bunch a picks to improve that team in a hurry...

What if we just gave them our #1(21st) this year for their #1(?) next year in 09'?BUT...they also throw in their 3rd rounder this year (top high pick)?

Would you do it?I mean...Would you like that idea,even though the 1st would be boring for us without one?

we would still have a 2nd,(two=example Miami&skins) 3rds,4th,5th,6th,7th...I'm assuming..?

We would still get some quality players and depth,but just not that blue chipper...Heck...Maybe a stud drops in the 2nd round for us...

Then in 09' we would have two 1st rounders and probably a high one,since the Dolphins would probably still suck!

Should the team try to do this?Is a 3rd to much to get or not enough in that kind of deal...and what team would consider this if not Miami?

Thank you for reading my rambling!! :cheers:

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I think when teams have done this in the past, it's been for a 2nd round pick in the current year, and then next years 1st rounder from the other team. Not a bad way to do things, depending on cap space and needs. That being said, I think we have enough holes that need to be filled that we should probably use all of our draft picks.

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I understand where you are coming from but I'd rather stick with our picks for this season.

If when we get to the 21st pick there are numerous players liked and a trade down is offered where we can still get a targeted player then by all means make the trade.

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Interesting scenario...

First off, I hope Dan Snyder is finally coming around to the idea of becoming fiscally responsible. In order to do this the Redskins are gonna have to part with the crazy spending ways and build through the draft.

That being said....the Skins should do their best to stockpile future picks in an effort to get quality young talent they can groom.

FYI: The Colts and the Patriots have the most number of drafted players on their team which means the teams that draft well set themselves up to win consistently.

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The only thing is that you have to find a team that wants to trade with you. It would not be up to us if we wanted to trade that pick but up to another team wanting our pick and offering a trade. Not a bad idea in my mind though, I would like to have two firsts next year.

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I was really curious about this for a couple of reasons...

1)I know we will somehow find a way to get out of cap problems this season,but it would allow us to keep core players by not having a 1st this year to sign.

2)The free agents are pretty good this year and I think we could grab a few players that our front office would like to fit our system,with players like Springs and others possibly on the chop block.

3)I'm assuming we will have most of our picks this year except the 1st if we were to trade it away for a 1st in 09'....I like the idea of stockpiling a couple a 1sts for the 09 season,since I think it will be a better draft class and plus we will be without our 4th rounder on the Pete Kendall trade.

Which leads me to ask...What other pick would or could we get by trading our #1 this season for that particular teams #1 in 09?

Like would they give us a 3rd this season or something like that since future picks are always valued less than picks during that up and coming season...

Cause I was thinking....What if we traded to a team like for example MIAMI,who really could use a bunch a picks to improve that team in a hurry...

What if we just gave them our #1(21st) this year for their #1(?) next year in 09'?BUT...they also throw in their 3rd rounder this year (top high pick)?

Would you do it?I mean...Would you like that idea,even though the 1st would be boring for us without one?

we would still have a 2nd,(two=example Miami&skins) 3rds,4th,5th,6th,7th...I'm assuming..?

We would still get some quality players and depth,but just not that blue chipper...Heck...Maybe a stud drops in the 2nd round for us...

Then in 09' we would have two 1st rounders and probably a high one,since the Dolphins would probably still suck!

Should the team try to do this?Is a 3rd to much to get or not enough in that kind of deal...and what team would consider this if not Miami?

Thank you for reading my rambling!! :cheers:

Okay first off I don't understand. Why is everyone assuming Shawn Springs is gone? The guy is our best Corner, and until we know how Carlos Rogers is progressing in Rehab we need him.

Now that rant aside.

I'd want at least a 2nd Rounder, or a 3rd and a 4th/5th before I'd trade down. Reasoning? The first round is where we have had the most success recently in drafting Players (Taylor, Landry, Campbell), Trading down and adding picks isn't a bad idea if you can get a player that you want later. However, Trading draft picks should never be discussed in the same vein as fixing Cap issues. Most rookie contracts are less than Free Agent Salaries and as such, any signing bonus is prorated anyways. Just because there are a lot of Free Agents does NOT mean we should go after them. It would be cheaper to Keep Springs as bring in some of the Cornerbacks that are available or has everyone forgotten the kind of money that Nate Clements got last year? How I ever I would be in favor of getting a later pick if we can land an impact player (such as #35 Owen Schmitt, FB WVU).

As far as trading with Miami.

TO trade our pick I'd want their 09 first and their 2nd Rounder, or their 3rd and 4th/5th This year. Reason being? We give up a lot of value between our 21st pick and the 33rd pick (2nd Rd) or even the 65th Pick (3rd Rd):/ Picks next year are valued one draft lower this year so a 2nd round this year = a 1st round next year. I'm actually wondering if we might be better off jumping up and trading up with Miami if we could guarantee we landed an impact player on the D-line, but I don't know if any such players are in this draft yet. A lot of folks wanted Campbell, but I'm not sold on the guy.

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Okay first off I don't understand. Why is everyone assuming Shawn Springs is gone? The guy is our best Corner, and until we know how Carlos Rogers is progressing in Rehab we need him.

Now that rant aside.

I'd want at least a 2nd Rounder, or a 3rd and a 4th/5th before I'd trade down. Reasoning? The first round is where we have had the most success recently in drafting Players (Taylor, Landry, Campbell), Trading down and adding picks isn't a bad idea if you can get a player that you want later. However, Trading draft picks should never be discussed in the same vein as fixing Cap issues. Most rookie contracts are less than Free Agent Salaries and as such, any signing bonus is prorated anyways. Just because there are a lot of Free Agents does NOT mean we should go after them. It would be cheaper to Keep Springs as bring in some of the Cornerbacks that are available or has everyone forgotten the kind of money that Nate Clements got last year? How I ever I would be in favor of getting a later pick if we can land an impact player (such as #35 Owen Schmitt, FB WVU).

As far as trading with Miami.

TO trade our pick I'd want their 09 first and their 2nd Rounder, or their 3rd and 4th/5th This year. Reason being? We give up a lot of value between our 21st pick and the 33rd pick (2nd Rd) or even the 65th Pick (3rd Rd):/ Picks next year are valued one draft lower this year so a 2nd round this year = a 1st round next year. I'm actually wondering if we might be better off jumping up and trading up with Miami if we could guarantee we landed an impact player on the D-line, but I don't know if any such players are in this draft yet. A lot of folks wanted Campbell, but I'm not sold on the guy.

Well...whoever our coach is going to be,I thought it would be a smart franchise move to stockpile picks for the 09' season with (2) 1st rounders.

Obviously,we have to find a team interested in doing so...But I could see Miami,Atlanta,Cleveland(no 1st rounder in 08') and maybe a few other teams trying to grab a few blue chippers in the 1st round.

I think with a few free agents pick ups and some good selections in the draft from the 2nd round on down,we could still field a good team next season....

Plus....I would like to see the team build for the trenches in the next couple years...O-line is aging and D-line has no studs at all.

I just want to set up our new coach with some good talent,since many of our players are crossing over that 30 number in age...!

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My thoughts on this is that you simply try to improve your team this season as best you can... If you trade down, try to improve your position in this seasons' draft rather than worrying about next year (whether that be trading down for additional picks in this year's draft or just standing pat).

Pick the best player available at #21 (no matter what position, hopefully OG, OT or DE) and then by the time next year rolls around instead of drafting a young player you hope turns out, you'll have a 1 year vet who can help you win a championship. I honestly don't believe you gain a whole lot by dropping down and deferring picks until next year (unless someone like Mike Ditka or Mike Lynn shows up with a package you can't afford to say 'no' to).

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I don't think it would be a good move for savings. Draft picks are generally cheaper and even a first in the 20's is relatively cheap. Buying in free agency, especially, signing people with talent that others may want is much more expensive than signing draft picks.

That said, it's not a horrible idea. Two second rounders (ours and the one we get from the trade down) could equal two highly rated guards or a guard and a run stopping de with some power and that would be okay with me.

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We are going to have to get lucky and hope a really good player falls to#21 and then we can get the trade down scenario into play. I think we really need to start stockpiling our draft picks and build some talent from within. (ala McIntosh, Landry, Montgomery, Golston, Cooley, Campbell)

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I think I'd rather see the 1st pick used on the best big WR or DE available. But, I'm still eating crow on the Landry pick, so what do I know. I wanted Okoye, and thank God in hindsight that we picked LaRon. Of course, we haven't drafted a defensive lineman since the Carter administration and our 1st round WR's are usually busts. So maybe we should just go ahead and trade the 1st for a couple year's worth of 5th and 6th's! :silly:

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Same as the other thread, our pick will not be expensive to sign.

Starting talk for a trade out of the first from our area is at least that teams second this year and their first next.

It all depends on our wanting to trade it and their current draft position. The draft chart is a guideline to help you through this process.

Take for instance Dallas's trade with the Brownies last year. They traded their #22 for the browns 2nd rounder last year and first rounder this year.

Draft Value Chart = http://www.nfldraftcountdown.com/features/valuechart.html

Dallas #22 = 780 pts

Browns #35 (3rd pick in the 2nd round in current year) = 550 Pts

1st Next year ='s the last pick of the round the pick is valued at= So next years 1st equals the 32nd pick on this years chart = 590

Browns paid a bit of a permium but they wanted Quinn desperately and this trade shows how much of a guideline the chart is.

theoretically I could see our team trading our #1 for a high 2nd and third this year and I would not be upset in the least bit, that would be a loss on the chart but I think it would be a plus on the field.

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I understand where you are coming from but I'd rather stick with our picks for this season.

If when we get to the 21st pick there are numerous players liked and a trade down is offered where we can still get a targeted player then by all means make the trade.

This is an interesting scenerio that you bring up. The only problem is I think the Redskins see there current cap situation from an orgainzation standpoint is that they aren't as much trouble as many "cap experts" believe they will be in.

I also, think Mr. Snyder pride, and will to win so badly will not allow him to "wait" if you will to win. Giving up your first round pick for future picks (which I dont think is a bad idea by the way) would almost give the sense that they would rather fix the current cap situation now instead of making it IMO a 3 year process. I really believe that the Redskins current cap issues can be resolved with a 3 year plan. What I mean by that is the players who have large cap number within 3 years either need to restructure there current deals or we move them out. Its really as simple as that. New England has been using this blueprint for years, and actaully they dont even use the restructuring strategy they basically go "out with the old, and in with the new".

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This is an interesting scenerio that you bring up. The only problem is I think the Redskins see there current cap situation from an orgainzation standpoint is that they aren't as much trouble as many "cap experts" believe they will be in.

I also, think Mr. Snyder pride, and will to win so badly will not allow him to "wait" if you will to win. Giving up your first round pick for future picks (which I dont think is a bad idea by the way) would almost give the sense that they would rather fix the current cap situation now instead of making it IMO a 3 year process. I really believe that the Redskins current cap issues can be resolved with a 3 year plan. What I mean by that is the players who have large cap number within 3 years either need to restructure there current deals or we move them out. Its really as simple as that. New England has been using this blueprint for years, and actaully they dont even use the restructuring strategy they basically go "out with the old, and in with the new".

Agreed and I think we are going into year 2 of that three year plan. Most of the bad contracts we have will be gone and the older vets we are carrying (Samuels, Jansen etc) will be releasable starting in 09.

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D-Day was right on with this one earlier when talking about the chart. Teams typically will not trade you a 2nd and a future 1st for your 1st rounder this year, especially if the pick is late in the round. If we were going to move out of the 1st round it would either take a high 2nd and a high 4th and probably a 2nd next year or we could take a 3rd this year and a 1st in 09.

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I could see a few teams with new coaches like us,possibly being interested in trying to aquire some extra draft picks...(the ones with plenty of CAP space that is...)






and there will probably be others...

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Any future pick that is given for a pick in the current calendar year immediately loses value according to the draft value chart. Assume that if you were trading for a 1500 point, first round pick this year, for compensation you'd have to double the value of the pick in return for the following year or give a blind first round pick in return.

Hope that makes sense :D

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I like this idea. We will likely go for depth on both sides of the line, and a corner, so trading down is not a bad move. Also, if we can get the first pick next year for a bad team like Miami, that will likely turn into a top 5 pick. I don't know what they traded, but the Patriots got the 49ers pick, which is very high. I doubt whoever we would draft in the first round will start, because we usually fill those holes through free agency. But then again, it takes two to tango. We would need someone else to make us an offer.

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its simple trade it because there is really no good impact players we could draft and could play a huge role on our team. And besides it would allow us to use the later round picks to get depth. But we must get a 1st, 4th next year and 2nd, 5th, and 6 round picks this year or it wouldn't be worth it.

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Here are some trades that would be nice to happen for us...


"Redskins trade their 1st round 08'pick (#21) and Brandon Lloyd to the Miami Dolphins for their 1st round pick in 09',4th round pick in 09',2nd round pick in 08' and their 3rd round pick in 08'"(giving Redskins 2nd,2nd,3rd,3rd,4th,5th,6th,7th round picks in 08' and a 1st rounder as well as a 4th rounder in 09' making up for the Pete Kendall trade that will cost a 4th rounder in 09')


"Redskins trade Shawn Springs and Phillip Daniels to the Bengals and their 08' 1st round pick(#21) for Chad Johnson and their 1st round pick in 09' along with a 4th rounder in 08'"


My favorite....The Redskins trade Brandon Lloyd and their 08' 1st round pick(#21) to the Kansas City Chiefs for their 1st rounder in 09,'2nd rounder in 08',4th rounder in 09' and Brodie Croyle...(also:the Redskins sign FA Jared Allen to 7 year 49 million dollar deal)

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Here are some trades that would be nice to happen for us...


"Redskins trade their 1st round 08'pick (#21) and Brandon Lloyd to the Miami Dolphins for their 1st round pick in 09',4th round pick in 09',2nd round pick in 08' and their 3rd round pick in 08'"(giving Redskins 2nd,2nd,3rd,3rd,4th,5th,6th,7th round picks in 08' and a 1st rounder as well as a 4th rounder in 09' making up for the Pete Kendall trade that will cost a 4th rounder in 09')


"Redskins trade Shawn Springs and Phillip Daniels to the Bengals and their 08' 1st round pick(#21) for Chad Johnson and their 1st round pick in 09' along with a 4th rounder in 08'"


My favorite....The Redskins trade Brandon Lloyd and their 08' 1st round pick(#21) to the Kansas City Chiefs for their 1st rounder in 09,'2nd rounder in 08',4th rounder in 09' and Brodie Croyle...(also:the Redskins sign FA Jared Allen to 7 year 49 million dollar deal)

After thinking about it i agree with either your 1st or your 2nd idea

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