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Send Off For Coach Joe Gibbs


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Wish I'd have known you were all going out there. Was out working today and didn't have computer access. I was driving near 28 about 4:00 and almost just headed for the park! Thanks for representing so well - I just want him to know how much he means to us.

...and THANK YOU for all the pics!!!

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He absolutely loved it... he started giggling like a schoolgirl and held it aloft like a superbowl trophy :laugh:



I'm so gonna miss that guy. :cool:

I got his autograph during the Green Bay sendoff. that was a great time.

(I was the dreadheaded white boy. hiars gone now.)

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I hope whoever the new coach is appreciates the send offs and welcome homes as much as Gibbs did.

That's EXACTLY what I was thinking earlier today. I wonder if the new coach will appreciate all of those send offs and welcome homes as much. I wonder if he will talk about the fans and thank all of the fans as much as Joe always did. I'll never forget how grateful Joe was for all of the fans. I'm really feeling like I'm a losing a grandfather or something. I hate this. :(

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What a goofy great guy. Maybe he can kick it in Carolina with Cowher if Cowher doesn't take a job elsewhere. I'll miss the guy. Now is time for new beginnings and see what happens, but Gibbs is truly a classy individual that will be missed.

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I'm really feeling like I'm a losing a grandfather or something. I hate this. :(

Trust me I feel the same way! If the coach of the skins becomes Greg Williams then I think he will act the same and show us the same respect Coach Gibbs did. When Greg was leaving redskins park Sat/Sun he looked real happy to see us there and he was waving while his wife was in complete shock looking at us like look at those crazy son's of *****'s! It was priceless!:laugh:

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That's EXACTLY what I was thinking earlier today. I wonder if the new coach will appreciate all of those send offs and welcome homes as much. I wonder if he will talk about the fans and thank all of the fans as much as Joe always did. I'll never forget how grateful Joe was for all of the fans. I'm really feeling like I'm a losing a grandfather or something. I hate this. :(

I know what you mean, most of the time during retirement PCs you just see part of the conference. Even ESPN started it out showing the sendoff, autographs, and then Gibbs talking about how great the fans had been and 'treated him better than he ever deserved'

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Sometimes it sucks when you are not a fan of the hometown team like me. I miss out on great team activities like the Send Off. You Skins fans have to be one of the most dedicated fan bases in the NFL. Your spirit is so infectious.

I wrote this for a prior thread and I’ll repeat it some of it here as it is equally fitting:

I am a Cowboys fan through and through. I've never wavered from, nor turned my back on, my Boys.

However, growing up in Redskins territory I have found that I have a small dark place in my heart for the Redskins. It's the place I venture to when I when hear your fight song. I suppose I've heard it so many times over the years that I've grown accustomed to it. It almost seems right.

It's the place I venture to when I see Coach Gibbs. He is an institution in this town and an icon of the sport, and no amount of love I have for the Cowboys can deny that.

It's the place I venture to when I watch George Michael and crew talk about the Skins on "Redskins Report". In my mind, there isn't anyone more synonymous with Redskins sports than George Michael and Sonny Jurgensen. They make listening to Redskins news rather bearable.

It's the place I venture to when I am out of town and see someone in Burgundy and Gold. It is comforting and familiar seeing those colors; they immediately remind me of Home.

Out of almost 30 years of hating the Skins (I started hatin' early in life), this is the first year I feel some affinity for your team. I am almsot envious of the devotion, fun and love that gravitates around it. Alas, as I Luv Them Cowboys, I will NEVER be a part of Skins family so I will vicariously enjoy the fun via this Board.

Well, enjoy yourselves tomorrow at your End of the Season gathering. You folks deserve it. You had a heck of a season. I'm sorry to see Coach Gibbs go. He was a heck of a guy.

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Huly and I just gave Coach a big hug on behalf of ExtremeSkins..

We also got him a little engraved trophy which he got all giddy over..

Will post pics later..

Thank you guys SO much! As I posted yesterday I was so disappointed I am down here in Orlando on business and couldn't make it ... cool to know I was able to participate in a hug! :)

And what an awesome, perfect trophy!!!! Thanks for the pics too ... made me feel like I was there ...

On behalf os all of us who couldn't make it, thank you to all who were able to go and show him so much deserved love from the fans

Damn I'm gonna miss that man ... again.

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It was real good to see everyone out there last night and to get to see Coach for one last time. I also wanted to thank Huly and Pez for everything. It's been real hard for me the past couple of days and getting to see everyone yesterday for a couple of hours let me escape and forget everything that's going on.

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last night was tough. i am glad that we had a great group out there last night for gibbs final send off. this season has been so full of so many ups and downs...but i think we all left there with smiles on our faces.

i slacked...and need to post the pictures...working on it!!!

slacky-thanks for acknowledging my <3....

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