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Help... Trying to quite smoking


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One of my best friends was a two pack a day guy for 12 years. He took this medication called chantex or something like that. It doesn't just help with the physical addiction, it has mental effects as well. He says it makes him not care one way or the other about smoking. He hasn't had a cigg in 6 months. He's the last guy I ever thought could quit. If it worked for him, it could work for anyone.

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One of my best friends was a two pack a day guy for 12 years. He took this medication called chantex or something like that. It doesn't just help with the physical addiction, it has mental effects as well. He says it makes him not care one way or the other about smoking. He hasn't had a cigg in 6 months. He's the last guy I ever thought could quit. If it worked for him, it could work for anyone.

Thanks man. I was just reading about that stuff the other day. I will look into.

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If you really want to quit you need to get on chantix. http://www.chantix.com/content/Chantix_Branded_Homepage.jsp?setShowOn=../content/Chantix_Branded_Homepage.jsp&setShowHighlightOn=../content/Chantix_Branded_Homepage.jsp

Best thing that I ever did. You'll be amazed on the amount of money you'll save every month by not smoking.

Thanks my friend.

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I was a pack-a-day smoker for about 15 years. First thing I did was disallow smoking in my house and car. Then I allowed a cigarrette in the early morning, one mid-morning, one at lunch, mid-afternoon, evening, and night. So that was 6 a day. It wasn't too hard to last the 2.5 hours until the next one. Eventually I was able to make that 2.5 into 3, 4, etc. After a while, I was able to completely stop.

Of course, you have to be extremely motivated and change a lot of habits for a while. It may not work for everyone. but I am going on 8 years without a single smoke...

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you can do it. I quit in '89 at the same time I quit drinking. That's the hard part. Everytime I drank I wanted to smoke. I paid off my house with the money I saved from quiting both.

WOW smoking and drinking????

My resolution is to not drink during the week. I am also working on giving up the liquor. Smoking is next...

I would be unbearable if I gave them both up at the same time

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I third the Chantix thing. My aunt took it. Apparently it has some mushroom psychedelic stuff in it. You don't trip out but she said your dreams get really crazy. Sounds like fun!

What are the possible side effects of CHANTIX?

The most common side effects of CHANTIX include:

* nausea

* sleep disturbance (trouble sleeping, changes in dreaming)

* constipation

* gas

* vomiting

Tell your doctor about side effects that bother you or that do not go away.

These are not all the side effects of CHANTIX. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for more information.

Use caution driving or operating machinery until you know how quitting smoking and/or using CHANTIX may affect you.

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WOW smoking and drinking????

My resolution is to not drink during the week. I am also working on giving up the liquor. Smoking is next...

I would be unbearable if I gave them both up at the same time

it was pretty rough considering I was getting divorced at the time. It is fun though when I get pulled over and the cop asked me "when's the last time you had a drink" and I smile and tell him the summer of '89 :laugh:

I tell you one thing, cigarettes deffinately contributed to the severity of my hangovers. I was able to quit for a couple years while I was still drinking and when I started smoking again big difference.

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One of my best friends was a two pack a day guy for 12 years. He took this medication called chantex or something like that. It doesn't just help with the physical addiction, it has mental effects as well. He says it makes him not care one way or the other about smoking. He hasn't had a cigg in 6 months. He's the last guy I ever thought could quit. If it worked for him, it could work for anyone.
Same thing here. A friend of mine has smoked for over 20 years. She started taking Chantex and in about 2 months she never picked up a cigg again. She said you can keep smoking all you want for up to, I think 4 months. She has been smoke free for about 6 mo. now.
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I never smoked ciggs but I had to kick Red Man and that was a grind.

I don't know if it will help with smoking because the oral fixation (insert own joke here) is different for chaw, but I used a toothpick dipped in flavored oil. That became a bit of a ritual and gave me something to chew on. Then it was a couple of months of slackening cravings and that was that. It's really the first stretch of two months that is the hardest.

Good luck!

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As I tell everyone else that says they are trying to quit,

"Do, or do not. There is no try." ~ Yoda

It's all between the ears. Pills and patches can be useful, I guess, but you must really want to. Just saying you want to, isn't enough.

For the record, smoked most of my life, 4+ packs a day before I quit.

Cold turkey.

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As I tell everyone else that says they are trying to quit,

"Do, or do not. There is no try." ~ Yoda

It's all between the ears. Pills and patches can be useful, I guess, but you must really want to. Just saying you want to, isn't enough.

For the record, smoked most of my life, 4+ packs a day before I quit.

Cold turkey.

Wait, 4 packs a day? Did you have two cigs in your mouth at a time? And I thought 1 pack a day was incredibly overboard.

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I tried to quit smoking last year while using Chantix. I believe it was in May - and I failed miserably. Chantix IS NOT FOR EVERYONE.

You have to want to quit. You have to set a stop date. You can smoke for one week while taking the chantix. When your stop date comes, no more smoking and you pop pills.

When I took the medicine, I took it for about two weeks. The medicine messes with your brain. The first two days of taking the medicine, I was less than friendly. I was downright rude, angry, irritated and pissed at everyone. That went away after two days.

It messes with your dreams too. Many people have psychotic dreams .... I had dreams that my family was dead, that I was going to die, etc. Not pleasant.

The final straw for me was the nausea. I was SO sick to my stomach that I could not function. I'd take a pill with food, 30 min after I ate and then an hour after I ate and I would get so sick to my stomach that simply moving made me nauseous. And I'm not talking about simple nausea. I felt that I was going to projectile vomit EVERYTIME I moved.

I quit taking that medicine and kept smoking.

My NY resolution this year was to quit smoking. I've been successful so far. I had my last cigarette on New Years Eve at 10:30 pm. I am not using any help or medicine, no patches. I'm doing it cold turkey.

I have not had a cigarette in 8 days.

I believe that you REALLY have to want to quit. If you truly want to quit, then you should be able to man or woman up and fight the urges to stop smoking. Its not easy either way .....

For me, so far ... so good.

Good luck with your resolution. If you need any encouragement, this is the right place!

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I smoked for 8 years and quit cold turkey 15 months ago. I tried all these meds and other crap and nothing worked. I finaly woke up one day and decided to hell with this i want to be able to play ball with my son when he gets older. All I can tell ya bro is that you have to WANT to quit to make it happen. Meds or no meds its all in your head. I cant stand the smell of cig smoke now. I wish you the best in quiting.

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Well, I am currently on Chantix. It is not for everyone, but is is working for me. I am on my 7th week. In a nutshell, it takes the enjoyment I used to get out of smoking. After the 2nd week all cigs would taste really really stale.

I am not out of the woods yet, but this is by far the best that I have tried.

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This is old school, but it worked for my dad.

Everytime he wanted a cigarette, he drank a big glass of water instead.

For the first few days he was totally bloated and pissing like a racehorse every 5 minutes. But it made him associate cigarettes with that bloated feeling, and the peeing flushed the nicotine out of his system much faster. Within ten days or so, he didn't want to smoke anymore.

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