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Article Critical of Redskins "Exploiting" S. Taylor's Death (MET)


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Honestly, I think this guy wrote this article for the reaction. Nobody can tell you how to grieve and how long to. You would be an ass if you tried to and end up looking like a uncaring jerk.

That being said, I dont believe we should be posting phone numbers on here. Email addresses are one thing, but when it becomes that personal I think there is a line being crossed. Even if it is just a work number. Thats just my opinion and in NO way an attack on TK or anyone else.

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Honestly, I think this guy wrote this article for the reaction. Nobody can tell you how to grieve and how long to. You would be an ass if you tried to and end up looking like a uncaring jerk.

That being said, I dont believe we should be posting phone numbers on here. Email addresses are one thing, but when it becomes that personal I think there is a line being crossed. Even if it is just a work number. Thats just my opinion and in NO way an attack on TK or anyone else.

That's the way I felt when I read this.

As far as the phone numbers? Look at the bottom of the article, his number is right there, its simply posted here so we don't have to give him the benefit of the doubt of another read through while looking for his contact info.

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Meet The Press? Nah.

Meet The SWARM.:)

John McGrath: 253-597-8742, ext. 6154


21? Is that really it? Are you giving us permision to attack. I've never went on to another board with the intent to spew venom for fear of it reflecting bad on ES, but if your giving the okay I'd like to tell that guy to **** himself.:2cents:

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Normally, I never bother replying to people like this, but I couldn't resist this time. Here's my email to that autrocity, hope it's not too long and annoying for you guys to read:

Dear John,

I'm sure that your inbox has already been flooded with angry replies from Redskins fans today after the article that you decided to write. I am not going to attack you and call you every name that I can utter. What I am going to do is simply point out something that has evidently gone right over your head: nobody is exploiting Sean Taylor, they are remembering him.

Yesterday, Bill Belicheck won the Coach of Year Award, this is a coach that was caught cheating this year. Nobody is going to argue that the Patriots have not accomplished something extraordinary this year, but if you look at that team, you will understand that they are about one thing and one thing only: self-glorification. They pursued a goal simply so that they could claim to be the best, and they approach the game with a mindset to set records and be praised and glorified for their dominance. There may not be anything wrong with that, afterall, the goal of every football team is to win and be dominant.

That being said, the Redskins are the polar opposites of those New England Patriots. They are not playing for self-glorification, in fact, they almost appear to dispise self-glorification right now. The Redskins have become a humble team awakened to the fact that they are only playing game. A game that does not deserve to be glorified for anything more than being a game. Sean Taylor understood that. Sean played the game with unresting respect for the game; and, when the game ended, he got out of the spot light and avoided the media's wishes to exploit his life off the field and turn him into anything other than a football player. The Redskins are not out promoting themselves as a team of destiny because of Sean Taylor's death, but rather they are dedicating every ounce of energy in their body to respecting the football player and the man that was Sean Taylor.

As a Redskins fan, I would love to see them make a push in the playoffs, make the Super Bowl, and win the championship for Sean; however, if they lose tomorrow I will still love the Redskins (the players, the coaches, and the organization) because in a time when the media wishes to impose its will upon the public that the Patriots are the greatest football team around, I have had the opportunity to watch 53 men remember 1, play for 1, and care for 1. What the Washington Redskins have and are doing this season, rises above what takes place between the sidelines and speaks to what takes place in the film room, the locker room, their homes, their lives and their hearts.

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21? Is that really it? Are you giving us permision to attack. I've never went on to another board with the intent to spew venom for fear of it reflecting bad on ES, but if your giving the okay I'd like to tell that guy to **** himself.:2cents:

No. He is. That information is listed at the end of his column.

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Usually I would just say this thread is another goofy fan crying about a negative Skins article but WOW this writer is a total A-hole. Thanks for posting.

The Skins have acted only with Class and Honor regarding ST. They honor him with every hard fought second of each game and this chump is just mad b/c his Faeghawks are going to get their asses kicked this weekend.


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That's the way I felt when I read this.

As far as the phone numbers? Look at the bottom of the article, his number is right there, its simply posted here so we don't have to give him the benefit of the doubt of another read through while looking for his contact info.

I didnt read the article actually and have no plans on it. So I spoke out of line and I apologize for that. I have learned since logging in to that Seahawks board and seeing all the BS they spoke on ST not to click links that will upset me.

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Yeah, I can tell Seattle is very nervous about this game. You can tell how they are acting. Matt's mustache, them doing that segment on ESPN where they are playing with toy cars at practice, etc... They are basically trying to imitate Portis and his costumes by doing that stuff. Unfortuanately for them it isn't going to work.

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I don't love the article, but I also don't think the author is totally off base. I think the redskins are taking this too far, and I think it has gone beyond the point of mourning and it's starting to be used as motivation for the team. Whether that's right or not, I cannot say, but I think they are going overboard with it and I do question whether it's appropriate.

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As a Redskins fan, I would love to see them make a push in the playoffs, make the Super Bowl, and win the championship for Sean; however, if they lose tomorrow I will still love the Redskins (the players, the coaches, and the organization) because in a time when the media wishes to impose its will upon the public that the Patriots are the greatest football team around, I have had the opportunity to watch 53 men remember 1, play for 1, and care for 1. What the Washington Redskins have and are doing this season, rises above what takes place between the sidelines and speaks to what takes place in the film room, the locker room, their homes, their lives and their hearts.

:applause: :applause: :applause: That part right there was excellent...

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I think what the writer of this story meant to say (or should have meant to say) is that HE is sick and tired of hearing about Sean Taylor and the Redskins drawing inspiration from his memory.

To each is own. In all candor, I was having a similar reaction to last night's Orange Bowl. Not so much VT but rather the broadcast of the game and FOX trying to force an emotional reaction out of me as a viewer. That said, I certainly wouldn't suggest that the school or the football team is in anyway exploiting the shootings of last Spring. That community still feels that loss and it has brought them together. So similarly to suggest that the Redskins are somehow doing something wrong or disingenuous would be laughable if it weren't so sad.

The Taylor murder is still very fresh in everyone's mind (barely a month ago), it happened during the season with games still being played and most importantly he was a teammate of these guys. Of course the players are still going to think about him and play for him. From a fan's perspective, Sean was our "star" player. If not "the face" of the franchise he was right there behind Clinton as the most famous Redskin. His loss has been a collective shock to our system. I wonder what this guy would say if Matt Hasselbeck or Shawn Alexander were murdered in November? Would he be so quick to question the sincerity of the Seahawk organization or it's fans in their mourning?

This guy might have a better case next season if players, fans and media still invoke Sean Taylor's name as some sort of rallying cry but not now.

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I don't love the article, but I also don't think the author is totally off base. I think the redskins are taking this too far, and I think it has gone beyond the point of mourning and it's starting to be used as motivation for the team. Whether that's right or not, I cannot say, but I think they are going overboard with it and I do question whether it's appropriate.


They are taking it too far? How dare Portis and Moss dedicate their play to their fallen friend? How dare they talk about Sean when asked by the media? Get a clue.

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...however, if they lose tomorrow I will still love the Redskins (the players, the coaches, and the organization) because in a time when the media wishes to impose its will upon the public that the Patriots are the greatest football team around, I have had the opportunity to watch 53 men remember 1, play for 1, and care for 1. What the Washington Redskins have and are doing this season, rises above what takes place between the sidelines and speaks to what takes place in the film room, the locker room, their homes, their lives and their hearts.

Well written, and loved this part...like a line out of a movie.


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The person who wrote this article needs drop his know it all ego and remember he is not a family member nor friend of ST. The only persons opinion I care about foremost is that of his father Pedro who asked the team to make it to the playoffs for Sean, and hasn't had anything negative to say about the way his sons teammates are honoring him. Avoiding the debate whether the recent events are coincidence or a sign Taylor is watching over this team because in the end it comes down to personal beliefs. However if his teammates find comfort and purpose in believing Sean is still with them in spirit how dare he judge their feelings. He makes it sound as though we are purposely making sign like hiring jets to write 21 in smoke above our stadium before kick off. The events happened without players or coaches influencing them and it is the media commercializing it if anyone, not the them.

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