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Article Critical of Redskins "Exploiting" S. Taylor's Death (MET)


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Two other things that bug the **** out of me concerning this arrogant S.O.B.'s article:

1) He's doubting Gibbs' sincerity when commenting on Sean Taylor still being on the depth chart. He's literally saying that Gibbs is insincere concerning Taylor's death, and is instead using it in manipulative ways.

2) He claims to be speaking on Taylor's behalf by how he titles the article! As if saying Sean Taylor would prefer the things he says the Skins should do over what the Skins are actually doing.

Btw, notice how no mention of Taylor's family and how THEY view the Skins' actions is mentioned.


But we all knew that this perspective was coming. There are malcontents and opportunists everywhere--this guy has just been the first to seize what he believes to be a negative moment in order for his own gain. Perhaps he was sincere in his approach, more likely the tact was used to sell papers and get people talking.

And it's worked.

I couldn't disagree more with the guy's words, but I can't say I didn't see this coming.

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As bad as this seems to be, it is only the beginning. If the 'Skins are lucky enough to win, wait until what the Dallas media starts saying because we beat their bitter ***** last time. And God help us with the media frenzy if we are fortunate enough to advance to the Super Bowl, but in my mind that's actually a good problem to have!

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2) He claims to be speaking on Taylor's behalf by how he titles the article! As if saying Sean Taylor would prefer the things he says the Skins should do over what the Skins are actually doing.

Btw, notice how no mention of Taylor's family and how THEY view the Skins'

actions is mentioned.


Sean's family has done nothing but praise this organization... and frankly they are the only people that have a right to comment about the potential exploit of their family name and lost family member.

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I guess he didn't get the memo that Sean Taylor's dad implored the Redskins after his son's death to go out and make the playoffs, so the team is playing for Sean WITH THE BLESSING OF SEAN'S FATHER. I guess this clown knows more about what Sean would want than Sean's own father.

It really pisses me off that this guy seems to think the team is somehow wronging Sean or not allowing him to "rest in peace."

Who is he to suggest such a thing? Perhaps he would learn something from reading the following from LaCanfora's blog about his conversation with Sean's father, regarding the Redskins' recent success:

"It's outstanding," [Chief Taylor] said, speaking in a rapid-fire cadence unlike his normal speech, clearly excited to talk Redskins. "It's awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome! They have a great organization and great coaches and hard-working players and Mr. Snyder has done a great job with everyone there and Coach Gibbs and Coach Williams have rallied the team. I'm very happy for them."

Chief Taylor said he has seen every game since Sean's passing, on the edge of his seat for every play. "I'm a diehard Redskin fan," he said.

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But we all knew that this perspective was coming. There are malcontents and opportunists everywhere--this guy has just been the first to seize what he believes to be a negative moment in order for his own gain. Perhaps he was sincere in his approach, more likely the tact was used to sell papers and get people talking.

And it's worked.

I couldn't disagree more with the guy's words, but I can't say I didn't see this coming.

Yeah, but sometimes you have to put out into the universe that we will not suffer fools lightly lol...

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I'm floored with his complaint over the team's depth chart still listing Taylor as the starter. Wasn't one of the first things the team said it would do to honor Taylor's memory was to keep him listed as the starter for the rest of the season?...NOT because of some silly superstition to keep the winning streak going, as he implies. If this jerk bothered to check up on the facts before writing this garbage, he'd know that.

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Everyone has an opinion.

Mine is that this that this is the same kind of selfish, look-at me journalism that has surrounded Sean's death since the begining. It's even worse from this guy because as far removed as he is from the event he CANNOT claim to understand the situation as well as those more closely involved in it, yet he does.

He understands better than Gibbs and Williams.

He understands better than Sean's close friends and teammates.

He understands better than Sean's own family.

He understands better than us, who still miss Sean and pulled for him his entire career.

He's pretty damn amazing to understand how to grieve Sean's death better than all us, isn't he?


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Yeah, but sometimes you have to put out into the universe that we will not suffer fools lightly lol...


I think you're email was a great response in light of the above.

And really so is Larry Brown #43's--is there really a better counterargument to the Redskins acting opportunistically then the vocal encouragement of Sean Taylor's father? If there is one, I don't know what it is.

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I'm floored with his complaint over the team's depth chart still listing Taylor as the starter. Wasn't one of the first things the team said it would do to honor Taylor's memory was to keep him listed as the starter for the rest of the season?...NOT because of some silly superstition to keep the winning streak going, as he implies. If this jerk bothered to check up on the facts before writing this garbage, he'd know that.

I wonder if the writer thinks the Skins only put Taylor's name on there for the Seahawks game, like something they decided to do only after beating Dallas by 21... :doh:

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I wrote alot to this guy, and thought I'd follow pattern and post what I wrote...I suggest everyone gives it to him, since he deserves it.


I began reading your article trying to give you as much credit as possible, since I noticed you were writing out of Tacoma, WA, and some Redskins fans would probably give little credit after realizing this article will probably be biased.

I assumed you would talk about how Sean Taylor has been a motivation for the skins and how it probably won't work as far as the postseason is concerned. You managed this, but on a really arrogant and insensitive level.

You, I would probably be correct in assuming, have had no personal contact with any of the Washington Redskins players and staff, including Sean Taylor. This being said, you have no authority to deem Sean's death as having little impact on the team, who in your mind is riding this event for media attention.

Furthermore, you go off stating that Sean is "not the first football martyr." This is incorrect in my mind, he isn't really a "martyr", since they aren't winning games because he died, but instead are winning games for him. Let's think about this picture for a second.

Sean died, being a young football player who had certain dreams.

One of these probably was getting elected to the Pro Bowl again, which he achieved. Another was probably to get a Superbowl Ring, as all football players dream of.

For the Redskins to make their way through the playoffs and come up with a Superbowl victory is as close to getting a ring for Sean now, then there ever will be. His name is still on the team list, and next year, he will be gone from the list, majority of the NFL, aside from Redskins players and fans, will forget about Sean's death, and not feel much sympathy for it.

If the Redskins win next year, Sean gets no playoffs, he gets no NFC championship, he gets no Superbowl. Forgive me for asking, but have you ever lost a loved one, and a member from your family buried a possession with them that they cherished?

Winning as many games as possible this season, Sean's last, is as close to giving him back what he should have had...like you would when burying a loved one with a possession.

It just offends me when a man of your level has the gall to write an article about how a team is getting media attention, riding off of a players death who they don't really mourn for, hoping in the end they can come up with a win for themselves?

You have no sense of loss in this matter, so why would you write such an insensitive article? I for one, am one of the many that mourned when Sean died. It was like losing a brother, because that's how some Redskins fans treat their players.

Just because you think it was coincidence that the Washington Redskins won by 21 points on Sunday doesn't mean you have to insult something you don't directly believe in. The players believed Sean was with them. Maybe not to the extent of planning out the game, as you put it, but in spirit, that he was the reason they won, due to motivation, as well as the hope that something greater out there exists.

Maybe you may be a man of no faith, but does that really give you the right to insult others that do have faith? Everyone needs something to believe in. Maybe this was something for them to believe in, and you shouldn't try to take that away. You don't have that authority, and are now viewed as a small, petty, insignificant man in the minds of Redskins fans due to your harsh words.

In conclusion, I suggest you take a look at the way you evaluate things and how you respond to them. Although trying to give Seattle fans hope for winning off this article, you have instead offended many more people than you gave hope. Just remember this when diving into the realm of the loss of a human life and the presence of something greater, such as God, in life: you are a sports writer.


Justin Kalnasy


Needed paragraphing badly. :) ~ihs

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I'd like to suggest a "meeting of the minds" between the Seattle "journalist" and the TN ("Mike Franks"...was it?) hillbilly who ripped off ESer's sigs/images to make them into "memorial Tshirts" (cuz he had to feed his kids) and set them up on eBay....they could talk to each other in 3rd person and discuss their similarities. Something along the lines of rain soaked coffee drinking commie reaches out to redneck alcoholic double-wide brother....

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I wrote alot to this guy, and thought I'd follow pattern and post what I wrote...I suggest everyone gives it to him, since he deserves it.



Justin Kalnasy


This is very well said, nicely put. I didn't quote the whole thing because of length, but much better than I said. I hope this guy's computer blows up because of all the emails flooding his inbox.:applause:
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