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Article Critical of Redskins "Exploiting" S. Taylor's Death (MET)


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As the Washington Redskins continue their very public grieving over murdered teammate Sean Taylor, the distinction between mourning the dead and exploiting the dead is becoming ever more blurry.

Before attending the Dec. 3 funeral for the Pro Bowl free safety – an innocent victim in the botched burglary of his South Florida home – the Redskins paid their respects during a stirring pregame tribute culminated by the defense lining up for its first play against Buffalo without a free safety.

Washington players wore No. 21 decals on their helmets – the decals were distributed to players around the NFL – and dedicated the remainder of their season to the talented, once troubled young man who died before those outside the Redskins’ headquarters learned of his newfound commitment to responsibility.

But the solemn dignity of the Missing Man tribute has devolved into a maudlin circus that’s turned Taylor from a tragic figure into the patron saint of an improbable Super Bowl contender.

It’s one thing when the slain safety is commemorated by hats, T-shirts, souvenir magnets and No. 21 rally towels, as proceeds from those sales are being funneled toward a memorial fund the Redskins have established for Taylor’s 1-year-old daughter.

Click on the link above for the rest of the article

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**** this guy!! This is the first real article I have seen that seems to trash the way the 'Skins are honoring their fallen co-worker. What if the main editor in his newspaper room died? How do you think this nut would act then? We should flood his email with tons of insults and complaints, and somebody who is able to go to the sendoff this morning should print copies of this article and hand them to the team. People complained about Wilbon's article, but this article is complete trash. He'll see how we honor Sean Taylor on Saturday when we whoop his team's ***. HTTR!!!

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Likewise **** those media *******s! I love how people always assume things before getting the whole story! What really pisses me off is that still after his death some of them still call him a thug! A thug is someone who sells drugs to kids, shoot innocent people for no apparent reason while there at home sleeping. Basically a thug is a piece of pooh pooh! Sean was the total opposite but don't friet fellas will be the ones smiling once this season is over(wink,wink) while they will be kissing are ass!

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Everyone has an opinion and I'm not surprised by this type of article. I'm quite sure this isn't the first of it's kind. We honor Sean's memory alot on here because it's here that we love him the most. Most journalists and even fans of other teams will NEVER understand how much it hurts and how much we miss him. It's nothing more than bulletin board material and it's result will surface on Saturday.

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S.T. was more than a co-worker to the skins players. They spend many, many hours together perfecting their attack on other teams. Hours upon hours together that we couldn't fathom. This Jackhole doesn't now crap about honor. The skins couldn't do any less then what they have done to stay respectful. Media always think that they have the golden opinion but this dude's is for ****.

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What a surprise, a mediot from the west coast discounting anything slightly supernatural in nature. I liked his little shot about the Seahawks breaking down Doughty's tendencies right now. This was a pathetic attempt at a head game by this douche. Everyone needs to call this guy.

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What a hateful article.

If I were y'all, though, I wouldn't bother responding. It seems that the folks over there in Seattle only think of us as a bunch of East coast hot-heads. Don't even give this joker the time of day.

Must be nice to hide behind a computer screen like that. I wonder if he'd like to give his dissertation to Pedro Taylor.


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I wish what happened to the Redskins on no one ever. It was one of the saddest things I have ever experienced. That being said, no one will ever understand what our players are going through or what we as fans had to go through unless they were in the same place. Sitting in the stands before the Bills games was my saddest day as a Skins fan and if I was effected by his death that much I can't even imagine what our players, his closest friends, are going through. Ignore the media, ignore the ignorant fans.... we know what we are playing for. We are blessed to be a part of this organization...

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I've been impressed by how the Redskins have dealt with Taylor's death. I thought I might not watch any more football this year but somehow I believe Seon would want us to. Not that I still am not mourning but I understand how his teammates feel with him having passed during the season and if that lets them suit up easier then thats fine but I do hope it doesn't take a death to play all out.

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Article's DEFINITELY written by an atheist, lunatic commie (there's a plethora of them in that area of the NW). Seriously, their media is ridiculous.

2. I will definitely be writing that guy to let him know what I think about his pile of :pooh: article he's attempting to pass off as something legit...but it will be done in a very polite, demure, and classy manner....

*Really, I'll be nice about it, but he definitely needs to hear from fans that this article is bad. Really, really bad.

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Here is my response to his article. Didn't think too much about it, just felt like letting it all out:

Sir, I just read your article online about how the Redskins are honoring Sean Taylor, and the nicest way I can say this to you is that it’s none of your business how this team handles adversity. Seattle would do the same thing if Matt Hasselbeck suffered the same fate. See, the Washington area has been blessed to see this young gentleman play, and see him off the field as well. If you would actually do research (a foreign term to you it seems), you would find out that this man meant a lot to his teammates. When somebody who means a lot to you dies suddenly and tragically, then you have to honor them and remember them whichever way you choose. I know that your main goal in this article is to downplay the tragedy’s impact on the game tomorrow, but remember this: if the Redskins are lucky enough to pull out a win tomorrow, which I think will be difficult, DO NOT even think about using this tragedy as an excuse for the team’s loss. Truth is, different things inspire people, and the players on the Redskins realize that life is too short to not give it their all. I have followed this team for awhile now, and this team is not only the best team Joe Gibbs has had in his 2nd tenure, but this is probably a team that could be compared with his Super Bowl champion teams from the 1980’s.

This team has had to overcome more than this tragedy, though. By week 4, the Redskins only had 2 starters left on their Offensive Line due to injuries, but still played on. Taylor was murdered, Carlos Rogers was knocked out for the season, and the same with LB Rocky McIntosh. Jason Campbell still isn’t healthy, and we’ve been blessed with the play of Todd Collins in relief. But I will say this: This team, with the 2nd toughest tilt in the league, still managed to go 9-7, and 6 of their losses came by an average of 5 points. To me, that is pretty impressive without the other circumstances. And with all the hoopla surrounding Seattle’s 12th man, and them getting a banner in the stadium, I had a quick question. Did they hang it next to all those Super Bowl championship banners? So it doesn’t matter, may the best team win on Sunday, and I hope that you learn a lesson from this, and that is to research before you decide to post an article, and be a more compassionate person when it comes to death. God Bless.


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The author of that article is clueless. I'm not mad though. He is so far removed from the Washington fan base, the organization as a whole, and Taylor's cult-like following prior to his death that he can't possible accurately gauge the events in memory of Sean.

It must have been a slow day for news in Seattle. Possibly he could have focused his efforts towards developing stories related to the growing number of homeless west coast youth that runaway and migrate to the Seattle area.

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