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Why are we in the playoffs?


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this is a great run.....especially by the defense......they are making plays on the ball, closing and tackling with a physicalness and consistency that simply was not there earlier in the season. I like how TC is checking down often and finding the open man - hbaits JC needs to improve upon to raise his level of play. I have no problem with TC at the helm during this run - he has the hot hand - it makes sense. but I also beleive a smart coach like Bellicheat with the right tools will exploit TC's weaknesses.

I agree that the Skins defense is playing better than it has in the middle of the season. But you seem to be discounting a psychological element to the game. A defense play MUCH better when that defense knows its offense will give them a chance to win.

All those catches that the receivers are making -- many of them are being made because TC is much more accurate than JC. When TC is running the offense, the receivers make greater gains, because they are catching the ball in stride. JC has been throwing difficult-to-catch balls or late balls. The running backs get more open lanes, because the opponent's defense has to respect the pass.

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Dude these Todd Collins supporters really make me mad. It's really frustrating, as a fan, to see other "fans" dumping on Campbell when he played so well this year. If Santana Moss had been performing at this level all year, we would probably have had at least 2 more wins. Campbell carried this team on his back.

Please note that I think Collins is playing extremely well. It's just that I find it absurd that there are fans out there that think he is our better option at QB.

Uninformed posts like this one that are founded by people's emotions are rather laughable.

Anyone that STILL has trouble identifying that Campbell did more harm to this team than good needs to check themselves. Lots of turnovers, horrible yards per pass play is just a recipe for losses. Not even a top 5 defense in yards per play could save Campbell from a 5-7 record this season. I've said before that we could have competed for the 1st seed in the NFC if Campbell wasn't the starter this season. His label of "the future of the redskins" is beginning to fade quickly. He just isn't very good.

I think people are just so impressed with his athletcism that they fail to see that the majority of successful quarterbacks in the NFL aren't nearly as PHYSICALLY GIFTED as Campbell. The man is a great athlete - no doubt about it. But even the best quarterbacks TEND to be the least athletic players on the team. People need to let go of all his physical tools and start looking at what truly matters most for an NFL quarterback. Also investing multiple draft picks in one player could certainly lead to irrational posts like this one as well.

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Right On!. Todd Collins has turned this team around. With him in the game there are considerable less 3 and outs and the defense actually gets a chance to catch their breath with Collins in the game. No way Campbell could have run the offense as good as Collins. Joe Gibbs messed up drafting Jason Campbell. If he knew Todd could do what he is doing now that draft pick would have been on another player, without having to spend 2 high draft picks on a QB that doesn't have the head for the scheme. Joe had his azz saved by Todd Collins plain and simple.

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The reason we are in the playoffs have nothing really to do with the death of Sean Taylor. I really believe its because our starting QB got hurt and we brough in a guy who really knew the offense. Suddenly, the playbook opened up in ways I never thought existed and those FG's became TD's and those close games turned into routs.

I believe the turnaround was by accident due to Campbell's injury. If you remember in the bears game, it was another 0-0 pathetic effort headed to a 13-10 type of game..and suddenly Campbell got hurt and our season turned around. There was less pressure on the defense and less chances for Gibbs to screw up the last 2 minutes because we had big leads.

What a turnaround...story of the year in NFL imo

I agree, in that the qb play is night and day what it was prior to TC taking over. But, Taylors death, combined with a renewed running game, solid offensive line play and smothering defense, in other words a total TEAM effort! TEAM being the operative word. Sean's death more than anything brought this TEAM together, but without all of these components coming together we arent where we are today! TC has been huge to say the least, and I for one hope he stays under center throughout the run. JC will be good someday, but its obvious he's still got a lot to learn. The playoffs isnt the time for ojt, he needs to watch and learn standing next to Joe!

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Number one reason is the defense. It seems strange but we lose two of our best DBs yet our defense has been more aggressive and is once again loaded with blitz packages starting with the Bears game. Before that the majority of the year the Skins had been rushing four and flooding zones. You'd think the opposite would be true when you lose quality DBs.

Second reason is Todd Collins. I really have no idea if it's a coaching aspect, or Campbell's inexperience vs Collins experience, but with Collins in the game it seems we have more WR options other than Cooley.

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You guys kill me with this Todd Collins is so awesome stuff, look at the WHOLE picture. Collins has come is and done a great job, you can't take that away from him, but why do you think he "looks" so good?

1. Our offensive line is the healthiest it has been all year, this is the single most reason..... which in turn gives him better protection and more time and gives Portis better holes to run through which also in turn helps the passing game. Weeks ago they didn't even know who was able to play on the offensive line.

2. This team had no heart and ambition half way through this season, they looked flat and uninspired. Since the tragic death of the great Sean Taylor they have played with true inspiration and are doing it for Sean and look like a different team.

3. Our receivers are healthier than they have been all season, Randle El is back, Thrash is back and Moss's heel isn't hindering him, having your top receivers playing healthy is HUGE!

4. Collins has been in the Saunders offense for 8 years, he knows it better than anyone on this team.

5. The defense looks unbelievable, they are definitely playing for Sean and are getting more turnovers than ever before, they are a big reason for our much improved offensive play.

:point2sky :dallasuck :2cents:

Did all of these factors just happen to kick in coincidentally when Campbell was injured and Collins came into the game with two minutes to play before the halftime of the Bears game?

Just a reminder: the team had played six quarters of uninspired football after Sean's murder before Campbell went down.

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Is it that Collins is that much better that Campbell? I dont think so. I think its more timing and coincidence simular to how the offense improved last year when Campbell took over for Brunnell.

This defense has allowed 18 total yards rushing the last two games combined agianst two very good rushing offenses! That will win a lot of games no matter who plays QB or any other position on offense for that matter. Just ask the 2000 Ravens.

The WRs are now completely heathly for the first time this year. At one point Moss was playing so badly that he pulled himself from a game. Now he is catching everything he gets a finger on.

Portis has gotten completely heathly for the first time this year also and hes making the OL look like they can block again.

Collins may have provided a spark but this team is healthy (except for he players who arent coming back this year) and they are just playing well as a group right now..... Im not sure they have even peaked yet.

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We're in the playoffs because we're a team. We overcame more adversity then any team could ever deal with, and never lost focus. We never lost hope, and never quit playing. We're in the playoffs because we have a head coach that was able to keep his team together through it all.

We're in the playoffs because of a roster of Redskins..........

As others have noted, this from Coach Pete sums it up well.

The only other factor I would add is that by overcoming the adersity, the team is now intensly inspired.

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Collins wouldn't be **** it if weren't for the O-line playing as good as it has been the last 5 games. I mean, look at what FABINI...out of ALL people FABINI is ACTUALLY BLOCKING! Props goes to Buges for this one. You give the QB time and he can make those throws. Last night I saw Collins just stand there like there was nothing and throw a strike. Ware was close but Samuels owned him.

The only mistakes they had were the 2 fumbles but thankfully, the defense nullified them.

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Did all of these factors just happen to kick in coincidentally when Campbell was injured and Collins came into the game with two minutes to play before the halftime of the Bears game?

Just a reminder: the team had played six quarters of uninspired football after Sean's murder before Campbell went down.

Yes, all of these factors coincidentally came into play after ST's funeral. It seems the whole team has stepped up their play. Collins is playing great and deserves mention, but the team has come together and each player is playing with a chip on their shoulder.

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Yes, all of these factors coincidentally came into play after ST's funeral. It seems the whole team has stepped up their play.

I think you are ignoring the second part of Oldfan's post.

"Just a reminder: the team had played six quarters of uninspired football after Sean's murder before Campbell went down."

The team was not playing better just after ST's death. It was just after Collins started playing.

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Did all of these factors just happen to kick in coincidentally when Campbell was injured and Collins came into the game with two minutes to play before the halftime of the Bears game?

Just a reminder: the team had played six quarters of uninspired football after Sean's murder before Campbell went down.

:applause: :applause: :applause:

I'm glad to see that you've come around Oldfan.

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You simply cannot ignore the emotional impact of ST's death and the impact to dedicate each game not only to his memory but his "style" of play...that being said, this is a game of momentum and they are coming into every game already with GREAT momentum and heart...on a practical level I agree that Todd Collin's knowledget of the playbook has helped the offense and helped the D get more rest and obviously they are ignited by our scoring efforts...BUT overall it is the emotion of Sean Taylor imo.

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You simply cannot ignore the emotional impact of ST's death and the impact to dedicate each game not only to his memory but his "style" of play...that being said, this is a game of momentum and they are coming into every game already with GREAT momentum and heart...on a practical level I agree that Todd Collin's knowledget of the playbook has helped the offense and helped the D get more rest and obviously they are ignited by our scoring efforts...BUT overall it is the emotion of Sean Taylor imo.

Your explanation appeals to us on an emotional level, but not on reason. After Sean's funeral, the team came out flat against the Bills and played that way until 1:40 remained on the clock in the second quarter of the Bears game.

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Because every year 4 teams make the playoffs when they win their division in the NFC. Then, the other 12 teams fight it out for 2 wildcard spots. Because we had a better record than 10 of the 11 other teams this season that did not win their division, we made it into the playoffs with the 6 seed. :silly:

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I actually do think that the death of ST contributed in a huge way to this team's success, and TC was just another part of it.

The team felt bad enough losing a game which was considered to be played for Sean Taylor. After that loss, the team knew what it had to do. If 4 wins was what it was gonna take, then 4 wins it is.

Along with the motivation though, TC is the reason why we're here. I strongly believe he's the backbone of this offense.

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redskin-28 -- I don't so much coincidently but they were playing a very good game against Chicago prior to Campbell getting hurt. I would agree that they didn't play well against Buffalo but remember, that was days after Sean's death, the team was emotionally exhausted and didn't even get a full week of preparation for the game.

In order to make your case that Sean's death inspired the Skins turnaround, you need to show evidence. Reasons that they didn't play well for six quarters after the funeral don't support your argument.

Collins came in with 1:40 on the clock in the second quarter. Since then, the team has put up 105 points 14 quarters. That works out to about 30 points a game against some pretty good teams. Todd isn't the only reason for the turnaround but he's the key reason.

I'm going to root for whomever is playing, but Collins is not the "great" QB everyone is proclaiming him to be, he has been a career backup for a reason, if he is so good why hasn't he been starting prior to now? Or why hasn't any other team shown any interest in him for 13 years? He looks good because everyone around him (on both sides of the ball) has stepped up to the plate and are playing better than they have all year, the team didn't do this just because he came into play.

Todd Collins, like Jeff Garcia a couple of years ago, is living proof that NFL GMs and coaches sometimes miss badly in judging players.

Todd is delivering the ball on time to open receivers. He's just doing his job. That doesn't make him "great."

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Todd is delivering the ball on time to open receivers. He's just doing his job.

Not to sound too belligerent here ... but by your definition, Tom Brady would be just "doing his job" ...

I don't know if one can say that a QB is "just doing his job" when a QB delivers a ball to an open receiver. I think, in many situations, a receiver is open only for a moment; it takes a good qb to recognize that and take an advantage of it. Better the QB, better he will be at recognizing the situation.

In many of TC's passes, TC is actually throwing the ball BEFORE the receiver is open, which is difficult to do.

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