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Gift Cards


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I sort of agree with OPP. I think there are some people, usually the closest people to you, that you should never get a gift card to. True, there is the downside of getting the wrong gift or the wrong size. But they will even remember that you always tried ay least instead of copping out and buying some meaningless gift card. And getting some cool gift that you didn't even know you wanted is always the best. I'd certainly rather have a homemade gift rather than a gift card any day of the week, from people that you really care about.

But for people you don't know as well a gift card can be a nice thought. Like a gift card to a nice restaruant as a thank you gift, or when I started a real job I got gift cards to clothing places so that I could pick out work clothes that I liked and fit well.

btw here in Colorado there are strict laws about gift cards which do not allow expiration dates or declining balances.

:applause: There is hope.

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Seems like I heard something about that this past year about the rules changing on that. Not sure the ins and outs... but I do know that it wasn't this way for a very long time.


I have been in the Hospitality biz for 9 years now, and even when it was gift certs, before gift cards, the revenue was never recognized until redemption.

For MOST of the gift cards that went unused -That money went to to gov. Escheatment laws.

There have been lots of changes in the laws - Some companies put inactivity fees to avoid the laws, some have it never expire, so it doesn't apply, it depends on the state.

Some HUGE companies, like target, do get money on intrest (They don't get to keep the breakage, but they get the intrest from the breakage). All in all, most companies want you to redeem it.

Personally - I like getting Amex Gift cards!

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I'm torn here. I LOVE to open up gifts. I don't know why. I like tearing into the crisp, sparkly holiday/birthday wrapping paper. It's just not as fun receiving a gift card in an envelope, or pulling something out of a bag.

However... there are a few gift-cards I love to receive and I did ask for this year. Starbucks, Nail Salons, Redskins Store, and Kohls. Free over-priced coffee is great. A free manicure is great. There are probably 50 little, silly things I would never buy for myself but I want at the Official Redskins store. (Example: Redskins underwear, PJs, and the silly little trinkets) And, Kohls... well, I just love that store. They have cute clothes, shoes, & accessories. I don't like Mall certificates, because there's so much stuff I want that I can't seem to narrow it down to the right thing, lol.

I'm a (spoiled ;)) only child and my birthday and Christmas are right next to each other. I get lots of wrapped gifts, so I don't mind a gift certificate here or there.

Anywhoooo, now that I've come off as a spoiled brat, I would like to take this time to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. :)

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Why not give them straight cash then? So that they can go to any store and do the shopping for you.

How about finding out what they want or need instead of taking the easy way out?

TBQH I'd much rather have cash than gift cards or the Amex/Visa cards.

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I'm torn here. I LOVE to open up gifts. I don't know why. I like tearing into the crisp, sparkly holiday/birthday wrapping paper. It's just not as fun receiving a gift card in an envelope, or pulling something out of a bag.

However... there are a few gift-cards I love to receive and I did ask for this year. Starbucks, Nail Salons, Redskins Store, and Kohls. Free over-priced coffee is great. A free manicure is great. There are probably 50 little, silly things I would never buy for myself but I want at the Official Redskins store. (Example: Redskins underwear, PJs, and the silly little trinkets) And, Kohls... well, I just love that store. They have cute clothes, shoes, & accessories. I don't like Mall certificates, because there's so much stuff I want that I can't seem to narrow it down to the right thing, lol.

I'm a (spoiled ;)) only child and my birthday and Christmas are right next to each other. I get lots of wrapped gifts, so I don't mind a gift certificate here or there.

Anywhoooo, now that I've come off as a spoiled brat, I would like to take this time to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. :)

This post is useless without pics.

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So as not to start a new thread....

I've been procrastinating, and I still have a few gifts left to buy. *Sigh* Happens every year. Anyway. I need to get out to Fairoaks or Springfield Mall tomorrow. I realize waiting until the Saturday before Christmas was a dumb idea, but what can ya do? Do you know what time those malls open? Any special holiday hours? I wanna get there super early so I don't have to wait a half an hour for a parking spot.

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Truman, I'm totally on your side when it comes to your nearest and dearest. If you can't pay attention enough to someone important to you in order to get them a decent gift, you're not a very good friend/loved one.

But if it's a Secret Santa or a gift for a coworker or something, I'd rather go for a gift card than spend it on crap no one wants.

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um... I ask for gift cards from specific stores all the time so I don't get something I don't want. It's as simple as that.

For Christmas I'll get my immediate family something that's on the list they e-mail me, but birthdays are mostly always about the gift card. Sorry, but there are just too many options and too many different stores.

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So as not to start a new thread....

I've been procrastinating, and I still have a few gifts left to buy. *Sigh* Happens every year. Anyway. I need to get out to Fairoaks or Springfield Mall tomorrow. I realize waiting until the Saturday before Christmas was a dumb idea, but what can ya do? Do you know what time those malls open? Any special holiday hours? I wanna get there super early so I don't have to wait a half an hour for a parking spot.

Try calling the malls to find out the hours?


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Gift cards are great...and I have never had a gift card in which I didn't use the full balance.

But...honestly, I'd rather open presents. I like seeing what people picked out for me, what they chose for me. I have never returned a present in my life. I think people who return gifts are the selfish ones. The only reason you should return a gift is to exchange it for a size that fits. If your gift doesn't fall into that category, suck it up and try and enjoy something that your friend or loved one thought you would enjoy.

And those of you saying things like, "at least with a gift card the person can get something he wants..." dude, you don't HAVE to give him a present. He's lucky to get a gift at all. If he doesn't like what you give him, tough cookies. Beggars can't be choosers.



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They are the beginning of the end of the American empire. Please step away from this thread if you don't want to hear an old fart rant and rave about these evil cards.

They scream "I am too lazy to actually put any thought into buying a present, so I'll just pick up one of these cards". That's what our society has come to. A fast food society. Lazy. Selfish. Thoughtless.

This all started a few days ago when I asked my brother what my nephew wanted for Christmas. My brother's response: "oh, I don't know, why don't you just get him a gift card from Target or something". WTF? The kid is 9 years old. He doesn't want a ****ing gift card. He wants a ****ing big, wrapped box that he can ****ing open under the ****ing Christmas tree. Not an envelope with a piece of plastic in it. I told my brother to **** off and hung the phone up. I immediately went to Toys R' Us and bought him a kick-ass remote control airplane. How much you want to bet he'll enjoy opening that present over a stupid gift card?

For those that don't know, retailers make a killing off these cards. Two reasons: 1) Most people don't spend the entire amount that is on the card. Those left over pennies and dollars add up 2) Some people either forget about them or lose them. Most of these cards have an expiration date. It has been estimated that up to 8 billion dollars a year (yes, billion) is left unclaimed on gift cards.

So, the next time you are out Christmas shopping, or for whatever occasion it may be, take the time to actually shop for a real present. I'm sure there are times when a gift card is appropriate, but I have not personally found a reason to buy one of these wretched things.

<Rant OFF>

Merry Christmas

I totally disagree with you, man. They don't necessarily mean someone is lazy because they buy these. I'll give you a perfect example. My mom is wanting to purchase a really nice patio set for her back porch. It's quite expensive from what I hear. Anyway, I asked her what she wanted for Christmas a long time ago and she told me about this patio set she wanted and told me she would really appreciate it if I got her a gift card from Garden Ridge to help pay for it. You see, she wouldn't be able to get it because my stepfather is a little on the cheap side and wouldn't allow it. Not this particular expensive set, anyway. A $50 gift card would go a long way towards paying for it.

She also asked what I wanted. Well it just so happens that I really want one of those new portable Bose Soundocks. They run around $399. Needless to say, I didn't want to pay that much for it. So I told her just get me a gift card from Best Buy. Gift cards are great for those who are hard to buy for. (like myself) They are great if you also shop at a particular retail store(s). Now I will agree with you, a little. I think its stupid to get a 9 year old a gift card. I'm definitely with you on that one. But for adults? They are a great way to go. Also, I've bought a bunch of gift cards over the last few years, from many different stores. And I can't remember even one of them having an expiration date. So, you're wrong there. And you have to give them to people that really WANT them. Its no wonder there are so many that go unclaimed. You have to know to give them to those that are truly gonna use em.

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I believe that number is true. I have a Target gift card that I've yet to redeem.

The worst part is, you can get tons of stuff at Target, but there isn't one close enough to make it worth my while.....

Um, there's something called the "internet"? Nearly all of them allow you to purchase online. :rolleyes:

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Exactly. Most gifts are crap - give me a gift card and let me get something I actually want. I'm sick of shirts I don't like that are 2 sizes too small. :mad:

I can't tell you how many times over the years that my family has gotten me Redskins t-shirts, hats, etc for Christmas. And very few of them I've liked. Alot I never even wore. They were made by Lee Sport etc. I don't buy that cheap crap to represent my team! I'm all about NFL Equipment, Reebok, etc. You can tell a nice Redskins shirt from some cheap one. I know they meant well. But it just didn't work. I finally told them to not buy me anymore Redskins stuff because I already had too much. :laugh: Of course I was fibbing. You can never have too much Skins gear. Anyway, my point is, this is another perfect example for getting someone a gift card.

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So as not to start a new thread....

I've been procrastinating, and I still have a few gifts left to buy. *Sigh* Happens every year. Anyway. I need to get out to Fairoaks or Springfield Mall tomorrow. I realize waiting until the Saturday before Christmas was a dumb idea, but what can ya do? Do you know what time those malls open? Any special holiday hours? I wanna get there super early so I don't have to wait a half an hour for a parking spot.

i think most of the stores in fair oaks start to open around 10:00.

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