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Pushing what boundries? Christmas is a national holiday for all Americans. That is fact, so regardless of one's relegion or lack thereof, what is wrong with celebrating a national holiday?

If anyone is offened by the mere mention of one of our holiday's they should either GTFO or run for office and retract Christmas as a national holiday IMO.

This link would make a very interesting read for you (IMO).

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Like I said, I don't think what the school/teacher did was necessary, however:

Imagine your kid comes home and says that someone brought in Matza and Gefltefish (sp) for everyone, but he couldn't eat it b/c he wasn't Jewish. And so everyone made fun of him.

Couldn't eat it or wasn't allowed too? Frankly, if my child decides not to partake and the other kids tease him. Oh Well. Kids tease. I was teased and I teased. Somehow I managed to make it out of childhood unscathed.

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I am one of the few who picked "no, it is not wrong." Let me explain.

I am a teacher, and I have been told in the past not to decorate with Santa or "christmas" themes...we had to keep them "winter"- like snowmen, candy canes, etc.

While I personally think the whole thing is stupid, if a teacher did turn away christmas-themed cupcakes, I would understand her reasoning completely. I'm not saying I agree with it, but it's not wrong on the teacher's part.

I don't think some of you realize what it is to be a teacher and how PC teachers have to be. Teachers have to worry about what they say in class, who they hang out with outside of school, where they are seen, what they are seen wearing. They also have to live by the main law of schools- keep the parents happy. I personally do not like how much power parents have over the school system. Parents basically hold teachers' jobs in their hands. If they complain, the teacher could get in trouble, the school could get in trouble, and jobs could be lost. That is why teachers have unions, but if a parent's complaining, the school district can find a way to axe them.

Now the cupcake thing could get the teacher in trouble in two ways: 1- Little Jewish Timmy could come home and tell his parents he ate a cupcake with Santa on it and his mother could get furious (trust me, there ARE parents who will get furious over this), call the school, call the superintendent, etc. The teacher will get the backlash. The teacher is protecting her own interests.

The second reason the teacher could get in trouble is because the cupcakes are assumingly homemade. I just learned yesterday that the state of California bans kids from bringing in homemade goods to share. I understand this and I have no issue with it. But I don't think that's the argument here.

Basically, the teacher is in the right. Why risk getting into trouble over something so silly? The teacher should have written in a note home that parents could only bring in items that were not specific to one religion. You may not believe parents would raise a fuss over something so stupid, but they will. Parents will raise a fuss over ANYTHING.

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Pushing what boundries? Christmas is a national holiday for all Americans. That is fact, so regardless of one's relegion or lack thereof, what is wrong with celebrating a national holiday?

I suppose you mean all federal Government employees, not all Americans. Plenty of Americans work on Christmas eve and Christmas.

If anyone is offened by the mere mention of one of our holiday's they should either GTFO or run for office and retract Christmas as a national holiday IMO.

I don't think anyone is offended. That isn't the point here.

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I suppose you mean all federal Government employees, not all Americans. Plenty of Americans work on Christmas eve and Christmas.

Ok, touche, however the school and children attending it do get the holiday off.

I don't think anyone is offended. That isn't the point here.

Then what is the point? If the rule/point is that no outside food (or unwrapped food) can be brought into school and made available ever for any occasion. OK I get it, I think that is an over the top rule but can understand in these litigious times we live in why some might go to that extreme for liability purposes.

But if it is for any other reason than what I mentioned above no I do not get the point.

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I am one of the few who picked "no, it is not wrong." Let me explain.

I am a teacher, and I have been told in the past not to decorate with Santa or "christmas" themes...we had to keep them "winter"- like snowmen, candy canes, etc.

Miss, thank you for your insight on this as a teacher. The PC BS you are under is ridiculous. Santa nor Frosty are not any any of the Bibles I ever read. Not arguing with you on this, as I know you want to keep your job, I just think it is a stupid policy.

Basically, the teacher is in the right. Why risk getting into trouble over something so silly? The teacher should have written in a note home that parents could only bring in items that were not specific to one religion. You may not believe parents would raise a fuss over something so stupid, but they will. Parents will raise a fuss over ANYTHING.

Crazy thing in as I think others already pointed out, Christmas started out as a Pagan Holiday, the Christians jumped onboard late in the game.

I appreciate what you are up against, but it really seems over the top to me. The school system in my opinion should do just the opposite. Instead of limiting what the kids are exposed to prior to the "winter" break. They should let them all bring it whatever they want for their "holiday" party to share: Christmas; Hanukkah; Kwanzaa or early ground hog day.:2cents:

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Miss, thank you for your insight on this as a teacher. The PC BS you are under is ridiculous. Santa nor Frosty are not any any of the Bibles I ever read. Not arguing with you on this, as I know you want to keep your job, I just think it is a stupid policy.

Crazy thing in as I think others already pointed out, Christmas started out as a Pagan Holiday, the Christians jumped onboard late in the game.

I appreciate what you are up against, but it really seems over the top to me. The school system in my opinion should do just the opposite. Instead of limiting what the kids are exposed to prior to the "winter" break. They should let them all bring it whatever they want for their "holiday" party to share: Christmas; Hanukkah; Kwanzaa or early ground hog day.:2cents:

I typically threw Kwanzaa in there as well but not after I did the google search on it. Now, not much of a fan of it. No problem with Hannukah, or Ramadan, or Christmas.

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I guess I missed the part in the Constitution were it stated we should not recognize a national holiday or that cupcakes brought into the school with evergreen trees on them somehow are unconstitutional?

You can recognize a national holiday all you wish in your home, church or anywhere else since it is a religious holiday.

This is America...

America is a land of many religions....

America also requires advanced citizenship. It requires that we respect each other enough to allow public institutions that must serve ALL OF THE PEOPLE to be free of religion in order to avoid any problems.


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You can recognize a national holiday all you wish in your home, church or anywhere else since it is a religious holiday.

This is America...

America is a land of many religions....

America also requires advanced citizenship. It requires that we respect each other enough to allow public institutions that must serve ALL OF THE PEOPLE to be free of religion in order to avoid any problems.


MissU28 enlightened me from her perspective as a teacher. I get she does not want to loose her job (nobody does). And her admin would hang her out to dry if she somehow offends someone, somehow. So I get it from her pragmatic way of thinking that the risk is not worth the reward for her.

You on the other hand keep bringing up the Constitution. So please explain to me from your perspective as to how a cupcake with an evergreen tree on it, is in anyway forcing a religion on someone where they need to be protected from it. Christmas trees are symbols of the holiday but are not "religious" symbols.

Christmas maybe observed as a religious holiday for some, but it is a national holiday regardless. Do you not see the hypocrisy of not mentioning a national holiday in school, the holiday not birth of baby Jesus?

To follow that reason than why not ban the mention of Memorial Day in school , as that might offend the pacifists? We could just call it BBQ break or summer standdown?

For those of you that think Christmas is exclusively a Christian Religious holiday you have got to be kidding. Just look at the retail adds and you can see it is more of the Pagan holiday it started out as than a religious holiday for most in this country.

But if you do feel the mere refernce to the holiday of Christmas is crossing the bounds of the Constitution than why are you not up in arms to have it removed as a federal holiday ASAP?

Good luck with that however as it will get repealed anytime soon if ever. It will not be the Christian Right wing, but the retailers, movie industry among others who love it as it pumps billions back into the economy, they would fight tooth and nail to keep it.

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MissU28 enlightened me from her perspective as a teacher. I get she does not want to loose her job (nobody does). And her admin would hang her out to dry if she somehow offends someone, somehow. So I get it from her pragmatic way of thinking that the risk is not worth the reward for her.

You on the other hand keep bringing up the Constitution. So please explain to me from your perspective as to how a cupcake with an evergreen tree on it, is in anyway forcing a religion on someone where they need to be protected from it. Christmas trees are symbols of the holiday but are not "religious" symbols.

Christmas maybe observed as a religious holiday for some, but it is a national holiday regardless. Do you not see the hypocrisy of not mentioning a national holiday in school, the holiday not birth of baby Jesus?

To follow that reason than why not ban the mention of Memorial Day in school , as that might offend the pacifists? We could just call it BBQ break or summer standdown?

For those of you that think Christmas is exclusively a Christian Religious holiday you have got to be kidding. Just look at the retail adds and you can see it is more of the Pagan holiday it started out as than a religious holiday for most in this country.

But if you do feel the mere refernce to the holiday of Christmas is crossing the bounds of the Constitution than why are you not up in arms to have it removed as a federal holiday ASAP?

Good luck with that however as it will get repealed anytime soon if ever. It will not be the Christian Right wing, but the retailers, movie industry among others who love it as it pumps billions back into the economy, they would fight tooth and nail to keep it.

My fiance is a 2nd grade teacher and as I posted before she has dealt with this issue. I even spoke to her principal at length about it during their staff holiday party. Without going into another long and drawned out back and forth I will just say I believe that the teacher did the right thing.

I do not have a problem with X-mas but I personally think all of the religious stuff has a place....it's called your home and your church. Feel free to say merry X-mas all you wish but public places like schools should be all about learning and free of religion in any form. Those lessons and expressions are best saved for your home and your church.


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My fiance is a 2nd grade teacher and as I posted before she has dealt with this issue. I even spoke to her principal at length about it during their staff holiday party. Without going into another long and drawned out back and forth I will just say I believe that the teacher did the right thing.

I do not have a problem with X-mas but I personally think all of the religious stuff has a place....it's called your home and your church.


Fair enough with the teacher, as I mentioned previously.

Apparently we will just have to agree to disagree on whether a cupcakes with an evergreen tree crosses the bounds of "religious stuff" that should not be tolerated in public school.

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Fair enough with the teacher, as I mentioned previously.

Apparently we will just have to agree to disagree on whether a cupcakes with an evergreen tree crosses the bounds of "religious stuff" that should not be tolerated in public school.

I know it seems crazy but trust me when I say that some parents are offended by trivial things like that. If I had kids I would have no problem with my kids eating X-mas cupcakes and I am atheist.

My fiance sends a weekly newsletter home to her parents. The very first newsletter deals with Loudoun County Public School policies regarding things like this. She does it early so that parents know what the rules are to avoid problems. This was done because people do complain about things as small as christmas cupcakes etc.

I hate the fact that our society is so offended by everything but I also want public schools and other public buildings to be about public business which means minimizing religious stuff to avoid issues.

This is not an attack on christmas....this is using common sense and common courtesy to avoid issues that detract people from business which in this case is learning.

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It is so wrong. But as fuji89 said, I thought they were calling them "Holiday" trees now anyway, so what's the freaking harm?


Glad when I was a kid, no matter who you were or what religion you were, we all were grateful to be out for Christmas AND we had holidays like Yom Kippur off. We all said Merry Christmas and Happy Yom Kippur! to each other. Kids know tolerance better than adults. This world is so ugly. I don't have kids yet, but when I do, I am realizing that to deal with this world these days, it is going to be so much harder to be a parent to have to teach my kids right from wrong and explain these ridiculous things they would have to go through like this. Sigh.

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