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Gregg Williams quote


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Hell with 5 mins to go, they ran it 3 times and took over about 15 seconds off the clock and gave the giants the ball back right away

Running in that situation was the right thing to do, New York decided to use its timeouts which is why such little time came off the clock. The problem was we couldn't get a first down and have taken more time off the clock.

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Did u see that stat? Gibbs leads the league in losing leads at halftime in past 4 years.

Hell with 5 mins to go, they ran it 3 times and took over about 15 seconds off the clock and gave the giants the ball back right away

Yeah but..............that forced the giants to use all of their TOs (which they did) and if we held them on their next possession (which we did) we could then run out the clock (which we did). Even if they had scored a TD, we would have still been up, they would have had to score another TD. Considering they giant O had sucked all night, it was reasonable to expect we could continue to hold them, which we did.

Look, I agree with the sentiment of the post here, but the coaches did a great job getting this team ready to play and in managing the game. Let's no fault them this week huh?

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Yeah but..............that forced the giants to use all of their TOs (which they did) and if we held them on their next possession (which we did) we could then run out the clock (which we did). Even if they had scored a TD, we would have still been up, they would have had to score another TD. Considering they giant O had sucked all night, it was reasonable to expect we could continue to hold them, which we did.

That right there is the reason why the Redskins under JG will be a mediocre/bad team... Thats a losers mentality there. Instead of trying to put yourself in a better position to win by scoring, we rely on other teams to **** up in order to win...

They did that in the Bills game, in the GB game, the earlier NY game, and in the Arizona game.. And 3 of those 4 were losses with the AZ game almost being a loss..

Sorry, but when you have to rely on other teams to go 3 and out or turn the ball over, you're not a very good team..

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I thought the coaching staff did a great job by using the inclement weather to our advantage,, But how often are we going to get 30+ MPH winds to aid the gameplan?

I am angry, and confused by our lack of going for the kill when we are up. If anyone needs an example check out how the damn Pats do it.

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How about how the offense just played a clear run formation 3 times straight when approx. 5 minutes was left? We basically conceeded to them what we were going to run and they knew we'd be punting to them after we got stuffed on 3rd down. It was more vintage "protect the lead" Gibbs.

Except you've left out the most important part of this sequence: the Giants were using their timeouts on this possession. The Giants were down by multiple scores and decided to start burning their timeouts with 5 minutes left to play. Gibbs and Saunders correctly reacted to this by using as much time as possible during these plays to minimize the effectiveness of the Giants' timeouts, calling three runs. Put in context, it is absolutely the right choice in this particular situation in this particular game.

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As the Patriots have proved this season (and against Washington) - you just don't let up after taking the lead, it's not a good thing.

Yes, even though I hate that team with a passion, I have a certain amount of envy of them because they go for the kill and don't let the other team hang around where one big play can turn the game around.

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Earlier today I was listening to the radio (czaban show) and they were talking about the skins win. They then played a clip from gregg williams after the game. He said something along the lines of they were comfortable with the 22-3 lead and that they would lay off a bit, and that if the Giants were to pull within ONE score they would start attacking again. Guys we had that lead at the beginning of the second half and they then decidid to start playing clock games. God I hate this mentality, this is why we lose these leads all the time because we don't attack. We were moving the ball at will against them and Gibbs decides to call off the dogs. I don't understand I don't see ANY other coach in the NFL pull this crap except Gibbs. The defense stopped attacking Eli, and they strated moving the ball on us. If it weren't for some timely drops, this game could have ended in devastating fashion again. It just so happened to work this time because the Giants stunk up the field, and it scares me because Gibbs might think it works.

Actually it does work and almost every coach in the NFL knows this. Statistically, that the best method to win games. We are not the Patriots and Gibbs knows a hell of a lot more about football than you.

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Actually it does work and almost every coach in the NFL knows this. Statistically, that the best method to win games. We are not the Patriots and Gibbs knows a hell of a lot more about football than you.

Actually it doesn't work, and every coach in the NFL knows this. We have seen that it doesn't work 5 times this year when we have decided to stop attacking and let the other team hang around. When your moving the ball at will you don't shut it down. I realize we are not the Patriots, but that doesn't mean we have to play close games every week. Sure Gibbs knows more about football then me, but I know when you are moving the ball at will against someone you don't stop because you are up by three scores with almost an entire half to play. Like I said if not for some timely drops this game could have ended in devastating fashion again. This team continually puts it foot on the opponets neck only to let off and let them get back up and get some confidence again.

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I don't really understand the mentality of playing not to lose. Back in his first time as the coach, we had the type of line, both Offense and Defense that could hold a lead and not give it up. We don't have that the second time around, hence all of the 2nd half lead we have given up to eventually lose the game. I wonder if Gibbs would have sit on a 22 - 3 lead if it was New England?

Please Joe, stop pretending that this team is the team of yesteryear that can hold leads if you sit on the ball. And stop believing that the teams you are playing are also the teams of yesteryear.....teams today have even more ability than before to score 3 touchdowns or more in the span of just a few minutes. I mean, look at the last time we played the Giants. What confidence is this giving the players?

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Actually it doesn't work, and every coach in the NFL knows this. We have seen that it doesn't work 5 times this year when we have decided to stop attacking and let the other team hang around. When your moving the ball at will you don't shut it down. I realize we are not the Patriots, but that doesn't mean we have to play close games every week. Sure Gibbs knows more about football then me, but I know when you are moving the ball at will against someone you don't stop because you are up by three scores with almost an entire half to play. Like I said if not for some timely drops this game could have ended in devastating fashion again. This team continually puts it foot on the opponets neck only to let off and let them get back up and get some confidence again.

Im pretty sure the game i was watching had the Redskins on their first possesion of the 2nd half walk that ball all the way down the field and score a TD to go from 16-3 at halftime to 23-3. We won 23-10 so what exactly is the problem here?

Its called clock management the same thing a whole crapload of fans on here were ****ing about Gibbs in earlier games.

You know what sucks about being pessimistic you don't allow credit where credit is due. Our defense with all the crap that has happened this year is ballin their asses off. Frankly, if GW tells Gibbs at halftime, get me one more score and we will take care of the rest, im all for it. I trust what GW has done here with this group he has.

For the other poster ****ing about the three straight runs. Do the math. They end up getting the ball back with 4 minutes or so and no timeouts at their twenty yard line. Ran a few draw plays and some screens that were dropped. It makes perfect football sense. On a day like that it was going to be a hell of a lot harder to get in the endzone against us than to dink and dunk all day and not only waste time but settle for field goals.

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Even Al Saunders said during his interview on comcast that they went conservative, and the most conservative play to run is the draw play. And being that it was pretty successful the first time, we did it again. We got yards off it, and then ran it one more time.

Now who's to say that, if we didn't get any yards off the first 2 draw plays that we wouldn't have gone conservative one more time and run the ball on third down again?

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45 MPH wind = Sit on lead

Its that simple people. Dont try to reinforce your agenda against the coaches by not mentioning that fact.

How about this fact, we were moving the ball against them at will and then inexplicably stopped. We started running out the clock with almost an entire half left to play! How many games have we lost this year doing this? It's not like the Giants didn't have any chance to come back, I don't know about you but I was sweating it until we got the ball back the last time.

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Actually it doesn't work, and every coach in the NFL knows this. We have seen that it doesn't work 5 times this year when we have decided to stop attacking and let the other team hang around. When your moving the ball at will you don't shut it down. I realize we are not the Patriots, but that doesn't mean we have to play close games every week. Sure Gibbs knows more about football then me, but I know when you are moving the ball at will against someone you don't stop because you are up by three scores with almost an entire half to play. Like I said if not for some timely drops this game could have ended in devastating fashion again. This team continually puts it foot on the opponets neck only to let off and let them get back up and get some confidence again.
You have to separate sitting on the lead and our offense just sucking.
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if it were not for the wind...Skins would have lost another one because of defensive ineptness.

Good QB's (and even some sub par ones) will pick GW's defense apart, especialy when they are in "protect the lead" mode.

Did you happen to see the stat they posted during the game that this 'inept' defense has not allowed a single TD on a drive that began in opponent's territory in over 140 tries?

I'm guessing not.


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How about this fact, we were moving the ball against them at will and then inexplicably stopped. We started running out the clock with almost an entire half left to play! How many games have we lost this year doing this? It's not like the Giants didn't have any chance to come back, I don't know about you but I was sweating it until we got the ball back the last time.

What are you talking about? Between scoring the TD and the Clinton runs, we had three drives. The first one we were deep in our own end, so throwing the ball might not have been a smart thing (also, we were able to run on that TD drive, so they were following it up with more runs, which they stop.

The next two we did throw it down the field, even completing a 19 yard pass to Cooley. It is just that we failed to pick up the first down.

I saw no signs that we shut down anything offensively. With 5 minutes to go and up two scores, running down the clock is what you do.


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So our game plan was to rely on the Giants dropping ten passes and continually shooting themselves in the foot? They did run the ball pretty damn well on us. I have no problems with what we were doing on defense, it's the lack of attacking on offense that I have a problem with. If we go up 36-3, the game is definitely over. 22-3 with almost a half left is never a safe lead.

Perfect. We complain even when we win! Some of our self-esteem has taken a severe beating. You would think we had post-war flashbacks :(

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Perfect. We complain even when we win! Some of our self-esteem has taken a severe beating. You would think we had post-war flashbacks :(

Seriously. We win a very tough game after all kinds of adversity, and half the guys in here still aren't satisfied. It's pretty amazing really.

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