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We're going to be real good next year.


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so are these late game collapses a good thing or bad thing if everyone thinks he will learn?

Late game collapses are deflating, but the last two games have been comebacks that have come up short. Personally, I think that's a positive development, particularly since in earlier in the season we couldn't buy offense in the second half.


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It's becoming clear that this year is nearly a lost cause (5 in a row and we probably still won't go!!), however you can not have asked for a better learning year for Campbell.

5 in a row, and I pretty much can guarantee we'll be in the playoffs. Problem is, we're going to be incredibly lucky to win 3 out of our last 5 and finish 8-8. :(

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With Joe Gibbs as the coach :laugh: . Yea right i said the same thing last year that we would be 12-4 this year but the redskins always find a way to lose games and blow leads.

You mean "the backups know to blow leads", right? Because, as it is, we're not healthy, and this isn't a true Redskins football team. This is some team cobbled together at the last minute because we have no other options.

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every year it's the same thing. "Next year we're going to be good". Guess what? It's next year this year and we suck again. You can't make enough roster changes in one year to make this team good next year. And it would really help to make a head coaching change to see it happen faster.

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Every year teams suffer with injuries and all you "fans" here saying it's the injury bug are disillustional. This team doesn't draft well, gives away far too many draft picks and then when there are injuries that's the excuse. Point blank this whole organization is ass backwards and I would love to see JC on another team with COMPETANT coaches. JC will get destroyed just as Patrick Ramsey was and it's a shame because he has the tools. Al Saunders needs to go back to KC, Joe Gibbs needs to go back to NASCAR and Daniel Snyder needs a beat down for buying this team, I hope Jack Kent Cooke is burning in hell for not leaving this team to his son as he could and should have.

John Jansen needs to go, Daniels needs to go, Springs needs to go. This whole team needs to be basically blown up because it's not working, isn't going to work. This team and the coaching staff are about as useful as a limp penis in a whore house.

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Ya know.....for all you folks out there saying..."Its the same every year....wait till next year, wait till next year" Y'all need to shut the hell up. The last time the Redskins won a championship before 1982 was when? 193something? So it took about 50 years to do it. We hit a gold mine in the 80's and early 90's. Now it has been a long time since we have won a championship or even done anything in the playoffs (excluding 2005)

But every year since 1972 I think the same thing as every other Redskin fan. This is the year. We are going to break out. Man we have been so close the last couple of years, and I think that is what turns my gut the most. Most of our losses are not because we get our asses whooped. Its because we beat ourselves.

I don't say this alot because I am a wait and see kinda guy. But I honestly think that JC's learning curve is through the roof right now, and next year he is going to be scary good. If we can accomplish just a few things in the draft and free agency this coming year (D line, O line and WR) I would be willing to bet that we are at the top of the NFC east. Yea it sucks right now, and it hurts to be a skins fan.....but I do think that we are headed in the right direction. So stop all the negativity. I don't like losing either, but me ****in about it aint gunna help nothing.


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were not going to advance as a team until we clean house big time. we need a new life, a new identity as a team because our current one isnt working. this gee golly whiz attitude our team has after losses doesnt breed winning. nobody gets reamed out, theres no consequences for screwing up, no one cares. guys come here to get paid and nothing more. we need a GM, a new coach, and a slew of new players.

and no this isnt knee jerk, most of this stuff is obvious, and another painful embarrassing loss has solidified this fact yet again today.

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Yeah! The Skins will be REAL good someday ... but, not today or tomorrow or next year for that matter.

We need a good QB, and I am not convinced that Jason Campbell is the answer. He hasn't shown the ability to win in the 4th quarter when the game is on the line - instead of throwing touchdowns he throws interceptions.

Enough said!

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it's not the coaching, it's not the talent level, it's not the injuries... it's all the stupid mistakes made by players who should know better, and get paid to not make these type of mistakes

If players are not playing well consistently, then why isn't it the talent level?

I don't think the problem is a simple as you think it is, but I wonder about your reasoning here.

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I already started backing away from the team this year. When 1:00 came around yesterday, I wasn't in front of the TV ready to watch. The wife and I went shopping and I didn't get back into the house until 1:30 or 1:45 or so. Then we were busy around the house while the game was on. Once the 2nd half rolled around, even though we were down, I stopped to watch the game.

Next week I doubt I'll wake up in time to watch the game like in previous weeks. I'll watch whenever I wake up.

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Ya know....

I don't say this alot because I am a wait and see kinda guy. But I honestly think that JC's learning curve is through the roof right now, and next year he is going to be scary good. If we can accomplish just a few things in the draft and free agency this coming year (D line, O line and WR) I would be willing to bet that we are at the top of the NFC east. Yea it sucks right now, and it hurts to be a skins fan.....but I do think that we are headed in the right direction. So stop all the negativity. I don't like losing either, but me ****in about it aint gunna help nothing.


I AGREE 100% :applause:

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With Joe Gibbs as the coach :laugh: . Yea right i said the same thing last year that we would be 12-4 this year but the redskins always find a way to lose games and blow leads. If it aint one thing its always another. These things are gonna haunt us until someone gets in here and gets a GM who drafts the right players for the system and makes us play fired up football.

That is the problem, you can't expect to go from 5-11 to 12-4 the next season. It just doesn't happen in the NFL, that often, maybe occasionally. I do like were we are headed, next year I really think we will be better. But like this year it depends on injuries. Everyone seems to forget that we lost half the O Line.

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Alot of you sound like your gonna kill yourselves if the Skins dont win!! Please..it's only a game. Last I checked, win or lose, it does'nt effect my paycheck or the health and well being of my family.(or my inability to spell). Yea it sucks when we lose but try and put it in perspective......relax..we'll get right.

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we are one big time player away from having a huge season...once we get in the redzone we don't have a huge touchdown threat other than cooley and lets face it what other time uses there tight end as a big time scoring threat other than the chargers...they also have the other Defense worrying about LT the whole time anyways...if we would have a chad johnson, randy moss, terrel owens, or even Calvin johnson in a few years...we would be great...lets face it santana isnt a threat in the redzone anymore...


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I'm sure most of us have said that very thing before this season, but I do happen to agree with you. I think next season Joe and the Redskins hit the ground running and don't look back until the post-season. I'm worred about our cap situation because we do need some help, but we'll cross that bridge in March soon enough...

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I too, agree with this sentiment. (and I'm pretty much a pessimist at heart)

Jason Campbell: good, young qb. Skins fans haven't had the "pleasure" of developing a young qb since Joey T.

Portis is only the number 6 rusher in the league.....behind a line that has been killed by injuries.

Defense is playing very well.

I wish that I had the time and patience to log all those who have abandoned ship for reference next year.......

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