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What is Football to You? Trying to figure where you're at

Diehard Otis

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The title may not get to the meat of the issue, but please humor me. From what I have read here, there are clearly a signifigant number of people who plain out don't like the Washington Redskins style of Football. This is what I mean:

For me, Football is smashmouth! Football is three yards & a cloud of dust. Football is a 17-10 ballgame played at 13 degree weather in a driving rainstorm, at dusk. That means cold weather, outdoor stadiums, grass fields, and horde of tough guys mauling each other into gunpowder. Football to me, is three tight ends, ramming the ball between the tackles, and murdering the ball-carriers on the oppossing sideline. That's the prizm through which I view the NFC East competition, & that's how Washington Redskins Football should stay, 'till the end of time! I LOOOOOOOVE our style of play! But that's just me.

What is football to you? I don't expect you to agree with me. That's not the point of this thread. The point is for all of us to learn from one another what our collective impressions on the game are, if we are ever to appreciate one another's viewpoints on this topic. Hail to the REDSKINS, Hail Victory!

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Redskins football is football to me, I would much rather follow a team that goes 10-6 and squeezes into the playoffs by winning close games all year then follow a team like the pats that will go 15-1 or 16-0 and win every game by 20+

We have played 8 games so far, and in 6 of those games we played good football (excluding the cardinals and patriots games).

I also like to see the whole team play well (ST, Offence, Defence). I don't want one aspect of our game to carry us.

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Football is tough, aggressive, beating someone into dust. Football is also breaking your opponents will by enforcing your will on someone even when they are doing everything they can to stop you. Football is ST and LL punishing people for even thinking they can catch a pass on their watch. Football is Mike Sellers plowing through Dawkins like a tank crashing through a brick wall & bodyslamming some poor Jets fodder. Football is Andre Carter tossing a Lion OT and owning Kitna in the endzone. Football is scoring 30 points because the defense shuts the other team down and your offense can't be stopped.

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the wind, rain, snow, grass, that's football. Cold weather, definitely.

Football is about the only stable thing in my life right now, and regardless of how our season ends, I still enjoy the fact that I have watched my team go through a 16-0 season or an 0-16 season.

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Football is a crushing, no nonsense game to me. Just do what you're supposed to do and do it well. Be consistent. Don't make it complicated! In other words...K*I*S*S = keep it simple stupid:) . Adjust your playbook to your players and their levels of talent..not the other way around. Mix it up...simple, football 101. No glitz, no glamor..just win and love it and show that you love winning!

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Honestly - Football is a escape.

For 16 sundays a year, I will escape from my everyday stresses and experince every emotion known to man kind.

Anticipation, Fear, releif, Joy, sadness, anger, love, excitement, dissapointed, lust (They always show the chearleaders at least once), etc..etc...

All in a 3 hour window....

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Football is tough. Football is brutal. It's beating your opponent into submission. It's the other team taking a knee between plays because you're methodically , relentlessly beating them into the ground. It's the satisfaction of seeing your yards per carry go from 3.0 in the first quarter to 5.5 in the 4th and vice versa for their offense. It's head to head combat where the strongest, best conditioned team with the most heart comes out on top. That's football. That's REDSKINS FOOTBALL!!! HTTR!!!!

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football is the best team sport :D

football is a physical game, not a finesse game

football is being more tough than your opponent (Gibbs style)

p.s. i think the 3 yards and a cloud of dust types would enjoy a Shepherd University football game...

their running back stats over the last 3 games: 897 yards on 106 carries (actually that's 8.4 yards and a cloud of dust!)

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FOOTBALL IS THE ONLY SPORT I FOLLOW, REDSKINS ARE THE ONLY TEAM I CARE ABOUT. To me football is john riggins, ernest byner. Running through people. Football is clark, monk, sanders catching bombs or bullets across the field. Football is the hogs, some big dirty whitemen possibly with a missing tooth somewhere in the front of their mouths. Football to me is charles mann , dexter manley grindin a cowboy quarterback into the the moist ground. Football is the great half time adjustments that you knew was takin place in the locker room. Life is a more worth livin from september till december.....hopefully january and feb(now what i mean vern)


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