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Best Superbowl Commercial?

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Tate was hilarious. Had me laughing for minutes after. I liked the dog on the head commerical..heha..corny but funny.. I just had another "real" good one, but it just slipped my mind. Oh, did anyone watch the snl at halftime. The guy that talks about past football, you know, the guy with the fur coat talking about namath?..that was a pretty funny knock off. :laugh:

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I thought the commercials were disapointing this year. In years past you would never turn the channel forfear you would miss a new funny commercial. Not this year. And did anyone notice that recently you remember the commercials themselves and not the product they are suppossed to sell?

The trailers forall the summer movies were great. Looks like this summer is going to have some outstanding movies. I can't remember a summer where there are 4 movies comming out that I want to see.

Matrix 2

Terminator 3

The Hulk- Sorry Lou, but this CG Hulk looks great.


And a guy at work told me a Harry Potter movie will be comming out too. Can anyone confirm this?

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