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The attitude after a big win


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Here is my concern:

In 2005, Gibbs flipped out at the disrespect the 49ers were getting before the game. Then, the Skins demolished them. The following week, the Skins got ****y and were crushed.

Forward to 2007: Gibbs flipped out at the disrespect the Lions were getting before the game. Then, the Skins demolished them. The following week, ...?

Is over-confidence a concern after a game like this, or will the guys be able to keep on the ground so they can play football?

Reasons why it won't happen: They were playing the Giants, who had just lost Jim Mora. It was a division game. Those were the real factors (?)

Reasons why it will happen: It's sort of eerily similar. The Packers are coming off a disappointing loss and are hungry. The Packers are really good this year.

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They are scarily similar. All we can hope is the coaches keep the players on their toes.

I know during HS football our coaches would make practice a bit more difficult the week following a big win to keep us honest/focused on the next game, even if the team was 0-6. Hopefully Gibbs can keep them focused--I think that since GB has lots of respect this year it will keep us on the ground.

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Gibbs needs to be flipped out EVERY game. We need to have the mentality that we can blow out ANY team...even if we end up losing the game. I truly believe that Gibbs attitude was felt by the team after we choked to the Gnats. It all starts and ends with the coaching. Being ****y WILL do us in because that creates laziness...but having the confidence and attitude that we are going to come out and kick ass for 4 quarters is what we need every game.

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:2cents: As we all watch Coach Gibbs interview - you know the one where he got "hot";

well, I believe I heard the word BALANCE..........on and off the field.

I saw a start of balance yesterday on the field/ 0 and D shared the field "equally"; I think that is what will happen all week and when we shred the cheesers.

Balance.............and soul................is our goal.........


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First of all, for some strange reason we seem to just be unable to beat those damn Midgets.

I am concerned about us getting over confident, going to this weeks game, however; I think with the fact that Greenbay is doing so good this year that we will be ready for them. I just hope that our best will be good enough this Sunday.

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This team seems to be on a mission and i don't think the leaders of this team will let them get ****y...Campbell seems like the kind of guy who knows the mission at hand, Fletch, Rocky, and the rest of the D seem to know...but if you look at the first 2 games they didn't seem ****y after the Phins win...these guys are different than the 2005 team

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Reasons why it won't happen: They were playing the Giants, who had just lost Jim Mora. It was a division game. Those were the real factors (?)

I don't remember where I saw the post but teams always win the games when someone in the organization dies. The stat was like 99% win. I remember this game and made money off it because I knew the Giants were going to stomp us. Play that same game another week and we woulda won it.

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I am definately worried about overconfidence or a 'let down' game.

However, let's not pretend the 49ers of 2005 were nearly the calibre team that the Lions currently are.

Great point.

Also, our guys seem to be playing loose and having a party out there yesterday. They were finally playing as a team and up to their (near) full potential.

I think that we are going to be partying again next week. Lets just hope that it results in a win again.

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Maybe we should have humble pie T-shirts in the locker room. Or post up on all the lockers mock news paper clippings from who ever we play that say nothing but negative things about us.

GB- Washington played well but they aren't that good. It was just an off day for the Lions. GB should be dominant in this game. Stuff like that.

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I honestly think our aquisition of London Fletcher, who is leader of our defense, is the smartest pickup we have made on either side of the ball in the last two years. His confidence and leadership style will not let us get overconfident. "His" defense will not collapse like we did two years ago in NY. Fletcher will not allow it. Count on it.

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Jim Mora??


Try Wellington Mara.


His grand daughter was HOT. Remember when she sang the National Anthem before the game started (sorry that's all my mind will allow me to remember)?

Anyways, hottie.

I'm hoping that Gibbs will remember that very thing and prepare this team accordingly. Besides I'd like to think that this team is in fact better than 05 but there is no evidence to really back that up so far. They just FEEL/SEEM to be playing better

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Valid concern. This is where good coaching, and team leadership in the locker room comes in to play. And it all starts on the practice field this week. Its good to have guys like London Fletcher on the defensive side. Not sure what vet fills that role on the offensive side. ARE probalby won't practice much this week. Portis isn't really that guy. Maybe its time for JC to fill that void.. He's young, and doesn't have any experience to lean on in this type of situation, but he's surprised us at every turn.

I'll be watching the reports from practice this week for signs of how we'll play on Sunday.

<insert the allen iverson practice quote here>

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gb, with particular attention on favre, are prone to turning it over. that being said, as long as we take care of business on o...force a few mistakes, we'll be okay. ...more i think on it...that's how you win every week iguess. very similar gameplan that we had for det will do...all about execution of course

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