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RE: The fumble overturned by instant replay


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it seemed like the ball was moving out of his hands, BUT then he gained possesion of it again and then his knee hit. THEN once his knee hit the ground the ball came out again and we ended up with it. SO.. if thats what happened and I think that is...then its not a fumble.

For real? You looked at that play (specifically from the angle they only showed once) and determined it showed him regaining control in the fraction of a second between the hit and when his knee touched the ground.

That explains hung juries. :)

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To be fair, it's a lot clearer to TV viewers watching from a sideline camera with the assistance of the blue line to indicate the line of scrimmage.

Though I do agree that he was a good yard and a half or so over the LOS when he passed.

I agree common sense indicates it's a hard call to make ... but honestly, in almost 40 years of watching football I don't think I've ever seen that call missed that badly before. Usually the zebras are so dialed in to the LOS on a scramble like that they'll catch it if the guy's toenail is over the line, much less his whole body at least a yard over.

I've been amazed in the past at how accurate the refs have been in making that call. This is the first time I've been amazed at how badly they seemed to have missed it.

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It looked like he still had possesion when his knee hit to me... The ball definitely moved, but it looked like he trapped it momentarily. When his knee hit, he could no longer hold on.

I dont know, I think it was a tough call. I probably would have overturned it too, to be honest.

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It looked like he still had possesion when his knee hit to me... The ball definitely moved, but it looked like he trapped it momentarily. When his knee hit, he could no longer hold on.

I dont know, I think it was a tough call. I probably would have overturned it too, to be honest.

Well, that's the thing. To overturn it, you're supposed to have "indisputable visual evidence." Here it clearly was not. If it's "a tough call" even for those who think he DIDN'T fumble, ignoring the stated criteria for reversal and saying you'd reverse it anyway shows a disregard for the rule. Which is what it almost seems the replay official did.

The call on the field was fumble. Absent the "indisputable visual evidence" that anyone has yet to make a serious case existed, the call should have stood.

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Apparently you don't remember several seasons back where the NFL sent us notes confirming that improper calls by the refs could have cost us 2 or 3 (I forget) games during that season.

Also, complaining about bad calls only after losses is evidence that your just a whiner.

I'm also POed because a bad ref call in game 1 made the game go into OT. Another bad call might have made the game a lot closer than it should've been. The 17-9 lead we probably would've had going into q4 that would've soon been a 24-9 lead makes the 4th much more enjoyable for me (and this isn't considering any emotional lift we might have had).

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Whether or not it was a fumble isn't really the problem here. The lack of "indisputable visual evidence" is the problem. The call on the field was a fumble, the replays didn't show anything that was indisputable.

It was funny, as soon as it went to replay, I looked at my wife and said "you know we're getting ****ed on this call, right?" She didn't even miss a beat, just said "yep"

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I don't think it was a fumble. He caught it, bobled it, got possisesion, knee hit, bobbled it again, and then lost it.

But when his knee hit, he had it.

By the letter of the law, it was not indisputable, however - watch other games besides Redskins. 99% of the time they don't use the indisputable measure. They use a "more then likely" rule.

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There was an angle that showed the ball clearly moving before the knee was down, but in their rush to get back to Barkley they only showed it once (though they did find time, curiously, to show the other, poorer, angle that showed squat, several times).

Assuming the NFL replay officials actually looked at the other angle, how they determined it was indisputable is questionable. I'm not a conspiracy guy, but I don't kid myself that there isn't such a thing as a home-field call. That was one.

Yep a "home-field" call especially in Philly.

I think the refs were scared the Eagle fans would kill them if they didn't overturn the call :2cents:

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There was an angle that showed the ball clearly moving before the knee was down, but in their rush to get back to Barkley they only showed it once (though they did find time, curiously, to show the other, poorer, angle that showed squat, several times).

Assuming the NFL replay officials actually looked at the other angle, how they determined it was indisputable is questionable. I'm not a conspiracy guy, but I don't kid myself that there isn't such a thing as a home-field call. That was one.

Yep. After I saw that reverse angle where the ball is clearly shifting (sliding out of his grip, against his jersey), I thought there was no way that the official would overturn the call on the field.

How wrong I was. :(

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The ball wiggled? The ball moved a little bit? come on guys, we aren't that desperate are we?

"Desperate"? Are you kidding? If the ball is moving, that means the receiver doesn't have control of it. If he doesn't have control of it, then that means its a fumble. I don't see any stretching, here. Do you agree or disagree that the ball was moving before he touched the ground?

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The ball wiggled? The ball moved a little bit? come on guys, we aren't that desperate are we?

Regardless of whether people on here feel the ball wiggled, was fumbled, secured or was bobbled the entire time (and therefore incomplete), the point is the evidence was inconclusive... so no, we aren't desperate at all. We're right. Apparantly we know the replay rules better than the head ref did.

I am almost positive, based on the one angle everyone has referred to, that it was a fumble. However, "almost" means the evidence was inconclusive and therefore "The ruling on the field stands, first down Redskins."

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There was an angle that showed the ball clearly moving before the knee was down, but in their rush to get back to Barkley they only showed it once (though they did find time, curiously, to show the other, poorer, angle that showed squat, several times).

I thought the play was close enough that it might be overturned, but hoped it wouldn't be. So I wasn't really that upset.

However, I thought the monday night crew gave Barkley way too much air time. And I found it to be very distracting. I am soooo glad that we won't have to watch the skins on MNF anymore this season. What a lousy crew they have assembled. I hate having to stay up that late, and Kornheiser totally sucks.

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The officials explanation upon overturning was that "the receiver caught the ball, and maintained possession with a knee down" therefore was down by contact.

This is totally inconsistent with the only scenario adequate for reversing the call on the field.

In order for the call to be reversed the official must have determined that the receiver caught the ball, fumbled it and regained possession before his knee hit the ground. This was clearly not the conclusion the official explained.

The Redskins won the game therefore, in some regard, it is useless to review this. Still, I am troubled that some members still feel that the correct call was made, when it's clear the guidelines for proper review were subverted.

It's one thing for an official to say they cannot overturn a successful 2 point conversion because there is no indisputable evidence that Alstott did not breach the goaline. It is an entirely different scenario when an official reverses a call based on the indisputable rule, where there clearly was no evidence to do so, and then fails to give an adequate explanation.:2cents:

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