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Jaws on the Redskins


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I'm not sure that there's necessarily been an offensive philosophy change. Nothing's quite that black and white. But I think that what they're doing is establishing an identity, from the ground up. Start with the run. Establish it. Work in the play action. And as your young quarterback gains confidence and experience, start to open it up. I think its the smart thing to do, and if it goes to plan, we should see a more wide open "saundersesq" attack as we get further along. All the while, predicated on running the ball.

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I think when the other team makes it clear that they are going to do short drops and heavy protection schemes, Williams is going to back off of the blitz and go coverage. This, of course, is called good coaching. Trust me, if the other team wants to spread it out and wing it all over the field, GW will bring intense heat.

Thank you. Miami was only sending 3 guys out into routes on most of the plays. That's an advantage for us if teams want to play like that the rest of the season. Philly wont, and you will see some blitzes Monday - count on it.

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I see the difference. We are adapting to our strenghts. We have two outstanding running backs. Betts could start on alot of teams in the NFL. We are using our running backs to wear out the opposing defence. Meanwhile we dont need a peyton manning. Just a QB that can make the throws when needed. JC is that guy. He will be that QB. Naturally our RBs will open up everything for JC. There doing the right thing. Manage one game at a time. One week we will open things up and the next we might pound the rock. Ill take the win no matter how it comes. HTTR.....

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I think when the other team makes it clear that they are going to do short drops and heavy protection schemes, Williams is going to back off of the blitz and go coverage. This, of course, is called good coaching. Trust me, if the other team wants to spread it out and wing it all over the field, GW will bring intense heat. It's just hard to get to any QB, much less a savvy one like Green, when he gets rid of the ball in 2 seconds or less.

When the other team moves away from what they want to do to counter you, you've won half the battle. :)

Yup. GW is not blitz-happy. He doesn't blitz a lot. What he does do is disguise his defense very well so you don't know when the blitz is coming, or from where. This will force teams will less-than-stellar pass protection to lean on the short-passing game. And that isn't a bad thing.

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I still don't understand why everyone thinks that Al Saunders' and Joe Gibbs' philosophies are so different. Saunders always had a great running game when he was in KC, always. Just because he put together a very good offense doesn't mean it was a wide-open, throw every down offense. In fact, name the great KC WRs of the last 7 years?

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I actually would be disappointed if we DID spread the defense out and try to gun them down with the passing game. Gibbs/Redskins football is about running and setting up play action. If we started spreading teams out more I don't think that would play to our strengths.

As for the defense, I think we didn't blitz because we felt that if they kept dumping off to their RBs/TEs all day, their drives would eventually fizzle out, which they did. Considering the talent of Philly's RB and TE, we can't do that in the upcoming game. I would like to see more blitzes, but that depends on GW's impression of our corners. If Springs plays, we'll probably see more blitzes; if Springs plays very little like last game, we won't.

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I'm not worried about the lack of blitzes. If whatever mysterious thing is going on with Springs evens out I think we'll be seeing a lot more pressure being put on. If I'm GW, knowing 24 is back there makes me a lot more comfortable blitzing ST or a corner (of which we did neither last week, if I recall).

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I still don't understand why everyone thinks that Al Saunders' and Joe Gibbs' philosophies are so different. Saunders always had a great running game when he was in KC, always. Just because he put together a very good offense doesn't mean it was a wide-open, throw every down offense. In fact, name the great KC WRs of the last 7 years?

The biggest difference in the two is this:

Al's scheme spreads and stretchs the field and uses the pass to set up the runs underneath. Joe's is the traditional run to set up play action approach.

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I was driving home last night from the airport and heard Jaws on a 950AM (local Philly radio station) and he had some interesting points on the Skins-Eagles game:

1. Said we are not a blitzing team and play soft off the corners. Didn't really analyze this much but also stated that McNabb is not the same guy as in the past... can't make the great scramble plays any longer.

2. When asked about JC he said he is the type of QB that needs to be managed to 22- 25 throws a game (i.e. he won't be tossing 40 balls anytime soon.) He can attack all areas of the field with a great arm and is by no means a statue. While not a scrambling type of QB, can move around, is hard to bring down, and can make some plays with his legs.

3. On the INT, said that Campbell telegraphs his receiver and a seasoned safety like Dawkins will definitely pick up on this and get picks.

4. Said that after watching the Skins-Fins game that the Skins have gone back to the smashmouth football of Gibbs past. This is not the Saunders offense we saw last year.

I was surprised that he thinks our offensive philosophy has changed… just curious if the rest of you think that we will see a dramatic change this season versus the last 7 games of last year. I thought the offense was coming around in those games and finding some identity. Nice pass-rush mix. I would be a bit disappointed if we didn’t try to spread the field more as Campbell settles in this season.

I was also surprised that Jaws didn’t point out Campbell’s TD-INT ratio last year. I think it was quite good for a rookie and while there is some validity to keeping the young QB’s touches to a minimum (especially given our run game) I see the Miami game as more of an anomaly then the norm.

I like our smash mouth approach or offensive philosophy, run the ball until they find a way to stop us. With our two back system, we can wear defenses down all the way to the 4th quarter. And with CP and Betts sharing the load, they'll both be fresh and ready through the entire game. It was obvious against the Dolphins.

But sooner or later, JC is going to get this passing game going. I just hope he catches on quick and learns on the go.

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The biggest difference in the two is this:

Al's scheme spreads and stretchs the field and uses the pass to set up the runs underneath. Joe's is the traditional run to set up play action approach.

I think your description of Joe's is what Al believes as well. I think this time around Joe has decided he is going to take fewer chances (sometimes to a fault) but their philosophies are very similar. You don't get in the top 10 in rushing attempts 5 out of 6 years using the pass to set up the run.

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I rarely like, or listen, to Jaws especially when the Philly Turds are involved, but those are some decent points. I don't understand why GW is not blitzing more. Campbell needs to learn to look off his recievers better and I think that we are more of a smash mouth team than last year.

I like him actually. He's not always right, but he seems to be one of the very few that actually take the time to watch the games instead of just looking at stats. He's usually more accurate than anyone else.

I hope Gibbs doesn't think this way, but I fear he does.

As an NFL defensive coordinator, I'd salivate at the opportunity to play such a predictable opponent.

What do you mean? If we get more carries that would usually mean that we're not playing from behind and are able to still run late in the game and wear down a defense? How is that not a good thing?

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I think your description of Joe's is what Al believes as well. I think this time around Joe has decided he is going to take fewer chances (sometimes to a fault) but their philosophies are very similar. You don't get in the top 10 in rushing attempts 5 out of 6 years using the pass to set up the run.

I really find it hard to believe that Joe Gibbs went after Al Saunders and gave him two mil to come here and run the offense as Joe ran his in 2005.

I'm not sure why you think that the number of rushing attempts signals anything at all. How many play action passes have you seen compared to the number of draws and draw fakes? The latter are characteristic of the Saunders approach.

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What do you mean? If we get more carries that would usually mean that we're not playing from behind and are able to still run late in the game and wear down a defense? How is that not a good thing?

The poster was suggesting a game plan to run the ball 34 times a game. You are talking about the number of carries as a signal of what has happened in a game.

Apples and oranges.

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I usually appreciate Jaws' insight, but I can't buy in to his thoughts during Eagles week. It's the only team his personal biases start to creep in to his analysis. (Not this piece specifically but in a general sense)

I'll be more interested in his opinion after we whup their ass~

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we've only played one game. let's give it a while before we ID a trend, philosophy or bad habits by a player. Every QB 'telegraphs' a pass now and then although the young ones do it more.

Everyone at the game knows he looked a receiver (usually ARE) from the snap to the throw all game long. If he does look around, it's always left to right.

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we've only played one game. let's give it a while before we ID a trend, philosophy or bad habits by a player. Every QB 'telegraphs' a pass now and then although the young ones do it more.

Very good point. :applause:

I too rather wait and see couple of more games before jumping the gun. You really are not going to be able to make a good assessment until you have seen at least 6-8 games.

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This isn't Saunders style of offense simply because Campbell is not ready for it. Once Jason gets a dozen or so successful starts under his belt, then I assume you will see his leash loosened.

The blessing is, that if Campbell has a game that he regresses in his development, we can always revert to smashmouth.

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Yeah, if we are going to judge teams on Week 1's performance and establish identities then Minnesota's Defense is going carry them to the Super Bowl.

But, Jaws brings up some good points and football is his full time job where it's just my passion. I will be surprised if Dawkins' gets a pick and I think our special teams will help dictate field position.

Normally, I would not like our chances in Phily on a Monday Night but I have a feeling.

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4. Said that after watching the Skins-Fins game that the Skins have gone back to the smashmouth football of Gibbs past. This is not the Saunders offense we saw last year.

I was surprised that he thinks our offensive philosophy has changed… just curious if the rest of you think that we will see a dramatic change this season versus the last 7 games of last year. I thought the offense was coming around in those games and finding some identity. Nice pass-rush mix. I would be a bit disappointed if we didn’t try to spread the field more as Campbell settles in this season.[/color] [/color]


Every time we start winning, the media says we have "returned to smash mouth football." I don't put a whole lot of credence into the idea that we've changed our offense.

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